December 1927 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Gra.nuna;~.· Schc()ol 1\-lag-a~ine.
Brisbane Girls' GraiDlllJaa.• School Maga~ine.
LOWER III..-\. With t he encouragement of :i.\1iss MacMillan, our form mistress, we have settled down to our new school life. A few weeks after our entry we elected :\fay Butt a.s form captain, and she h-as prove:i a very efficient one. After much competition between the of the fcnn, a 1tnnis team was formed · con,.isting of K . Dvdwell, M. Butt, l\1. Crookey, and M. Anderson, but it was defeated in its first matcli by Upper IH. C. In the inter-form sports our form was well represented, and ga ined fourth place. The form as a whole t al;:es great interest in swimming, and has some promising swimmers. LOWER III. B. 'YVe al·e Lower III. B, and are very lucky in possessing a plea:;- ant form room upstairs. Both in the inter-form and inter-school sports we were well represented, one of our girls winning the Junior Championship in the form sports. We ·have some good sprinters, swimmers, and tennis players. Myra Grant was chosen as our form captain , and she has un- doubtedly been a. success. During the Michaelma.s holidays, we h·a.d a joint form picnic wifh Lower III. C to Redcliffe. We were accompanied by .Mrs. Todd, as our form mistress, Mrs. Mottram, was 'unable to go. . We spent a very pleasant day in S!)ite of threats of rain whP.n we emba.rl;:ed . We wish all other forms the best of success in all the exams, a merry · christmas and a. happy New Year. LOWER Ill. C. \Ve, Lower III. C, accompanied by L. III. B, had our form pic- nic on Thursday, 29th September. Though th·e first of the morning was wet the day proved beautifully sunny. \Ve went to Redcliffe by boat , :\Irs. Todd consenting to come. Bathing at Redcliffe was rather a cold sport, not many of the girls venturing to take a. second dip. After lunch we went for walks in groups, the games rounders and . twos and threes being played also. The clay passed very quickly, and it was soon time to leave. The return journey seemed longer, as we were tired. When the river was reached it was dusk, and the numerous lights ot every suburb in view were twinkling like earthly stars. We thank Mrs. Todd very much for making this picnic possible. With reference to the tennis matches ou r f orm was represented by Euphemia, Glen , Lottie, and Gwenda. W e met L. Ill . D , but
were beaten. V\Te are proud of the fact tha.t we h·ad many repre- sentatives in the inter-school sports, in the long jump, tunnelling, and relay race, and hope for great things from them as they pass . on through the school.
LOWER HI. D. vVe of lower III. D are a very -happy form. We haYe several . good swimmers, and hope to be well represented in the swimming - carnival at the. end of the year. Our tennis team was defeated by IV. C after a hard struggle; and we heartily congratulate our opponents. We ail hold that " practice makes perfect . ' ' During the lVIichaelmas holidays we enjoyed a rather damp, bat very cheery picnic at Redcliffe, with our form mistress, Miss · Stephenson. Just now we· are in the midst of exams. , and we· wish every one the best of luck in them, and also an enjoyable vacation. Wishing · t.he Junior and Senior candidates every success in theirs also, we shall now say goodbye. LOWER ill. E . We, of Lower Three E, have now to introduce ourselves, and · the fact that we have come last does not mean that we are least. ·our form captain was duly elected and established in her · position, and the form settled clown under its form mistress, a.ncl ·as the work was ne-w we were all interested. Swimming commenced at the beginning of our second term, · and we expect much from some of the experienced swimmers. The · test matches provided some excitement. As luck would have it we were 'doomed to play the mighty Sixth. One of the team did splendid work distinguishing herself and making our rivals work · hard to keep their reputation and gain the match. which they eventually did. Suggestions 'regarding our form picnic were so n umerons and varied as almost to put silver threads among our captain' s dark locks, and finally the rainy weather made it impossible to hold t hat function a.t all. The latest excitement is the exa-mination for which we have · all been studying very hard. We shall now close this exciting narrative by wishing tlle Sixth and Fourth the best of luck in the exams., and sincen•Jy hope to see their names figuring o·n the list of succe-ssful candi- . dates.
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