December 1950 School Magazine

Brisbane Gir1s' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1950

December. 1950

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Diploma in Physiotherapy : Phyllis Cannon. Diploma in P hysical Education : Margaref Marks, Daw n Thatcher, Jean Leckie, Lorna Angell. Undergraduates: Science, Jill Burnett ; Commerce, Margaret Mittelheuser; Medical Science, Lois Venamore, June Morton, Natasha Potanin; Physical Education, Lenore Case, Ena Duffield; Physiotherapy, Dell Croker, June Wheeler, Barbara Parker , Diana Knox; Medicine, Averil Byth, Neva Johnson; Arts, Margaret Bryan. Jill Lidgard. Audrey Madden, Petra Skoien, Annefte Crellin, Margaret Hislop. Ann Bardsley.

ITEMS OF INTEREST Queenslanders living in Melbourne take note . The re is now a Queens- landers' As sociat ion of Victoria (Ladies' Section) which meets on the First Thursday of each month, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m., usually in the Professional Women's rooms in McEwan Building (Little Collins St. entrance). Any Queenslander is welcome. Miss E. G . Cavaye was appointed auditor for the Na tional Council of Women and Queensland Bush Book Club for 1950. Cecily Sandercock and Margaret Pestorius left las t March fo r England and have been having a wonderful time sightseeing both in England and on the Continent. Miss Weaver, a farmer member of the Staff, was farewe lled on Old Girls' Day and a small presentation was made to her by our President. A convention in Geneva was to be the highlight of her tr ip . Alison Emanuel is teaching a t the High School in Innisfail. We wonder how she likes the rain. Ruth Dar t, B.A. , Dip.Mus. , continue s to do well at Sydney Conserva- torium. Audrey Earle a nd Ruth Micheli are also studying in the Harbour City. Elvie Goward and Beryl Noad have forsaken Queensland for three months and have been travelling westwards to Perth, then back to Tasmania before re turning home. Last August saw Fay Cos-sins braving the elements in Tasmania as one of the Manageresses of the Queensland Hockey Team. How were the chocolates, Fay? Passing through Melbourne, Fay saw Mrs. Risson, a former President of th e O.G.A. I believe the weather played tricks when Helen Collins and Joan Beech were in Melbourne on annual leave . Berenes Miers and Pat Fleming have been sightseeing in England a nd on the Continent. Eleanor Witcombe is making a name for herself in Sydney as a writer of children's plays which are being performed very successfully by Repertory Societies there . Congratulations go to Beverley Power who has been winning a musical contest I he a r. Moir Campbell cont inues to do b ig things w ith her singing. Joan Harr is is following in the footsteps of Florence Night ingale at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital , Sydney. Ann Ke nnedy is nearer home at the Brisbane General Hospital. UNIVERSITY NOTES Congratulations go to the following on obtaining their degrees and diplomas in March 1950 :- Bachelor of Arts : Winifred Cowin and Betty Shanks.


This club with which our Assocation is affiliated , was founded in 1946. The objects are to foster friendship with members of other Old Girls' Associa- tions of Queensland and permit the members to further literary and scientific culture. The club has been trying for years to obta in sui table rooms in the city and in March this year was offered the V.A.D. rooms in Albert Street, opposite the Metro Theatre. These were opened on 16th June by Lady Lavarack, the patroness, at a Fark Dinner. They consist of two large rooms, one of which is a dining room with the kitchen and small office attached, and a lounge with a platform at one end, which is suitable for concer ts and plays. There is a lso a very nicely appointed toilet room with a shower room. These rooms are available for members any time during the day until 7 p.m. and any meals may be bought for a small fee . Any Association can book the rooms in the evening a nd members lake it in turn to act as hostesses when the rooms are let. Bridge and Card Games are held on 3rd Friday of each month when everyone may come. Millinery, French and Drama courses have been arranged for members. This year the Grammar School won the Sylvia Dickson Shield for Tennis for the fifth time . The team consisted of Mrs . Sybil Elms , captain, Mrs. Lois Simmonds, Miss Heather Lyon a nd Miss Gloria Blair. Two of the matches were played at Clayfield College and the finals at B.G.G.S. Clayfield College Old Girls' Association won the Irene Hope Shield for Swimming. These shields are kept in the rooms and the dote of v ictory is placed under the respective Old Girls' Badge . The Grammar School has three delegates on the Board of Directors- Miss G. Nevill (President), Miss June Bryant and Mrs. P. Hamley. In August, Mrs. Hamley had to retire and Miss Fay Cossins was appointed to take her place. Miss Eunice Furness, one of the Grammar Old Girls', has been appoint- ed delegate to the National Council of Women and another Grammar Old Girl, Miss M. Quinn, made all the ' cushion covers for the ciub rooms . Financial members of our association may join this club and application forms can be obtained from the O.G.A. Secretary. The entrance fee is £1/1/- 53

Bachelor of Science : Lois Freeman (Honours), Joan Herbert. Bachelor of Agricultural Science : Sylvia Cossins, Patricia Bertie. Bachelor of Medicine : Alia Zaver.

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