December 1927 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' GI·auuna.r School Magazine. Gi•·l:<' Grammar School lllagazine.
I:XTER-SC'HOOL SPORTS. The I n.ter-School Sports were held on September 3rd gt t. the .Exhi bition Oval. The intense barracking amongst all the Schools showed iha t none of the former enthusiasm was Jacking . We had hopes of winning bad: the Stephens Cup a,; \\'€' had a strong Senior Team , but .we had to be satisfied with the Seu iol' Cup alone. The Junior cup and the Stepliens Cup and pennant weTe won lo y the· B.G.H.S. whom we congratulate on their splendid win. i\lnc!1 _enthusiasm was shown towards the close of the p,-ogramme when it was known that the .school. whose representative won the last ·race would be the winner of the senior . cup. This the B.G.G.S. succeeded in doing. ·we again than!' l\iiss 'Brockway for her interest, and for the infinite amount of trouble ·she took for the team's welfare. Detailed list of pla.ces won br B.G.G. S. Senior relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A team 2nd J unior rela.y .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A team 3rd 100 yds. champ. (over 15) I. Glassop 1st ( 11 3/5 sees. ) 220 yds. champ. (open) . ....... . .- . . I. Glassop 1 st. Hurdles (under 15) . . ........, .... R. Munro 3r d High J ·ump (over 15) .... A. Partridge 2nd (4ft. Si . ) T h e pladngs for the cup were as follows:- Senior Cup,. B.G.G.S. . . . .... . B.G.H.S. and St. :\~argaret'.s .Jlmior Cup. 21 pts. 1. 19 pts. 2
After being the small number of sixteen before mid-winter, we· are now twenty-eight. The newies, after many tears, have quite •Settled clo\vn in their new h·ome . Since Christmas we have been to several very interesting entertainments-"Juli~ts Caesar" and "Prin- ces.s lela." being among the· most. enjoyable. Dr. Robinson gave the· Old Girls an interesting lect•ure on Canberra, and as it was held. in the School Hall , we were invited antl enjoyed the evening. ·we are now looking forward to seeing "Rose Marie," and also attenclmg our concert at t.he end of the term, and· Speech Day, wltich is to be held a t our own school this year. We are all very grateful to Miss Lilley, staff and matron-s for a.JU · they have clone for us during th·e yea.r. Seniot• Dorn1. Being in Senior Dorm. we now consider ourselves very wisu and im])crtant! Most of us are leaving at the end of the term and wi,l.! then be scattered far and wide. We have been very quie'. late!)" chiefly because "stewing" for the coming exam. has quite exhausted us . WIGHT .1\IEDAL. :'.ir . Arthm· Boyle bas again consented to act ~s adjudi - cator t or us for the 'Wight Medal, and has chosen the following wor!{e tor competition . Bach Prelude and Fugue, No. 1. C. Major. Dohnange Rhapsodie Op. 11 No . 3 c. Major. Ten girls have entered for the competition and we wi;;h them ·very good l·uck. In A·ugust the following four candidates presented themselvE: o for Examination in Pianoforte playing to the Trinity College Board. of Examinations. Higher Local . . . . . . . . Marian Bennet 70 Intermediate NURSERY DOR11I. \v e in Nursery Dorm, have by now quite recovered from the atonie:3 of initiation, and are very happy in our new home. \Ve numbe r nine, and in our opinions are very well-behaved, for we only talk and laugh aloud a little after lights 'go out, which is rather ·remarl;:able considering-well, considering the noise some of .us make in the daytime. it certainly is. a few pillow fights aud. the "ragging" .of some of the cubes is carried on a good deal, but: we t h ink we ~hould be excused from that little bit of noisines s- lYe a r e none of us ve1;y clever in class , but one of our number is· Intermediate .. Junior . . . . . . .. Joy Salmon 71 . . . . . . Norma Beckett 66 . . Sylvie Acton 77 --. o:--
B.G.H.S . . ......... 26} pts 1, C.H.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 pts. 2. I.G.G.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 pts. 3 Stephens Cn}J and P·ennant. B .G.H.S..... .. ....... . 45~ pts. 1. B.G.G.S. ................ 27 pts. 2. St. Margaret's . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 a pts. 3. Inte1·-Forn1 Sports.
\Vith :\~r. Bousfield's permission the Inter~Form Sport :; were ·neld on the Boys' oval on the morning of Friday, Aus':~tit 12th . in beautiful weathP.r. All the events were keenly comes• ("ri. Tl1e relay race after a h·a;·d struggle was won by Form III A. ~!iss :i\Iollison's cup presented to the form gainin~ rile h ig~est a ggregate of points was won by Form III A., with 44 l'Oints· 2nd 'IV. D with 26~ points: 3rd IV. C with 26 points. We thank :i\1iss Brockway, all mistre.sses and girls wJl o m:>de -the day the success it was by acting as officials and by supervising -the morning t ea. I . GLASSCP
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