December 1951 School Magazine
December, 195~
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
B~isbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1951
- News comes of Cicely Sandercock and Diana Evans. Both girls have had very interesting expeiriences. Cicely has had the job of reorganizing and presenting the Provirtdal Museum in Peebles, Scotland, under the direc" lion of the Royal Scottish ·Museum for the Carnegie Trust. From here she travelled to Eire and Nth: Ireland to a Museum conference, and thence across to the continent to do some sightsee ing. , Diana has been concentrating on her musical studies in Sandon and at the same time has taken -iti many superb stage productions. Whilst away she was awarded the rennainder of the Sybil Willey Trust. Our congratu- lations Diana. She has · 'hitch-hiked to Paris staying at Youth Hostels en route and has seen Grand Opera in Paris itsel!. Val Edye has just ;returned from· an interesting tour abroad, much of it spent bike-riding through the countryside of England and the Continent. . On Monday, June 4th our · ·cbmmittee entertained one of the Vice-Pres- idents, Yvonne West. at a dinner and Theatre Party and made a present- ation to her on behalf of the O.G.A . on the occasion of her marriage to Mr. T. Bain. ':!: TENNIS CLUB Tennis for 1951 commenced on 3rd March and play has continued uninterrupted, except for a few rainy afternoons, throughout the year. ·we were sorry to lose the services of our very able convenor, Yvonne West, at the end of last year and Barbara Lansbury was e lected as Assistant Convenor. We started with quite a large attendance but numbers have gradually dwindled . New 'members may join by contacting either Maria Kravchenko (LL 1878) or · Barbara Lansbury (U 4574) or by coming to the School any Saturday afternoon . The Club wish to thank Miss Lilley for her kindness in allowing us the use of the School courts. We take this opportunity to wish her the Season 's Greetings and all the best in future . M. KRAVOHENKO, Convenor QUEENSLAND GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOLS' CLUB The Old Girls' Association is affiliated with this Club and membership is open to financial members of our Association. The entrance fee is £1/l/0 and annual subscription is £1/10/0 but for members under the age of 21, a reduction to 15/- has been made on condition that they have no voting power at meetings . This year the three delegates from the Grammar School on the Board of Directors are- Miss G. Nevill (President), Miss Fay Cossins anci Miss Eunice Furness. A Club Tea is held on the third Thursday of each month at 5.30 p.m., followed by Bridge and a· Social evening. Miss Weaver gave an interesting talk at one of the teas on her trip overseas. Mrs. Whitfield spoke 0 ne night on the University Women's College Ap: peal. Travel films of England and the Continent were shown by Miss Judith Gough. Classes have been arranged for members in Raffia work and Basket Making, Glove making, Macrami and also Millinery. A Hallowe'en Dance ·is to be held at the Club Rooms on the 31st October at 8 p.m. The Club Rooms are open till 7 p .m. and meals may be bought cheapQr than at a cafe . 42
The Club will finish the year with a Christmas Dinner on Thursday, the 13th December, at 6 p.m. E. FURNESS, Delegate UNIVERSITY NOTES The 0 G.A. extends heartiest congratulations 'lei the following graduates- Bachelor of Arts : Betty Baylis, Shirley Beeston, Estelle Christie, Ann Lahey.
Margaret Bryan (Second Class Honours. ) Cecily Woodyatt (First Class Honours). Bachelor of Science: Bachelor of Applied Science in Medicine:
Joyce Pearson, E'lizabeth Exley (2nd Class Honours).
Natalia Potanin, Lois Venamore.
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery : Averi! Byth. Diploma of Physiotherapy:
June Wheeler, Diana Knox, Pat Boustead,
Dell Croker. Diploma of Physical Education : Lenore Case . The following girls are continuing their studies and our best wishes are extended to them at the forthcoming examinations ;:-'-"' Arts ·: Margaret Hislop, Anne Bardsley, Phyllis Pearson, Shirley Preston, Marie Leaver, Margaret Duffin, Annette Crellin, Petra Skoien. Commerce : Ka th Quinn, Linda Pask, Sybil Reid . Physiotheraphy: Margaret Peel, Essie Florence, Barbara Parker. Medicine : Marceline Pickup. · ' Science: Marjory Parker, A. Exley, Melda Moffett, Jull Burnett. Some Old Girls have taken a prominent p'art in University doings. l\fargaret Hislop is president of the Women's Club. Marjorie Parker is secretary of the Women's Hockey Club and a member of the Inter-Varsity team which travelled interstate last August. Also members of the team were Jill Burnett, Elizabeth Marks, Sybil Reid, Katherine Quinn and Lesta Pask. Congratulations and good wishes to all Old Girls on the following lists :- ENGAGEMENTS
Patricia Mackaway to Leslie Johnson Moira Campbell to Wally Ritchie Kathleen Boyce to Richard Bennett Sylvia Cossins to Maurice Carlson Joan Anderson to Lt. Ivan Benney Rae Meeuse to Donald Collins Leah Grant to Dr. Ian McClelland Jill Melzer to E. White Jean Leckie to John Lavid Norma Karoll to Clyde Spearritt Joan Croucher to Eric Butterfield Lois Venamore to Dr. G. Dickson
David Colwin to John Way Jean Brown to John Pembroke
Dec. 15th- Lorna Angell to Clive Cook Dec. 15th-Jill Lidgard to W . Lyon Dec. 15th-Diana E:ngland to Dr. G. Cavaye Dec. 20th- Lois Freeman to John Perry Jan. 6th-Phyllis Heath to P. Bingemann Jan. 13th-Margaret Quin to R. G. Taylor 43 '
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