December 1941 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbano Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Marie Freeman winning the 75 yds. Race under 14 years . By courtesy "The Te legraph"


Early this year, at Miss Lilley's suggestion, a War Vvork Committee was !'armed to organise the buying of and distributing of wool and knitted articles . A meeting of the Upper School was held in the Laboratory, Miss Lilley con- sented to act as President and Miss Kennedy and Mrs. Jackson as Vice- Presidents. The Committee was to include in addition six members of Sixth Form, four of Fifth and two of Commercial Fifth. The following were then elected:-VI., B. Bayliss, P. Bolger, M. Higgins, !. Jordan, P. Truesdale, A . Zaver. V., A. Claridge, R. Dart, E. Richardson, C. Whitmee·. Com. V., P. Bryce, M. Ravdell . At the first meeting of the Committee, Irene Jordan was elected Secretary and Patricia Bolger TreasurBT. During the year over £31 has been collected and £27 spent on wool. Material was also bought for the making of swabs. Parcels have been sent away to the Red Cross, Australian Comforts Fund, Air-Raid Relief Section of Red Cross, and Merchant Navy. Crossword puzzles were also collected and sen t in to the Red Cross, and books were brought in and sent to the Women of the University War Work Group, who help to supply soldiers at isolated places in Australia and overseas w ith reading matter. Rugs have been knitted by the various Forms. Thirteen of these· were sent to the Bush Nursing Association, two to the Red Cross, and one of Fifth Forms to the Red Cross Convalescent Home. Fifth we·re very pleased to hear from the soldier who was the first to have the use of this rug. Towards the end of the year we have been knitting unpicked wool from the Air-Raid Relief Section of the Red Cross into strips for rugs. We are lining these with patch- work linings in gay coloured cottons .

We would like to thank Miss Lilley for arranging the Kennedy and Mrs. Jackson for their never failing help given all those girls who have helped in any way. 37

Committee, Miss at any time and ].J., VI.


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