December 1953 School Magazine
December, 1953
, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
December, 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
Beverley Bancroft has returned to our shores and at the time of going to Press was a member of the teaching staff of Clayfield College. Also back home are Berenice Meyers and Marion Williams. The la tter has been entertaining her many friends with h er films she took whilst touring around. Arvane Barry seems to be having an extended stay in New Z:ealand. Dora Krummel ha s left Austra lia for a tour overseas. Joan Godfrey sailed early in the year with the Florence Nightingale Scholar- ship in her ba g. Alicia Lambert has had an exciting experience and a change from her nursing duties. She travelled as a hostess on a tourist coach aCI·os~ l!'rance to Noi·th Italy, with P a ris as her headquarters. Fortunately, she found spare time to see the Coronation from a very good vantage point, we hear. Mrs. E. B. Freeman has been re-elected President of the National Council of Women. Miss Beth Cavaye has just been elected to the Execu- tive Committee of the same body. Congratulations to both members. B eth has lately joined the ranks of the hard-working town girls. Just ask her what it is like to sleep-in these days. Incidentally, Beth is Sec- I·etary of the Soroptomist Club o. Queen sland, which is affiliated with its mother club in England. Barbara Parker, a former committee member, is a member of the physiotherapy staff of the B.G.H. June Wheeler is back from Ade la ide and is prepa ring for an overseas trip next year. Another one counting her pennies is M~~orgaret Peel. How's the handicap these days, Margaret ~ LyndaJ. Edmiston continues to do well at the Sydney Conservatorium. Marjorie Woolley (nee Johnson) now living in Toowoomba. Jean Williamson (McDiarmid) is a member of the teaching staff of St. Catherine's (Warwick). Miss H. Campbell travelled to a Y.W.C.A. Conference in Victoria l'ecently. Ruth Dart is causing quite a discussion in Brisbane. Any truth in the rumour, Ruth ~ Mrs. P . Hambly paid a visit to Brisbane from Sydney during the yem·. Glori.a Blair has been excelling herself a t tennis dming 1953. Con- gratulations. Mrs. G. L. Byth had the misfortune to break h er forearm prier to the N.C. of Women's Fair in .June. The O.G.A. sincerely hopes that all is well again. Beth Dawson should still be very proud of the g1·and effort t hat h er team made las t year in th e first -aid competition in Sydney : First for 1952 in a nation-wide contest. I Diana Evans continues to climb the ladder of success overs eas . After a month in Italy she had returned to rehea rse for the re-opening of the Sadler's W ells Opera. H er latest · effort was ~o sing in the choir of sixteen voi ces a t the F estival Hat!, London, in the Sei·enade to Music, ananged by Austmlia House, to enabl e Austr ali ans and New Zealanders to wish bon voyage to the Queen and the Dnke of Edinburgh ere their depa.rtme on their tour. ,.,7
A t the National Council of Women 's Fair, held in the City Hall , on W ednesdav and Thursday, the 17th and 18th June respectively, your Old Girls A;sociation was asked to be I·esponsible for a coat-hanger stall. The Committee and a few Old Girls rallied Tound and covered approximately 450 hang('lrs, Tanging fro_n babies to adul~ ones. . Our President convened the stall winch was decorated m the CoronatiOn colours r ed white and blue. This' was the colour scheme for the entii·e fair a~d lo~ked Yery effectiYe and in keeping _with_ t~e time of the year. I'Ve were situated ill a very convenient spot JUSt Inside the door of the Concert Hall. Once again, your President worked exceedingly hard and by her efforts and a little of. ou~·s th_rown in for .good measure, yo~r Associa tion came out on the cTedit side w1th £16/ 2/-, after all expenses we1 e paid. FILM EVENING On Friday, 11th September, at 8 p.m., in t~e Main ~all at Schoo~, your CommittPe attempted to hold a successful film evenmg but, owmg to th e apathy
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