December 1941 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1941
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
· Decemper, 1941
Club Notes
MUSIC CLUB. During the first two terms of this year the Music Club de- voted its time to practising for the School Concert which was held in the Albert Hall on the night of 23rd July. The Club pre- sented an adaptation of the fairy operetta, "Hansel and Gretel,"' by Humperdinck-which was the first occasion that this oper- etta has been presented in Australi.a. It was a great success and we wish to thank Miss He therington and Miss Felgate who helped us to make it so by spending many hours with us at rehearsals . Marie Parsons, Jean Potter, Moir Campbell, Thora Wilson and Bery l Weaver acquitted themselves well in their respective parts · cind the accompaniments were played by Ruth Dart and Mavis Hinckley. During third term we spent J;Ilany happy hours practising excerpts from "The Maid of the Mountains" and "Lilac Time" and in the fourth term, excerpts from "The Mikado" and "The Gondoliers." . Those who are leaving School this year will cherish happy mmeories of the afternoons spent in the Music Club and we hope that those who will be joining the Club next year will enjoy themselves as much as we have under Miss Hethering- ton's guidance. M.H., VI.
FIRST AID. We members of the First Aid Club have enjoyed our in- teresting lectures on Friday afternoon and, we are very grate- ful to Dr. Dart and Mr. Hosier for their kind and helpful tuition. Everyone of us passed in our recent examinations and we feel that we have taken the first step towards becoming useful members of the community in being able to render First- Aid in times of distress. The world at present being in such a state of unrest, we look upon our certificates as doubly precious, for they entitle us to continue our- studies in this direction, so that one day we may be proud to hold a position in the ranks of the V.A.D.'s, following in the footsteps of Miss Donaldson, to whom we w ish the very best of luck in her future work overseas. We all wish to thank Miss Lilley very much for making these classes available to us and so providing us with an opportunity of acquiring such useful knowledge. S.S ., VI. HOME NURSING CLUB. As most of us had-been first-aiders last year we were eager to continue our studies in that direction and we are grateful to Miss Lilley for arranging a Home Nursing Club, and to Dr. Dart and Mr. Hosier for sparing so much of their valuable time for our lectures. We were introduced to roller bandages and had it not been for the rollers supplied by Mr. Hosier, we would still be disen- tangling ourselves from yards and yards of calico. However, the long standing proverb, "practice makes perfect," has been realised to a certain extent. In our recent Home Nursing examination most of us were successful and we feel sure that the knowledge gained from these lectures will be most helpful in the future We would like to thank Miss Donaldson for her enthusiastic help; having recently studied the course herself, she gave us very valuable assistance. We would also like to congratu- late her on being appointed to serve overseas as a V.A.D. , and wish her the very best of luck. I.J., VI.
In the Dressing Room at the Scho_ol Concert .
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