December 1953 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1953
December, 1953
Results of Tennis Matches A grade
B.G.G.S. v . Ipswich Grammar, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won by St. Margaret's B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won by Somerville. B.G.G.S. v. State High School, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Hilda 's, won by B.G.G.S. B Grade B .G.G.S. v. Ipswich Grammar, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won by Somerville. B.G.G.S. v . State High School, won by B.G.G.S. B .G.G.S. v. St. Hilda 's, won by B.G.G.S.
BASKET-BALL The Basketball season began, as usual, this year , with an enjoyable mat ch ag·ainst the Old G~rls, when our A an? B teams were victorious. For tha first time we played the Umver- sity Basketball Team, whom we narrowly defeated. Perhaps the outstanding matGh of the season was t~at against Somerville House, which we won forty-one. goals to SIX. In the final match, which the A Team played agamst Clayfield Colleo-e we were successful by thirty-three goals to twelve. The B Team were closely defeated by Somerville House, twenty- three goals to twenty-one. This year's Inter-Form Basketball provided much excite- ment for the School, particularly in the finals , where Form V lost to the more experienced Sixth-Formers. We wish to thank the girls who willingly helped with the afternoon tea and for their assistance during the year. The· teams are g;eatly indebted to Mrs. Rorke, wh?se co~tinued interest and invaluable assistance helped greatly m makmg the season such a marked success. T:he resttlts of Inter-school Mat ches are as follow:- A. Team B.G.G.S. v. Ipswich Grammar School, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won by B.G.G.S. B .G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won by B .G.G.S. B.G.G.S. Y. Brisbane State High School, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . St. Hilda's, won by B.G.G.S . 21
B TENNIS TEAM, 1953. Dawn Dun c-~- n, De ll Mu ll er , Joyce Hawes, He lene King.
Criticisms of the Team ANN WANCHAP. Ann has played ver y consistently throughout the season . H er ground shots are firm and accurate, and her volley and servi ce very sound. She well deserved being pla ced in the honours for the " Telegraph " Blue. BERIS TOMKINS has been a r eliable t eam member , her strongest point being a ver y powerful forehand drive, but her backhand is .weak. H er Yolley and service are sound, but g-reat er speed on t he court would strengthen her game. KATHLEEN COOK has improved consider ably since t he beginning· of the season . Although her pla. , is occasionally erratic, she covers the court quickly and pla ces· the balls well. Her volley and smash ar e her best shots and she is a good doubles player. - M. MeL., VI. MARGARET McLUCKIE, Captain of the Team, is a sound p layer , with good forehand nnd backhand shots, but she lacks concentration in match-play . She has r eached a good standard. -M.W.R. 20
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