December 1950 School Magazine
December, . -l.9S.O,
BriSbane Girls' · Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
IVA 'This year's IV A began it~ d Fo&th Fdr~'~ ' 1i{~()With' 1 iH~. privilege of having the cla~sro;m · l!_r:)~tairs. The,' 'fd:ct ',?fJ1fs' isolation from the rest of the school-rooms and the sti::rlf"toom, is greatly appreciated by the members of the Form\ )'duid' ·lifs elevated position commands an inspiring view of the life of the Terrace. .We trained hard for the Il).t~r-Fq~m Athletics, 9Ild th:cpugh we ' did not, gain a high place', we improved upo:p ' our !lq~,t year's score. Our congratulations t9 ,; IV D , who won: . J3efl:\, ; Noela, Everil and HeathE?r represented us in *~: ~cJ;lqol.,I}.N;Y.E?tiqy team, while Denise played in thE? B Tennis _t,E?am. : Als;o,earli§f in the year, Diana and Heather wE?re in the Swimming team. Congratulations to Ill B upon their winning ,, the ' Inter-Fo:rm Bask~tball, and tc:i V for their tE?nnis win. 1 '- '· ]· . ·! · , :; i ThE? Junior and Senior are now drawing very close, and we are studying hard. We extend our best wishes to all thos9_ sitting for the exams. '' ' · . ~ ; l -i ) / ' We would like to thank Madame, our Form Mistress, who has been so helpful during the year, and the other members: of the Staff who have been with us this year. ! , . A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to Miss Lilley and all the Staff. IVB Although for some of us it is our last year at schooL :J...e will never forget our Grammar School days. We wish to thank Miss Crooks for patient help and advice to us throughout the year, and all the Staff very much for their excell-ent tuition in preparation for the forthcoming examination. We were well represented in the School ' teams. Our three swimmers gained pockets and our seven Athletics members were also very successful. Among our ranks we were hon- oured to have the Junior Athletics Captain and the Life-saving1 Captain. Two of our members were in the Basketball teams' which we congratulate heartily on their success. Our con- gratulations are also extended to the B Tennis team (of which Jennifer was the reserve) for their premiership win. ",\ Our congratulations are E?xtended to IV .P for their brilliant effort in the Inter-Form Athletics, Jll B for theidBasketball· wihl arid Fifth for the Tennis. Basketball respectively; or whether it was an ordinary school day. Truly Sixth Form school days are full and full days are happy ones. This is fitting as they are a last refuge before entering a new life of bustling exploration and discovery in which we move to the beginning of a new phase, learning to adapt ourselves and in that way- contribute to its progress. For their guidance and assistance in preparing us, not only for our final year but throughout our school life, we wish to thank Miss Lilley, Miss Macmillan and the Staff. For to persevere in the ideals nurtured at the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School is the nearest way to success and happiness. v As the days of 1950 are running out quite fast, We take time off from studies to glance back on our past:- This year as "Fifth" we've done our best in everything at School, In work and on the sports field, we've kept the "Golden Rule' ' , And next year when we're Sixth Form, we'll strive that we might be A creditable Senior Form for all the School to see! On Inter-Form Athletics Day, we filled place number four, Congrats. to winners Form IV D (with 34 your score). For Inter-School Athletics teams, six members supplied we- Jan, Cecily, Leone, Carmel, Ruth, and runner Joanie B. Then nimble fingers knitted a gay rug, soft and warm For some dear old English lady, with best wishes from Fifth Form. We learnt the hidden meaning in Algebra and Trig, And made .chrome alum crystals- but they just would not grow big. Our tennis team, Leone and Bet., Cecily and Roslyn too Played Form IV D - a thrilling match - and they pulled V Form through. In the finals, they met the Seniors, but our team had practised up- And we were well rewarded, for they won the silver cup. In netball III B played our Form, and these sub-juniors won- Thank you for the splendid game, we did enjoy the fun. -And now, to one and all we say, as the end of term draws near, A very merry Christmas, and a happy bright new year. 16
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