December 1950 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls" -' Grammar School Magazine
December; 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December. 1950
Miss Horn told us about·· her_- _trip _through America in 1938, and her proposed visit to England this "·year. -. She hopes to stay on the Continent and study under some of the leading Organists. Mr: .Groves. told us . :about his w~or-k . for the B.B.C. He ,was . ·very enthusiastic about the Youth Concerts in Australia and hopes to introduce therii: :!rtt6 England. · . I v~ri much:' enjby my cissocicitiofl VFJth this Committee, and" take this opporfunity of b~epirtg the Grammar School before them, dnd "thank you fpr givirig · me _the · lion'6ut of representing · my old School.
OLD GffiLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES, 1950 In spite of difficulties of every sort and kind throughout the world today, the Association feels that 1950 has continued to be a most successful year in the Old Girls' History. There are now 587 members on the rolls, including 40 Life Members. We were pleased to welcome 51 new members this year, but were very sorry to delete 39 members due to non-payment of subscriptions. ANNUAL GENERAL MEET'ING The Annual General Meeting was held in the school hall on Friday, lOth February, at 7.30 p.m., under very adverse weather conditions, only 62 members being present. The Annual Report for 1949 was read and received and reports were also submitted from the Welfare Group, the Tennis Club and from representa- tives to the National Council of Women and the Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools' Club, with both of which the Association is affiliated . The Financial Statement showed the following balances at December 31st, 1949: General Fund £77/18/6, Library Extension Fund £45/8/5, Life Me~bers £76/19/9, Capital Fund £13/9/8, Commonwealth Bonds £90/0/0, Honour Board £110/4/5. Open Air Theatre Fund £16/6/4, Library Furnishing Fund £355/11/8. An Amendment was made to the Constitution, "That in Clause 5 the amount of annual subscription shall be altered from 'five shillings' to 'seven shillings and sixpence'," Before retiring from office, Miss J. Stephenson, on behalf of the O.G.A., presented a tray to Miss K. Lilley, in appreciation of her twenty-five years untiring service as headmistress of the School. The Election of Officers resulted as follows :- President : Miss Margaret Marks Vice-FTesidents : Mrs. S. Elms, Miss F. Cossins Vice-President (ex officio) as President of Welfare Group: Mrs. Cox Hon. Secretary : Miss J. Beech Asst. Han. Secretary: Miss Y. Wrist Han . Traasurer : Miss E. Cavaye Immediate Past President : Miss J. Stephenson Committee : Miss K. M. Lilley (ex officio), Misses B. Johnston , J. Burnett, B. Parker, N. Karoll , L. Hohler Han. Auditor : Mrs. Sylvia Jury (nee Acton) Mrs. G. L. Byth and Miss E. Cavaye were unanimously re-appointed as delegates to the National Council of Women . The representatives to the Q .G.S.S. Club during the year were Mrs . P . Hamley, Misses G. Nevill and J. Bryant. During the year Mrs. Hamley was compelled to resign and her position was taken by Miss F. Cossins. At Miss Lilley's request, the Association nominates a representative on behalf of the School to the Queensland Symphony Orchestra Youth Concert Committee, and for 1950 Miss Marion Williams has been our repre- s• ntative. 49
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