December 1953 School Magazine
December. 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
December, ~953
Miss Hunter has given us several interesting talks on Mime, and these have greatly helped in our acting. We were very proud to provide the make-up used in the School's presentation of the ' 'Nutcracker Suite' ' earlier in the year; many of us took part in this production. This year we instituted a new type of meeting-what we christened an ' 'Individual Day,' ' which proved very successful, especially 0!1 the day when all the items \\ere extracts from Shakespearean plays. 0"\lr Play Night this year will be held in the last week of term, and rehearsals for this function are responsible for the strange sounds which issue from the Laboratory on Wednesdays. We extend our thanks to Miss Hunter, Mrs. Topper and Mrs. Road for the help they have given us during· the year. Mrs. Road has typed out our parts for us, and we thank her very sincerely. Miss Crooks and the members of the Staff have shown unfailing interest in our activities and we desire to express our appreciation for their support. -J. F ., VI. GRAMOPHONE CLUB The Gramophone Club , youngest and smallest of all the School clubs, has achieved much in the few meetings it has been possible to .hold without interruption. (Everything happens on ·Friday afternoons.) We commenced with some examples of Programme Music -the Carnival of Animals, Clair de Lune, touched briefly on the Classical Period, Bach, Mozart, passed on to the Romantic Movement, Chopin, Shubert, Schumann, where we lingered over German Lieder and compared it with Folk Song, and ended with the Impressionist School, Debussy-and an example of modern jazz, Gershwin. We listened to operas from \Vagner, Mozart and the Italian School, Miss Simonds providing the words iri the original languages, and agreed to differ on their respec- tive merits. We hope to analyse a symphony, possibly Beethoven's fifth, to contrast chamber and orchestral music and to listen to church music in the near future . Our thanks are due to last year's Fifth Form, who provided a fund for records, and to those friends of the Club who gen- erously lent records. To Miss Simonds, who has shown us the architecture of music and stimulated our appreciation and interest with her own provocative opinions and with strongly contrasting illustrations from different schools of music, we offer our grateful thanks. · -L. M. and E. R., VI. 18
The season opened with a most e";.1joyable match against the Old Girls which provided the teams with much experience for the Inter:school matches to follow . ·The Old Girls won the A Grade and the Present Girls the B and C Grades. , Althouo·h both our teams failed to take the Premiership this year, the standard was high and the ~atc~es v.ery keenly and closely contested, Somerville House bemg v1ctonous. In the Inter-Form Competition III E gave a very credit- able performance in defeating V and reaching the finals, but there VI proved to have the strong-est team. The School Championships, which are now in progress, have attracted a large number of entries this year and compe- tition is very keen. Our thanks go to Mr. Moon for his vah:a?le coaching throughout the year, and to the girls who so w1lhngly helped with afternoon-teas and scored for our matches. -M. MeL, VI.
A TENNIS TEAM , 195.3. Beris Tomkins , Margaret McLuckie (Captain), Kathleen Cook , Ann Wanchap.
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