December 1951 School Magazine
December, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Ma,gazh>e·
Decembe.r, 19,Sl
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
to Mr. Justice and Mrs. Matthews. Our Matron-of-Honour was Mrs . H. Harris, wife : of the chairman of the combined Ball Committee. The debs, were very efficiently trained as usual by Miss Y. West assisted by Miss M. Williams. The debs . cake, the work of Penney's was in the shape of the Grammar Badge and was cut by Mrs. Matthews. Each girl received a fob brooch as a memento of the occasion. We record our gratitude to Colonel H. Harris, Chairman of the Combined Ball Committee, Miss M. Marks and Mr. B. Seele, the joint Secretaries and the mmmittee members for their excellent work .in helping to bring the Ball to a successful conclusion. Socially and financially, it was a great success, the furnishing Fund benefiting to the extent of £190. Our debs. for ·this year were-Shirley Ward, Jean Baird, Joan Deller, Marcen Dixon, Glen Wheatley, Valerie Hall, Helen HalL Jean McGhie, Rae Mecuse, Beris Howard, Betty Barralet, Barbara Lansbury, Margaret Roberts, Diane Brennan, Elva Bath, Janice Hare, Barbara Howden, Joan Mizen, Elva Dew, Margaret Hornibrook, Val Smeed, Glenda MacAndrew, Barbara Boshier, Heather .Capell, Joan McKinnon, Rowena Smith, Janette Strauss . To all these girls we offer our congratulations in helping to make this evening a huge success. CONVERSAZIONE This was a welcome to country members held at the Q.G.S.S. Club rooms on Friday, August lOth. Games and musical items were enjoyed by all present. Those contributing to the programme were Misses Marion Will- iams, Joan Crispin and Mrs. Leah Shaw. Prizes were won by Mrs. T. Bain, Misses G. Nevill, · A. Macmillan and V. Hendren. The announcement of the award of the Annie Mackay Bursary for 1950 was made by Miss Lilley during the evening, the winner being Rosemary Maclean. A buffet supper was served by members of committee. O.G.A.PRIZES The O.G.A. prizes for 1950 were awarded to Dorothy Coombes for the highest average in Fourth Form and Elizabeth Marks for Art in Form VI. ITEMS OF INTEREST Our congratulations go to Lynda! Edmiston, who has been awarded the University of Queensland Music Scholarship for 1950. This is tenable for three (3) years at a School of Music outside the state. Rumour tells us that Sydney or Melbourne will be seeing Lyndall next year. Congratulations also to Avis Wood, who gained First Prize for a hand woven linen table cloth at the R.N .A. Show. It is a masterpiece. Mrs. J. M. Patterson is now residing in Victoria for approximately two (2) years. . Natasha Potanin is a member of the Pathology Department at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Pat Hunter has donned the uniform of the Women's Royal Australian Naval Service. Alma Harts·horn has become lecturer in Medical Social Work at the University of Melbourne . June Bryant writes enehusiastically of skiing at Mt. Cook, New Zealand but is longing for a bucketfull of Queensland sunshine. Shirley Howes - an occupational therapist also travelling in New Zealand. . Audrey Madden has forsaken Old . to study occupational therapy in Sydney. Carolie Francis has travelled farther afield. Is doing library work in Hobart, Tasmania.
Mr. England gave a short preview of the School's history and introduced Miss Marks, ·who in turn made the presentation to Miss Lilley. Miss Lilley responded and spoke of the activities of the O.G.A . with great feeling. A Buffet supper was served in the dining room and guests were able to mingle with one another. Thus ended a very happy evening. ·. · FORK DINNER A Fork Dinner was held in the Main Hall at School oB Friday, March 16th at 6.30 p.m. as our first function for ·1951 following the A.G.M. Miss Fay Cossins, President, received the guests and once again the opportunity was taken to welcome new members to our Association . The tables were colour- fully decorated and flowers and ferns brightened the surroundings of the Hall. Misses Margaret Roberts, Betty Tredenick, Joan Anderson and Marion Williams entertained during the evening. OLD GIRLS' DAY Old Girls' Day was held at School on Saturday, April 14th. Opportunity was taken to raise money, by holding stalls and raffles, for our Capital Fund. The Present Girls ran a mixed stall and as they were hostesses this year the School and Staff members catered very lavishly for afternoon tea. The Old Girls conducted sweets and cakes stalls and continued the raffle of the scarf which was eventually won by Mrs. Bardsley. Approximately forty pounds was cleared towards the fund, and the O.G.A. takes this op- portunity of saying "Thank You" once again, to Miss Lilley, the Staff and School for their co-operation in making the afternoon so successful. The customary Basket-Ball and tennis matches were played against the School during the afternoon. We congratulate the present Girls on winning all three B. Ball matches but sympathise with the following Old Girls who comprised the teams-Elizabeth Marks, Nell Piedger, Sybil Rud, Joan Bartlett, Kathryn Quinn, Daphne Welch, Jill Burnett, Noela Campbell, Alison Green- halgh, Norma Karol!, Glenda . Pask, Judith Murphy, Yvonne Dalzell, Wendy Townsend, Merle Gynther, Malverne Jack and Claire Savage. ......A happier note-The tennis matches were more evenly decided, Old Girls winning A and B, Present Girls winning C and D. A team included Mesdames Elms, Simmonds, Knowles and Scarborough. B Team- Misses R. MacLean, V. Manley, B. and M. Provan. C Team-Misses J. Beech, Y. West, J. Batros, and L. Hobler. ·D Team-Misses M. Kravchenko, B. Lansbury, Coleen King, and Averil Herdmann. The Committee wish to thank Miss Elizabeth Marks and Mrs . Sybil Elms for arranging the Basket Ball and tennis teams respectively. MAY DANCE An informal dance was held at Riverside Ballroom on May 4th. The ballroom was gaily decorated in the School colour, royal blue, and stream- ers and flowers helped to produce a carnival · atmosphere. Mystery parcels were distributed during the evening. In all four hundred guests had a wonderful evening thanks to the organisation of Misses B. Johnston, M. and E. Marks and Committee. Incidentally the catering for supper was done by the O.G.A. committee .members. The furnishing fund benifited to the extent of seventy pounds (EVO) ...•) . ANNUAL BALL Once again ,our combined 'Anhual Grammar Ball was held on FriOay, June lst at Cloudland. _ The 'ballroom was decorat~d with flowers, blooms and bun~ing and during the .;:v~ning a streamer dance was held much to everyone~ amusement. T;l;lf_s.. year twenty-seven debutantes made their curstey
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