December 1951 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqa'Zine

December, 1951

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1951

looked in. You a pproach the Schloss through a village, wall- ed in, and completely feuda l in appearance-it has its own big church and appears to be entirely self-contained- quite amazing. Came back to the town and ambled round again, chewing pretzels, and feeling my heart bleed at the terrible destruction of beautiful things. ' In the afternoon I hied off by myself, and went to Goethe's house-it was destroyed but has been completely rebuilt exa ctly as the original-and all the furniture is the original stuff that was hidden away during the war. It is a four-storey house, finely a ppointed-everything in the most de lightful taste, charming wall-papers, and the most lovely rosewood furniture. Every room has a stove in finely wrought metal, and surmounted by a china chimney. The pictures are all good, and especially in a ground-floor reception room which opens out into the garden, the walls are painted with charming pictures representing the twelve months of the year. In the music room is a collection of spinets, and I was specially fa scinated with a puppet theatre that Goethe used to manip- ulate for the amusement of his family. There is a museum, too, containing many of the source books from which Goethe worked, and a number of original manuscripts-! looked with great interest at illustrations of "Fa ust". 1fS~ @@[F: ~ If: ~ ·~~ '*~ ~~ ~ ~~ Jj

OLD GffiLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES The Annual General Meeting held in the School Hall on Friday, 9th February 1951 opened the current y ear of our Associa tion' s a ctivitie s . The Committee were very pleased to see so many new faces among. our older ranks . We welcome these members to our Association , but would be very p lea sed to see more of the older members rev iving their interest in their old Association. The Annual Repor t for 1950 was presented showing a membership of 587 including 40 Life Members. Our one a nd only existing Club, Tennis Club , r eported of its activities for the yea r and our representatives to the National Council of Women and the Q.G.S.S. Club submitted the ir respective reports for our perusal. The Financial Statement at December 31st, 1950 showed Balances as follows: - General Fund, £106/ 11/2; Library Ext. Fund, £27/ 16/ 1; Life Mem- bers , £88/19/ l ; Capital Fund, £13/9/8.; Commonwealth Bonds, £100/-/-; Hon- our Board Fund, £11 0/4/5 . The election of officers resulted :- President : Miss Fay Cossins Vice-Presidents : Mrs . S. Elms , ·Miss Y. West Hon . Secretary: Miss Joan Beech Asst. Hon . Secretary : Miss Joan Anderson Hon. Treasurer : Miss E. G. Cavaye Immediate Past President: Miss Margaret Marks Committee : Miss K. M. Lilley (ex off icio), Misses B. Johnston, M. W illiams, J. Burnett, L. Edmiston , E. Marks Han. Auditor: Mrs. Sylvia Jury (nee Acton ) Mrs. G. L. Byth and Miss E. Cavaye were unamimously re-elected as delegates to the National Council of Women . The representatives to the Board of Directors of the Q .G.S.S. Club a re :- Misses G . Nevill, F. Cossins , and Furness . Miss Marion Wil liams has been the representative, on behalf of the School, to the Q' ld Symphony Orche stra Youth Concert Committee. Our Association nominates a representative to this committee at Miss Lilley's request. Discussions turned to activities for 1951. A sub-committee of approxi- mately twenty-five were appointed to assist the committee of the combined Annual Grammar Ball to be held at Cloudland on the first Friday in June. A sub-committee of s ix were also elected to assist the commit tee to run a Dance, in May, as a prelude to the Ba ll. Miss Avis Wood p resented a hand-woven scarf to the Committee to be disposed of a t their will . A raffle was commenced to be drawn on O.G. Day. ACTIVITIES FOR 1950-51 The President's "At Home" was held too la te to be repor ted in the 1950 magazine . It took the form of a mus ical evening and bu ffet supper. Guests were welcomed by Miss Lilley a nd Miss M. Marks, our President. Guests included Mr. J. E. England, Vice -Chairman of the Trustees , and Mrs . England , Present Girls from Sixth and Fifth , Form Captains of Fourth and Third Forms, a nd their parents, as w e ll as many members of the O.G.A. Despi te the fact that the evening was held in the middle of a tram s trike , it was very well a ttended. The Hall w a s gaily decorated w ith flowers and ferns . A mus ical programme w a s presented by Misses Helen Coll ins, Marion Williams, Lynda! Edmis ton (present g irls), Estelle Christie, Pam Harper and Mrs . Leah Shaw, with Miss Barbara Parker as official accompanist. During the evening a presentation of a Bookcase and Ha ll Seat was made to the School by our Pres ident to mark its 75th Anniversary a nd in honour of Miss Lilley's comp leting he r twenty-fifth year as Headmistress. 39

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