December 1927 School Magazine

Brisba·t:te Girls' Gt•atruU<'l·r School Uagazim:.

B•·isbane Gil'!s' Granuu.:.n· Sl'hool 1\lag-a~ine .

sometimes float over to disturb mistresses in the common room. Bu~ we try to moderata our youthf ul spirits, and there is cE:rtainly a· profound silence when our form mistress approaches. We were very sorry to .lose our former captain, Dorothy Kcn- \~Tick, who left us a few weel's ago , but her successor fulfils hGr duties noblY. Last Easter holidays, the form had au enjoyahle day at Rcd- cliffe. accompanied by Miss Campbell-Brown and Miss Spurgin. The cup won by Lower Thirds last year for swimming , ha-s now reached us on its round of the Thirds, and it holds the place of honour on our table. Not long .ago . we were paid a great compliment by a mistress , who said she thought our room alway.s looked t h e most beautiful i n the school, . with its flowers. Vve mean to uphold that honour . Every Thursday afternoon we have a very interesting reading circle, and we are grateful to Miss Macmillan for this enjoyable half ho1,1r, also to Miss Campbell-Brown. who reads Greek Myths t o us every morning. Exams are now ·alarmingly near . \Ve shall not dwell on that painful subject, however. Let us turn our attention to tennis . \Ye have a very efficient team, and hope to carry· off the honours in the inter-form matches. We heartily wish the Juniprs and Seniors every success, hop- ing they will d

INe feel proud of our brilliant neighbours, I II . A, although we f>ften quarrel as to who makes more noise; and if we have no duster -VJ'here is it? In Ill. A! The exams. will soon be cooling our over-exuberant spirits ; and then after the holidays we hope to depart to cooler regions . We certainly shall need a breeze on our fevered brows-it has been rumoured abroad that we int end to work next year. And now, farewell ; Good luck to the Seniors and J~:n iors, ancl a happy Christmas, everybody. III. C. Tlile Form N'otes should be a bright and cheerful account of the Form ' s doings and misdoings of the past year, but it is very difficult to be bright and cheerft!l when plunged in that. period or gloom and despair, namely, the Christmas Exam. vv-eek. \Ve shall soon be leaving our room across the first tennis court , ancl will no doubt miss the sundry cries of ' 'Fresh Prawns " the music of cornets, and other interesting outdoor occurreuc~s which sometimes divert us from our studies. Other diversions are given hy the creali:ings and r attlings of certain refractory lock<>rs, a nd by the groans of warning emitted by ce1·tain over-workP.d forms which have seen better clays. We did not shine very much in the inter-form sports t his year, but succeeded , however, in winning the tug-of-war, and were .,;-c. tremely thrilled in consec1uence. In the net ball m-atches , our neigh- bours , III. D, defeated us by thei narrow margin of one point, after an exciting game which we all thoroughly enjoyed . The form tennis matches are not yet finished, and so far we h-ave kept going with two matches to our favour . Our next will be against IV. c, and ha<; to be played after the Junior. Lesley Phillips and Noela Hardy won p la ces in the B tennis team last year, and we wish them t he best -of luck again this time. \Ve had .arranged to hold a form picnic at Manly. and Miss Spurgin and Miss Campbell-Brown had kindly consented to join us, but our plans fell through on account of bad weather, and we were greatly disappointed. \Ve wish the best of success to all those sitting for the Junior and Senior examinations, and a lso we wish a merry Christma::; anr.t a happy New> Year and many more of them to evPryone.


m.D. There are twenty-six jolly girls in III. D, and our captain, Edith Wagner , bas rather a hard task to keep la.w and We a1·e situated over the far side of first tennis court, and strange noises

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