December 1950 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
CURRENT EVENTS This half year has seen much activity on the sports field, some important social events, and a change in the Staff. The. first event of importance was the Inter-Form Athletics ' Day wh1ch · was he ld on the Boys' Grammar School oval on Exhibition Friday. It was a worrderful day, the honours going to IV D. The highlight of third term was the Inter-School Athletics' Carnival, in which our teams p layed confidently and skilfully and. succeeded in winning the three trophies- the Junior and Semor Cups an~ the Stephens' Cup for the highest aggregate. After the A~hl~hcs, the team, Sixth Form and the Boa rders entertame d at a High Tea by the Old Girls' Association. Th1s was much apprecmted and formed a hapoy conclusion to a great day. - . Parents' Day in third term was at the same time a most fnendly gathering of parents and girls, and a great financial success. We .all shared Mi~s Lilley's pride and happiness when she receiVed the School s grateful presentation in honour of her twenty-fifth year as Head-mistress.
: - ·The ·clubs were continued every second Friday until the end of last term, and on the alternate Friday afterno~ns we enjoyed talks by visiting speakers on topics of general interest. Miss Piddington spoke on University · life, Miss Stephen$ on her experiences as a teacher in India and New Guinea, Mr. Campbell spoke on Australian Art, and Mr. Mack enlightened us considerably with regard to the work of the Queensland Museum. .. The ·School Basketball and Tennis :teams have played well this season. The A and B Basketball teams won the Premiership against St. Hilda's and. State Commercial High School respectively, and the B Tennis team won against Com- mercial. The Inter-Form Basketball and Tennis matches have been enthusiastically played and closely followed. The Basketball was won by Form III B, and the Tennis by Firth Form. The Singles and Doubles Tennis Cha!Ilpionships are now being played. At Michaelmas we were very sorry to say goodbye to Miss Benney, after her long association with the School, and we express once more our best wishes for her happiness . We take this opportunity of welcoming Mr. Finch to the School. Once again school and public examinations are practically upon us, and rising around us like clouds of dust from the tap Netball court is the well-known atmosphere of study and rmticipation. VI 1950 came and we were Sixth Formers. We had waited long for that honoured position, for the garden preps., for the pleasant responsibilities v:;hich help to keep school life running smoothly; but now, as we count the days to the Senior, we ask, where are those many weeks which make the year? Have we passed through them completing our duties, or did they slip from careless hands and sink into the mass of un- expressed thanks, forgotten kindnesses and neglected studies? Each day can be accounted for whether it embraced some memorable occasion such as Parents' Day, the enjoyable Sixth Form Dance or Inter-Form sports days when we bowed before the prowess of IV D, ·v and III B in Athletics, Tennis and 15 FORM NOTES
. PREFECTS, 1950 K. Qu•;;· ~· MacLean, L. Edmiston, M. Roberts, B. Payne · ochran, E. Marks (Head Girl), C. Savage 14
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