December 1953 School Magazine
December, 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Gi:rls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1953
Final Match:- B.G.G.S. v. Clayfi eld College, won by B.G.G.S. B. Team B .G.G.S. v . Ipswich Grammar Scliool, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Mar garet 's, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won by Somerville House. B.G.G.S . v . Brisbane State High School, won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . St. H ilda 's, won by B.G.G.S. -P. R. N., VI.
B BASKETBALL TEAM, 1953 . Gillian Klein schmidt (Capta in) , Dawn Bart lett, Jennifer Meredith, Alwyn Donaldson , Max ine Huddy , Joce lyn Mc iver , Glenda Mach in.
LOIS MURPHY, defen ce wing. Her intercepting and handling of the ball were satisfactor y, and she helped to main- tain a high stanclard of play in the centre cou rt. SHIRLEY ROONEY, centre, played consi>:tently through- out the season. Her centre pi'lsses were well con troll ed and she mFide every effort to defend in the centre court . ROLENE COLLEDGE, assistant goaler , p layed soundly in each match . Although her speed on the court was not up to the standard of her goaling, we hope that she will form the nucleus ·of a strong team next year. JILL MALOUF, goaler , ha s a very high standard of goal- ing, but her play, and that of her assistant, was too slmY for the speedy passing of the rest of the team. -P.R. N., VI. PAMELA NAPIER, attack wing, Captain of the team, is a conscientious player, a lwa:~' s alert in match-play. Her usually successful passing is sometimes hampered by a ten- dency to hesitate. She has fulfill ed her duties as Captain in a satisfactory manner. -M.W .R. 23
A BASKETBALL TEAM , 1953 . Very"n White, Sh·irley Rooney , Rol•ene Coll edge, Pamel a Napi e r ( Ca ptain), Jill Mal ouf , Loi s Murphy, Audrey Marwood.
Criticisms of A Basket-Ball Team AUDREY MORWOOD, defence. Has been a most reliable team member. She is alert and quick to intercept and her jump- ing is good. We congratulate her on winning the ' 'Telegraph' ' Blue for Secondary School Basketball. VERYAN WHITE, assistant defence , greatly improved her play towards the end of the season. She .is a reliable member of the team, but she is sometimes erratic in match play. 22
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