December 1951 School Magazine

December, . 1951

.Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1951

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


Feb. 3-Elsie Barnbaum to Kurt Kugelmas lsobel Handford to Lindsay Menzies Eva Lyons to Keighley M. Ward March lOth-Jean Walker to Keith Maxwell Hilary Hodgson to Mr. Tainton March 24th-Valerie Mitchell to R. B. Milne April 16th-Rhyl Sorenson to Geoff Cossins April-Jessie McCallum to A. C. Mudd May-Beryl: Little to Colin McDonald june 16th-Yvonne West to Thomas Bain Sept. 29th-Alison Berry to Astley Arvier Oct. 13th-Moir Campbell to Wally Ritchie

l. The Association shall be called "The Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Old Girls' Association".

2. Membership shall be open to all past pupils who have attended the Sdwol for a period of one year but girls who have attended/ a shorter time may be admitted as members at the discretion of the Committee.

3. Teachers, past and present, and members of Form VI, shall be invited to become honorary members of the Association.

4. The Council shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and a Committee of five members. There shall be three Vice-Presidents, one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Wel· fare Group, ex officio, whilst of the two elected Vice-Presidents, one shall be a younge_r member of the Association. The position of President shall be filled by the previous year's Senior Vice-President; the duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be those usually. pertaining to these offices, except that the Assistant Secretary shall send out circulars and keep min· utes, etc. The remainder of the Council shall be elected by ballot. The Head Mistress shall be a member of the Council ex officio. The immediate Past President shall be a member of the Committee ex officio. Any member of the Committee who is absent from 3 consecutive meetings without leave shall forfeit her seat on the Committee. Six form a quorum. 5. The annual subscription shall be seven shillings and sixpence due in · February which shall be the commencement of the Association's year. Any member going into the country may become a .country member and have her name retained on the rolls until her return, on payment of one sub- scription of ten shillings, such member to receive circulars. 7. Branch clubs may be formed for mutual improvement and amusement or for the benefit of the Association and in the interest of the school. Each club shall have a Sub-Committee to be elected annually. Further, it shall lodge with the Association Council a copy of its rules and procedure, and appoint a representative to attend Council meetings in an honorary cap- acity. 8. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid at the end of the year shall be notified of the fact by the Treasurer and requested to renew their sub- scriptions . Those members who have paid no subscription for two con- secutive years shall have their names deleted from the roll. A member wishing to resign shall give notice in writing to the Secretary, but such member may rejoin the Association at a later date. 9. No alteration or amendment shall be made to these rules except by a vote of two thirds of the members present at a General meeting called for the purpose. Seven days notice must be given of such a meeting, the notice of meeting to embody the proposed amendmsnt. At least sixty shall constitute a quorum at such a meeting. 45 6. The Annual meeting shall be held on the second Friday in February. The Association shall meet at least once in each quarter.



Aug 14th-to Mr. & Mrs. A . Anderson (nee Dorothy Donaldson), a son.


to Mr. & Mrs. D. Packer (nee Shirley Alderice), a son. March-to Mr. & Mrs. R. Gustavson (nee L. Richmond), a daughter. April-Mr. & Mrs . R. C. Shaw (nee Leah Potter), a son. May-to Mr. & Mrs. T. Schofield (nee Marcelle White), a son. Aug. 11th-to Mr. & Mrs. Tuffley (nee joan Money), a son . Aug. 20th- to Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong (nee Grace Webster), a daughter. GENERAL INFORMATION The Annual General Meeting will be held at school on Friday, 8th Feb- ruary, 1952 at 7.45 p.m. All girls leaving School are cordially invited to attend and join the Association. Present members are advised that the annual sub. of 7/6 is payable in February each year and should you wish to leave the Assoc· iation at any time a written resignation must be sent to the Secretary, otherwise you are still liable for your Annual Sub. Would any girl who is to be married or changes her address please notify the Secretary, as it will facilitate our filing system being kept up-to-date. The debutante list for 1952 will be opened at the Annual Meeting in February, so if you wish to become a deb. be early, as the number is limited to twenty . In conclusion we wish old Girls every success in the forthcoming exam- ination and also the Present Girls in the "junior" and "Senior", and extend our congratulations to the School on its sporting successes this year. A very sincere thank you goes to Miss Lilley for her most valuable help through-out the past year. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

JOAN BEECH, Hon. Sec.,

B.G.G.S.O.G.A. CONSTITUTION The objects of the Association are :-

1. To keep up a connection between past pupils and the school and to promote good fellowship amongst . past pupils. 2. To maintain an interest in the: yvelfare of the School. 44

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