December 1953 School Magazine

December. 1953

December, 1953

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES Founded 1899. Annual Subscription 7/6, due 1st February each year . Life Membm·ship, SeYen and a half guineas; Badge 3/6.

Nevill suggested that we could possibly join in the Nationa l Council of Womrn 's Fair on 17th and 18th June. The Mile of Pennies was discussed and it was decided to leaYe this to the Committee's discretion. Tl1is concluded t he business of t he meeting.

Office-Bearers 1953-54 President: Mrs. T. G. Bain. Vice-Presidents: Miss E. Cavaye, Miss M. Marks. P ast President: Mrs. Sybil Elms. Secretary: Miss Joan Beech. Assistant Secretary: Miss Beryl Johnston . T1·easmer: Miss Margaret Mittelheuser.


OLD GIRLS ' DAY Our first f unction for the year was O.G. Day, held at the Sehool on Saturday, 11th April. As usual, the weather played havoc with the afternoon and th e customary Tennis and Basketball matches ha d to be can- celled. Instead, Misses M. and E . Marks organised Volleyball in the School Gym., which caused quite an amount of amusement to all concerned. A very successful High Tea and Square Dancing concluded the day. Over one hundr ed people crowded the dining room for tea and kept yom committee movil1g to supply the food. This number was incr eased consider- ably for Square Dancing, for which we must here say a hearty thank-you to our energetic callers , Margaret and Elizabeth Marks, and to our pianiste, who

Members of Committee: Miss L. Crooks (ex officio), Misses E. Marks, F. Cossins, B. Bannister, M. O'Connell, E. Westaway (resigned August, 1953) and Anne B aird (elected September, 1953 ) . Hon. Auditor: Mrs. Sylvia Jury. Membership for 1953: 547 Financial Members; 44 Life Members. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 'l.'he 54th Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, 6th February, at 7.45 p.m. Mrs. Elms presided, there being a good attemlance of members, including two of om original members of the O.G.A., the Misses E. A. and ·M. Ste-wart. , The Annual Report for the year 1952 was read by yom Secretary, and comments were called for thereon. The Financial Statement was presented by the T1·easurer (a copy of which is printed at the end of these notes for your perusal) and con- gratulations were the order of the night for a very pleasing report . The two funds, the Library Furnishing Fund and the School Improve· ment Fund, were discussed at length. Om Treasurer suggested that the balance of the Library Fumishing FUnd be transferred to the School Improvement Fund, which was agreed upon by members present . Reports from om representatives to our one club and affiliated bodies were r ead as follows :- Tennis Club by Maria Kravchenko, National Coun- cil of Women by Mrs. L. G. Byth, Q.G.S.S. Club by Miss Fay Cossins. Miss E. G. Cavaye moved that the Life Membership of the O.G..'\.., confened on Miss Lilley by the Association in April, 1952, be confirmed. Seconded by Miss N. Campbell. The 1·etiring President, Mrs. S. Elms, thanked the Committee and the Association for their help to her during her term of office and then announced the incoming President for 1953 as Mrs. Yvonne Bain. The election of office·bearers followed. These are listed at the beginning of these notes. Mr s. G. L. Byth and Miss E. G. Cavaye were unanimously re-elected as delegates to the National Council of Women. After much discussion, Misses G. Nevill, E. Furness and F. Cossins were re-elected as representatives to the Board of Directors of the Q.G.S.S. Club . Mi ss Anne Bai1·d was elected as O.G.A. representative to the A.B.C. Youth Concert Committee. Mrs. Sylvia Jury was re-elected as Hon. Auditor for 1953. Activities for 1953 were discussed and it was announced that Sir John Lavarack would recein• t he debs . at the Annual Grammar Ball. Miss 44

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