December 1953 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' GrCilllmar School Magazine

December. ·1953

December, 1953

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


Congratulations to the following:-

TENNIS CLUB Once a gain comes the time ·to write our annual ' 'Tennis Club' ' notes. Our Saturday afternoons have, as usual, been very happy and pleasant; and it is very pleasing to note a great improvement in the standa1·d of play. On 28th Mar·ch, we held our visitors ! afternoon, and after tennis, we all drove to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peel, where everyone enjoyed a barbecue, and later a sing-song and dance. Thanks very much, Mr. and Mrs. Peel, for a lovely evening. A dance was ananged at the Boathouse for 5th June, but this, unhap- pily, was not a financial success, due to poor attendance, but those who came had an enjoyable dance. However, to help swell our bank balance, we conducted a mffle, which was dTawn on 12th October, at School. vVe ar .e happy to report that we achieved our object on this venture, thanks to the work of members who sold tickets. Earlier in 1953 we presented the School with a concrete tennis roller for the Old Girls' Courts, and once again we are very pleased to be able to award cups to the present gi1·ls who will be runners-up of the Senior and Junior Singles Championships. This year, the Q.G.S.S.C. held their tournament on the Gn1mma1· Co urts, and we cong1·atulate our School on once again winning . thP Sylvia Dixon Shield. On this day, our club members acted as umpires, and they are to be congratulated on their good umpiring. In conclusion we wish to thank Miss Crooks for allowing us to use the courts, which is greatly appreciated by all members, and to wish Miss Crooks, Matron, the ·Staff, the O.G.A., and all present girls, ~. very happy Christmas and a prospeTous New Year. -B. LANSBURY (Convenor). QUEENSLAND GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOL CLUB This club, with which we are affiliated, and an · members of the O.G.A. can join, was founded in 1946. This year the three delegates to the Board of Directors are: Misses G. Nevill, E. Furness and F. Cossins. On the third Thursday each month a social evening is held, to which all members can bring their friends, and supper is provided. This year there have been films, debates, musical lectures (Farnsworth Hall), etc. Handicraft classes are given each week, including millinery, leather- woi·k, lampshades, etc. Square Dan cing is now being held every second Friday in the Club Rooms. Miss G. Nevill, O.G.A., is one of the Club's delegates to the National Council of Women. The Club held a gift stall at the N.C. of Women Fair. Under the kind p ermission of Miss L. Crooks, the An:nual Tennis 'l'ournament for the Sylvia Dixon Shield was held on the B.G.G.S. (!Ourts on Satmday, 24th October, at 12.30 p.m. The matches were won by Grammar for _the eighth year in succession. Our tennis team was: Mrs. Sybil Elms (Captain), Mrs. Jean Scarborough, Mrs . Esme Knowles, and Miss Dawn Bennett. The B.G.G.S.O.G.A. Committee supplied cups of tea for the thirsty pln~·e rs. --FAY COSSINS (Delegate). 48

Science Graduate: Pam Watkins. Physiotherapy Diploma: Barbara Parker. Best wishes are extended to the following Old GirIs in their forth . coming examinations:- Arts: Ailsa Banbury, Barbara Cochrane, Janet Antcliff, :Fay Muir, Alison Thatcher, Beth Marriott, Ann Walton, Maureen O'Connell, Marie Knowles. Physiotherapy Degree: Jennifer Rogers, Jennifer Raymond, Ruth Hooper, Barbara Roberts. Diploma: Betty Bannister. Engineering: Gillian White. Medicine: Eva Popper, Joan Lowrey, Margot Mciver, Clemence Hedges, Honora Clemesha. Science: Barbara Payne, J udith Lang, Anne Baird, Stephanie Catch- poole. Ag. Science: Daphne Nunn. Physical Education: Elizabeth Marks, Cecily Street Leslie Anderson. Elizabeth Marks and Lesley Anderson are repre~entatives in the University Basketball team. Congratulations and good wishes to the following Old Girls:-


Beryl Johnston to John van de Hoef. Joyce Hamilton to Des. Heffeman. Margaret Marks to Hal. Gehrmann. Barbara Howden to Baden Cook. Marjory Olive Johnson to William Roy Woolley. Jan Tracy to Terry Knight. Mary England . Dorothy Coombs. Gloria Blair.

Gwen McDonald. Nell Adermann. Mavis Youlton to Keith Hoy. Essie Florence to Alex. Anderson.


1952- 29th Nov.-Marjorie Olive Johnson to William Roy Woolley. 1953 May-Margaret Bryan to Tony Wood. Beryl Freeman to July-Mary England to Alison Reedman to Peter Hunt. Aug-Juanita Pryke to 19th Sept.-Valda Hendren to Bryan Ridgeway (Melbourne) .

.June Bates to Judith Bubb to Pat Thorn to M. Henderson. Sue Catling to


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