December 1950 School Magazine

December, 1950

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine

December, 1950

Plans were discussed for activities for 1950, including Old Girls' Day and the Ball. It was decided to appoint . a Committee of approximately 25 to assist the Old Boys' Association in the combined Ball at Cloudland, which has now become an annual event. on the first Friday of June each year.

BRIDGE AND GAMES EVENING A Bridge and Games Evening was held at the Q.G.S.S. Club rooms on Friday, July 7th, at 7.1 5 p.m. Bridge was played in the quieter surround- ings of the lounge and the games p layers were allowed to mClke as much noise as they wished in the dining room. In all, fifty people had a very enjoyable evening, finishing with supper prepared by the Committee. Prizes were won by Jill Burnett for the highest score in the games and by Lynette Hobler for the lowest score. HIGH TEA A High Tea was held at School on Saturday, September 2nd, at 5.30 p.m., to entertain members of the School Athletics Team. · All who attended had a very happy lime, which was helped by the fact that the team had won all three cups. The Old Girls welcomed the victorious team by forming a Guard of Honour at the gate and giving 'he War Cry. After tea dancing was enjoyed in the Main Hall a nd a quiz was held between an Old Girls' team and a Present Girls' team. Unfortunately, the Present Girls proved too good for us. The evening closed with cheers for the School, the team and Miss Lilley . Unfortunately, we have to report that the Welfare Group of the O.G.A. is no longer functioning. Due to lack of support the few members felt they · could n o longer continue as a group. Before they disbanded, hov.>'eve r, a great step was taken in bringing to the notice of the National Council of Women a report on the Mentally Deficient Child. The members, in particular their President, Mrs. Cox, spent many hours of work on this report and have succeeded in having extracts printed in the Press, which might have helped to light some spark of interest that certain people may have in this difficult social problem. If anyone would like to read the report, I would be very p leased to lend it to them for a short period. Miss Avis Wood moved that the balance of the money remaining in the bank be donated to the Montrose Girl Guide Corps which ·was carried unanimously. TENNIS CLUB Play commenced on the 18th February this year and has continued uninte rrupted throughout the year. Early in the year we were sorry to lose the services of Beryl Johnston, our assistant convenor. Maria Kravchenko has been appointed to fill her p lace. A very successful dance was held at O'Connor Boat House on Saturday, September 30th, and as a result prizes will be· donated to the runners-up in the Senior and Junior Championships at School. Any Old Girl may join by coming up to School any Saturday after- noon, or by writing to Maria Kravchenko, Oxford Park. The club wishes to thank Miss Lilley for her kindness in allowing us to play on the school courts and to the Matron for her kind interest in the club. ·- Y. WEST, Convenor 51 CLUB NOTES WELFARE GROUP


The year's activities were opened by a Fork . Dinner held in the Main Hall at School on Friday, March 17th, at 6 p.m. The President, Miss M. Marks, received the 150 guests, which included a large number of new members. The hall was decorated with flowers, ferns and the School badge and colours. Musical items were rendered by Misses H.. Collins and A. Crellin and an e locutionary item was given by Miss P. Harper. OLD GIRLS' DAY Old Girls' Day was held at School on Saturday, 22nd April. The usual Tennis arid Basket-Ball matches were played against the School, but unfortunately rain once more prevented . the matches from being completed. The A team included Mrs. S. Elms, Mrs. L. Simmonds and Miss H. Lyon. The B team, Misses M. Blanshard, A. Byth, H. Knyvett and Mrs. J. Scarborough. The C team, Misses J. Beech, S. Cossins, B. Lansbury and S. Eastoe. The D team, Misses E. Laridsbury and B. Johnston and the E tea.m, Misses 1::. Goward, L. Hobler, A. .Hemming and J. Lightbody. The Basket-Ball teams included Misses J. Burnett, M. Marks, N. Karoll, B. Pledger, D. Welch, N. Campbell, N. Pledger and B. Parker. The committee wishes to thank Mrs. S. Elms and Miss B. Pledger for arranging their respective teams. During the afternoon a floral basket of sweets was raffled, which was won by one of the boarders. ANNUAL BALL A very successful function was held in conjunction with the Old Boys' Association on Friday, June 2nd, at Cloudland , Once again a number of Old Girls made their official debut at our Ball, and were presented to General G . H. Cannan, an Old Boy of the B.G.S. by Miss Margaret Marks, our President, deputising for Mrs. Pixley, who, owing to the sudden indisposition of Mrs. Cannan, accompanied the General. The debutantes were trained very efficiently by Misses Yvonne West and Marion Williams, to whom we extend our ' grateful thanks. The Debutantes' cake, tl'w work of Penneys, was in the shape of the Grammar badge with each individual name written across the pages of the book. The cake was cut by Mrs . Pixley, who wished the debutantes every happiness . To each deb . was given a diamente brooch as a memento · of the occasion. We record our gratitude to Colonel H. Harris, the Chairman of the combined Ball Committee, Miss Norma Karoll and Mr. Hal Gehrmann, the joint secretaries, and the various committee members for their excellent work in arranging the Ball. Socially and financially, it was a great success. No entertainment lax was necessary and consequently the Library Furnishing Fund benefited to the extent of £181/5/10. We list the names herewith of the Girls who made their debut and both Asso;iations wish them all the best in the coming years. Misses Claire Ford-Johnson, June Bates, Zeita Gentner, Joy Sutton, Joy Healy, Dawn Morton, Lynette Hobler, Judith Barker and Beryl ·Abrahams. 50

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