December 1927 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' GralllllL Bt';.me Gii•ls' GI·auuna•· School 1\Iagaziue . OLD GIRLS' NOTES. arrangements by three other Old Girls, Hilary Dix, K'athleen Bed-· ford, !!.Del Pearl Pollard, to whom we offer our thanks. Dimter. The O.G.A. Dinner was revived this year . It was held 011. Tuesday, August 16th, at the Ritz Cafe, and was attended by 20 Old Girls . The dinner affords one of the best opportunities for all Old Girls to meet, and we hope there will be a better attendance next year. Musical and clraruratic items were rendered by Misses A. Colledge and E. Rowett. The toast of the Sch·ool was proposed by Mrs . Gifford Croll , and the reply made by Miss K. M. Lilley ; the toast of the Association was proposed by Miss K. Lyons, and Miss K . Jon es replied . Bl'ictge El'ening. A mixed bridge evening wa~;; held in the Lyceum Club on Friday, September 16th, but the attendance was poor. were won by Miss M. Alder and Mr. G. seaman . Tennis TOfll!l'nament. rooms Prizes The Annual Mixecl Doubles Tennis Tournament was held on the School courts on Saturday, October 8th, when 19 Old Girls com- peted with th·eir partners. Four courts were used, and the section. winner~ were Miss E . Phipps and Mr. ·C. Phipps, Miss K. Bedford and i.\Ir. L. Tapsall , Miss C. Drake and Mr. P . Biggs, and Miss Gwen Spurgin and Mr . J. Hulbert. In the Finals Miss E . Phipps and Mr. C. Phipps defeated Miss C. Drake and Mr. P. Biggs by 6 games to 4. Prizes were presented to the winners at the close of the afternoorr's play. Lectlu·es. Three lectures were delivered at the School during the year, which were open to Old Girls and their friends . Th·e first was delivered by Miss Robertson, who was visiting Brisbane on a trip round t he world. Miss Robertson delivered a most interesting lecture on the subject of the Past Pupils' Guild of the Edinbur.::ll Ladies' College. · On August 26th , Dr . F. W. Robinson , M.A., Ph.D .. delivered . a lecture on the subject of Canberra, in which he traced the develon- ment of Canberra from early days, and described its present gro,\·th and government. He showed a numbet· of lantern slides to il!u;;-· trate his s·ub j ect, the lantern being k indly lent by Prof. H. Alcock, M.A., at the University. On Friday, September 23rd , Miss Freda Bage delivered a lectl.\re on the subject of her personal experiences in the capitaL cities of Central Europe, and touched on the racial difference!> and. problems of the various nations with which she came in contact. To all these lecturers we offer our sincere thanks. OLD GIRLS' 1\SSOCL-lTX,OX. The Annual General meeting of the O.G.A. was held i n the .School Hall , on February 18th, 19 27; the Secretary reported a. s uccessful year socially, but regretted the smallness of the nnmtie1· o f Financial members. The Treasurer reported that thE year .ha d again been successful financially , and her report sllu\H;cl a .balance of .£93/13/7, inclusive of £8 / 9 / 4 belonging to t he Jubilee .Fund and £3/5 / 5, raised for the Allan . Will\ie Fund by the .Dramatic Clnb. Both reports were adopted. The election of officers for 19 27 resulted as follows: -Presi- dent, Miss K. Jones; Vice-President., Miss N. l\1 . Campbell ; Hon. .Sec., Miss J . Stephimson; Ho11. Treas., Miss D. Kennedy; Committee }!embers, Misses E. Doak, P. Hooper, B. Pratten, B. Smith, E. Smith. During the year Miss Esme Smith resigned owing to her .departure for Townsville and later Miss B. Pratten a.lso resigned owing to illness. Their places have been filled by Misses l\1. Alder and E. Engeler . At the Annual Meeting th·e recommendation of the outgoii1g committee, that an O.G.A. badge be made, was. considered and finally adopted by 32 votes to 10. The badge has been m ade antl :issued s ince then , at a cost of 3/6, and is obtainable from the .Secretary; up to the present some 190 badges have been i::;sued :to members . }~unctions Dtu•i~~g the Y~ •
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