December 1953 School Magazine
December, 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1953
1952- 18th Dec.-Mr. and MI"s. Charles GTeeu (Nancy Cavaye), a son. 1953- 10th Feb.-Mr. and Mrs . Don Collins (Rae Meeuse), a daughter. 23rd March-M1·. and Mrs. Tuffley (Joan Money), a son. May- MT. and Mrs . Co lin McCowan (1:3etty Ferguson), a daughter. Mr . and MrR. Cummins (Betty Selvage), a daughter. July-Mr. and Mrs . Pascoe (Joy L ingard), a son. 17th Sept.-Ml'. and MI"s. Roy Pascoe (R.osa Micheli), a sou. Mr. and Mrs. A1·vier (Alison Berry), a son. MT. and Mrs. R. Gustavason (Lesley Richmond), a son. Oct-Mr. and Mrs. Bingemanu (Phyllis Heath), a son. Lieut. and Mrs. Ivon Benney (Joan Anderson), a sou. DEATHS Our sympathy is extended to the relatives of Jean Baird, who passed away on 28th May , 1953. Many of us knew what odds she was battling against, but for all that she remained resolute to the end. She was one of the debs. in 1951 and even then, in the midst of Tehearsals had to fly to Sydney for certain tests to be made of her heart. This year she willingly gave her time as pianiste for the debs. ' rehearsals, and one can imagine the heavy hearts that many had the n ight of our Annual Ball. GENERAL INFORMATION The Annual General Meeting of the O.G.A. will be held on Friday, 12th February, at 7.45 p.m. All girlR leaving school are cordially invited to attend and join the Association. Present members are advised that their annual sub. of 7/6 is due on 1st February, 1954. Any old girl manying or leaving the ·State, would you please let the Secretary have your new name and address, so we may keep our filing system up-to-elate. The deb. list will be opened at the Annual Meeting, not before, so if you wish to make your debut at the Grammar Ball on the last Friday in May, give your name to the Secretary that night. Numbers are limited to twenty. Lastly, Old Girls, I may cry in vain, but please support your Association. If you have any suggestions for functions, your Com- mittee would love to have them, either at the A.G.M. or by letter, whichever you p1·efer. Vi' e are there to look after your intel'ests, so please help us by attending functions. Next year, 1954, we have the Grammar Fair, so please make this an outstanding success. The O.G.A. wishes all girls, present and past, the very best of luck in their forthcoming examinations. To Miss· Crooks, the Staff, _Matron and her Staff, we say thank you for all your support through 1953 and a very Meny Christmas and a Bright and P1·osperous New Year f1·om the O.G.A. -JOAN BEECF!j, Ron. Secretary, B .G.G.S.O.G.A. 50
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