December 1927 School Magazine

Bt'isbane Girls' Gramma.r School 1\l.aga~e.

Bl' Gil'ls' GraJJllrul.t• School lUaga.zine.

SWil\'IMI:\'G NOTES. "\Vhew! Isn't it hot: wish· it was swimming to-day, so that· we could go to the baths and get cool." This is what one hears one girl say to ·another on a hot day at school. Tuesday and Friday are allotted to u.s to go swimming and . not nearly as many of us take the opportunity as should. . Practising for the team is in full swing, and there arc .;ome very promising swimmers amongst the new girls this year. The team, composed of Edna Carey (-Captain), Rose Coombe. Florence Hauck. a.nd Jean Ben.sted, came second in the Brockway Cup this year. Rose and Edna have left us, but notwithst.,ntling t.his loss , with the help of some of the Lower Thirds. we !;.ow~ t•1 come first next year, but it will cost us much hard work iu lhe meantime. \Ve have rather a promising life-saving team, and hope rc, win a place in the Wainwright Shield also. This year's inter-fon.i1 swimming carnival ought to be very· exciting. as both the Thirds , and the Lower Thirds have strong teams , anti the winners will need to swim a good race, and will deserve the honour. The winning team will be presented with the Burrel Cup, wil'h their name of the form engraved on it . to be held for a yen'· Last year the coveted prize fell to the Lower Thirds. Buck up, .School, and do not let the latest comers. carry off once again the victory. J .B .

NET BALL NOTES. The past season has been a most successful one. Despite the· fact that the team, at the beginning of the .season showed little. if any, promise, it found itself at the end of the year in possession of the pennant. The improvement .and consequent success has been clue to a large extent to the unflagging enthusiasm displayed by all the members of the team . Of the t.en matches played only two were lost, while one result- · ed in a draw. The match in which centred most interest and on which depended the ultimate victory was th·e second match against . the State High School. · The fi:rst had resulted in a win for th~ High School and naturally our win in the second round of the fixtures was extremely encouraging. Outside the fixture games, as the outcome · of a challenge from . the Commercial High School , the team met and defeated represfmt- at.ives of that School. It is to be regretted that the match against the mistresses had to be abandoned on account of . a storm. Every- · one had looked forward to this match, and keen disappointment was expressed when the rain began to fall. Oil :} Oth. April, the arin ual matches were played against the Old Girls of the School, who produced both an 'A' and 'B' team.. The 'A ' team o! the Old Girls defeated that of the present girls. while the present girls 'B' team was successful. ·The team wishes to thank Miss Spurgin for the inter€r;t '5lle has shown in t.hem and also the 'B' team, whose continued presence at practi ces h·as been a great factor in the ultimate success ·Of the team . Ct-itid:sm of TeaatJi. Lc.wna Plaisted well deserves her position as goaler, her long · distance goals being one of her strong points. She is an unselfish player, passing the ball to the help goaler whenever pplicy demand~ it . Barba.J"a. Shidd . As help goale~· she combines well with Lorna and also with: the centre court attack. She never fails to be in the right place at the right time and frequently we owed a match to her quickness of judgment. Esm~ Fra11tcis uses her attack well. She has good height of which she takes advantage but she should mark her opponent more · closely. He~leu \Vilsou. Pla.ys a good defence game, but is sometimes · guilty of passing the ball back to her opponents in the centre court . Gla


FED UP. I'm tired of learning La tin; Those horrid verbs do bore. '\~Thy should I learn the language Of men I never saw? I never can learn Latin , However hard I try I'd hate to speak the lingo Of ages long gone by. The Romans had queer manners. And wore strange clothes as well, But why they spoke in Latin, I really cannot tell. \'\Thy didn't they speak English? I honestly can't .see. When they composed their language, Ah! woe to ~·ou and me.



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