December 1927 School Magazine
nnsbane Girl1s" Grammar School Magazine. Girls' Granuu.a.r School i\L1gazfue.
· Ul. A "The old order changeth, yielding place to· new," but WP. o! the green and black are always the same, holding o Lll" own on the field and in the schoolroom alilce. Unfortunately, it seems as if we shall be defeated in tennis, but we condole ourselves with tlle thought that we have won both the Sports Cup and Netball Shield th!s year , and so can afford to be magnanimous to the rest of the School. Of late we have been giving our captain , Nancy Ferrier , a very bad time , but we are determined to have a final riotous :fling before we go into the (after which we shall have to settle down) with the result that we have: incurred the righteous wrath- of. many of the mistresses. The trouble is , however , that Na\lCY has had to t ake the blame for our misdeeds, so we are steadying down uow. Our form picnic, which was to be (but wasn't!) was a failure . For it rained -so hard that no one turned up; so it was postponed indefinitely. It was to have been r-ather a novel picnic, con"ist- ing of III. A and III. B combined. The form mistresses, Miss Benney and Miss Irving, as well as Miss Spurgin, were to have accompanied ·us , but all our plans were frustrated by the rain. Many other interesting facts concerning onr form may be !mvwu by interviewing any of us in the form room from 1 to 1.5 (not aft.-=r>. And so with best wishes for a bright and merry Christmas ,and a happy New Year, this III. A take-s leave of you, to return t o school as the famous IV. A. III. B. A-Uh·ough · the dreaded exams. are looming ahead, we c:an stili find time to talk-about our form. At the beginning of the year we were in the present L. III. C class room, and it is easy to imagine how loth we were to leave it in July, and remove to the cottage by the road, for the summer months. Since we moved, we have lost our reputation, but it really is surprisingly refreshing on a hot day to give vent to one's feelings. Owing to our noisy surrounding-s (nci offence to III. A), the mistresses are in danger of contracting sore throats, and some- times h_aYe to give up in despair. We. were very sorry t-o lose' some of our form mates this year, and are all very sorry th-at ·Rita has been ill. and hope she will soon be better. vVe could not have our picnic during 1\-Iichaelmas, because of the rain . We were unsuccessful in the sports. but Joan won the- Junior High Jump, and Barbara is in A net ball team. liLA de- feated us at net balL and in tennis we defeated L. III. B. and then were defeated by VI.
ships also senior hurdles. Other girls in the form helped to put l V. C third on the list for the cup. Six or seven of our girlS ' represented the School in the Inter-School Sports , and here again our c-aptain distinguished herself by winning the 22 0 yards anct 100 yards championships. In Net Ball although we put up a good struggle we did not manage to gain a place in th·e competition for the cup. We are · very proud of om< two girls, Gladys and Lorna, who gained places in th·e Net Ball team during the season. In tennis we have so far clone very well and hope to gain a · pla ce for the cup . \Ve J! re also proud of Ailsa one of the School team swimmers .. The Junior and Senior Exams. are near and we wish all girls' sitting for either exams th~ best of luck and we hope to see alJ , names published in the paper when the results come out. We also wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New· Year and we hope that although most of us will be separated next' year. we shall often meet again. Before closing these form notes we must mention our verv enjoyable "House Party ' ' at Thorneside. at. Mrs. ·wright's seasid~ cot.tage . Nine girls accompanied by Miss Fielding spent the· Michaelmas holidays there , and the party was a - hu.e:e success.
IV. D. Form notes , alas! ·what a request! Our brains are weary, But-"Here's our hest ."
Fellow B.G.G .S. Citizens, this is the last time we , under the · illustrious name of IV.D. will ask you to "lend us your ears," Ol" rather ' 'eyes." At the beginning of the IV. D were a healthy· cheery-looking crowd but now-you would hardly recognise us. For how could we remain bright and beautiful with the dreadful shadow of the Junior dogging our footsteps? Instead we are nerve- ' racl;:ed, pale and thin. with dark shadows under our eyes . caused by staying up till midnight, "stewing." However. IV. D have the proper School s.pil'it. for , in spite of our 'Waterloo' in prospect , we devote a great deal of time to sport , coming- second in the School Cup, and having a member in ..-\. tenn).~ : team. A pleasant holiday to all; and now-
Form comrades , one and all adieu , Our happy days are past ' tis true , Unless you . in the coming year , R~turn t.o B.G.G.S. dear. Dear friends. farewell to you !
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