December 1927 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls'
G•·~tnuiutr School · :\L-tgazinf'.
Brisbane Gu·ls' Granuua.r School U.aga.zine.
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,J1ubil(•e/ Fuml. Early in th·e year it was decided to attempt to augment the . Jubilee Fund to at least £10 0 0 in order to make a worthy gift to · t he School. To that. end the following conveners of committees ·were appointed :-Misses K. M. Lilley, K . Jones, N. Campbell , E. Doak, H . Dix, R. Felgate, J. Stephenson , J. Trundle, B. Andrewartha, E. :Wurray, and L. Clleesman. In this connection, three dances , tennis tournaments, and a bridge evening have been held. but we :a re still a long way from our goal. An Associat!on Calendar is to be issued in September ue;:;t : year, for 1929. To every day there will be a quotation . sent in by a n Old Girl. Quotations are printed on receipt of a subscription of 2 / 6 towards the Jubilee Fund, so that tl~is will be a record of -small subscriptions. The Calendar will be on sale .at a vrobable cost of 2 /6 . We take this opportunity of asking Old Gil'ls to send in their quotations. l<'inan('e an. Unive11S1ty Succes\Ses, November, 1926, and March, 1927. FACULTY OF ARTS.- FIRST YEAR.-Leslie Campbell-Brown, Patricia McGregor. SECOND YEAR--Gladys Halstead, Dora Harding, Elizabeth .Nimmo. THIRD YEAR.-B.A. , M. Park, Esme Smith, B .A., English .Honours, second class, Marjorie Bulcock. Mathematics Honours, ·.;oecond class, Jessie Stephenson. EVENING AND EXTERNAL STUDENT'S.-Lucy Dimmock, Marjorie Fielding, Amy Monkhouse. FACULTY OF SCIENCE, SECOND YEAR-Dorothy Hill, Fanny Julius, Ena Eden. :Miss Mary Steph-enson, B.A., has been awarded an Orient Free Passage for 19 2 7, and is at present teaching in a French School Auxerre. PHARMACY FINAL.- Everil Venrnan (,medal in Mat. Med.). BAR FINAL.-Miss K. McGregor , ::II.A. ---------0-------- U:NES 183-1!)4, AEXEIJ). Th·ou gift that precious was to me of yore, 'While Fortune pleased to grant me happy clays, Thy lot shall be to end thi.s weary life And rid my soul of its too heavy care. I h-ave fulfilled the life that Fate decreed ; But. now, the royal queen of this fair state, Now, go I to eternal night and peace, In the dark grave, where joy and troubles encl . 1 have av:Jnged my husband's most foul death ; Punished my brother's vile and treacherous cleecl. This city, fair and stately have I built, Have seen the walls ascend, that were but dreams. Queen or my happy nation , my own life, Had been content , too ble.ssecl for this world, If the gods had granted this last , greatest gift . That the Trojan ships had never touched our sl;ores." So spoke she, and close pressed her to the coucn, "He is gone, and ·unavenged I shall die, But death is fair and calls to me," she .said. "Life wearies me, and with the shades is peace. But this I pray, that from this distant sea The Troja·n•s cruel eyes may see this blaze And kno\v it is my pyre, and I am dead. So may it haunt him until Life shall end. E.S ., V.
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