December 1950 School Magazine

December, 1950

Brisbane Girls' Grarnmqr School Maga~ine

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WE have heard and read much about the develop- ment of education over the last fifty years; but how many of us have paused to consider its full significance? Some, taking a more restricted view of education, believe that it continues only until that day when, for the last time, they turn their backs upon the classroom. In their own estimation, they are finished products, and are thus oblivious of the fundamental reasonings and causes which affect the continual changes in the present day world. The result alone concerns them. On the other hand, there are those who, regard- ing it in its broadest application, realise that educa- tion is lifelong, and that the education they received at school is but a doorway supported by the pillars of experience, which leads to the vast and ever- growing wealth of knowledge. ' 'All experience is an arch where thro' Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades Forever ar1d forever when I move." Those who remain outside these bounds become self-centred and dissatisfied; whereas those who enter are seeking the end of education, which is wisdom, and a re blessE·d with tolerance and under- standing on their way.



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