Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
.':\. Feat:u^res
Now, more than ever, buy "true blue"
sundingihe consumer to buy riproduci. People will in1051 probably buy well known or brighily coloured products like Calgaie 100th pasieia Us producti nther than a litile Mown AUSiralian paduci called Sonls. There is rin gunra"lee that false infomiaiion will in o1be displayed. as illusiraied by the seizure by Customs oranimported consignment one'ns. Fine primulaierrevealedih"ithejeans were at Iually made in China. Sucli false represeniation is uncommon. but serves to remind consumers Ihai much of our hard earned money is finding its way off-shore and 15 not helping to make Austinlia a richer couniry. To hay lame Ausna"an made anal owned prodL"is iris re^y 10 bum wich coinpari*s control which palL"ts an xiwlierlrertt, cyane"tunnyAustia"'"1.11 is quirest"nigirigioiioreiliaiso, relegen byAussiesymbolsareactullyowiredby lineigicompariies: Vege, hite. Dr^. Bad^g Rum. an, d ling ^e are all AtarinuM ' ""' " I Exports IfJih _ 111g^ ' I - d . -=" MEW, IHfoRis
well known: SPC. Edgell's. Players Bullercup Breads. Uncle Tuby's. Norm. Meadowlea. Devondale Cheese. Dan, ne. DamllLea. GUIdeii Circle. Just Juice. Four 'n' Twenty Pies and the Keiile Chip Company. Some foreign companies doin I male whole sections of tileAustrnlian market. Time foreign chocol"Ie torii panics. Cadb"Iy. Nestle and Mars. conirol almost all of the Australian market. Their brands include hlais Bars. Ruses. ClierryRipe andKiiKai. The Australian marker in house hold cleaners is controlled by two companies. Unilever IUK) and Colgate-Palniulive jusAj. Their binnds are extremely wellkiiown in cluding OMO. Dynamo and Domes10s. whereasAushalian brands like Bushland. multi. Hurricane and Quesiare allquiieinsignificanito the consumer. However. none of Ihe Buy-AUS iruiian campaignis useful if producis are bought at foreign owned shops. Luckily. big chainslike woolworths. Safeway. Bi-Lo. KMari. Grace BTOs and CUIes-Myer are Australian owned. whilsi Franklins and its No Ftills brand are aciually Hong Kong owned. The Australian owned chains also promote their own binnds and products like Black and Gold. Homebmnd and Farmland. Even outsideihe surennarkeis an alumiing am Duni of foreign owner ship is evident All petrol chains in Australia etcept Ampol and Solo are foreign owned. Thereare virtually no majorAus trollan owned manjufaciurers of au like Cedel. Gresham and De Lorenzo being some or the AUS tmlian producls in virtually every area or the Australian markei. there is evi dence of do mirinnce by foreign companies. This 511uaiion is not helped by the Australian govern merit'S support 0110rei"n invest merit un Australia. Every week more and more Australian owned companies are ink. n over by for eign Investors. wiih Ihe result be ing Ihaiour current accounis den Cit Increases at all alarming rale. Wiih every foreigniakeover. most of the profits find their way into foreign banks The A us tmlian population must educaie iisellto buy its own products. Every lime we buy AUS Iralian made and owned products. we can look forward to a prosper ous future. Every lime we buy foreign owned products. we slide furiher into foreign debt and the The lime to aci is now. AUS Iralia is our couniry; let's keep it Ihai way. Alllioughihis article does not in clude a crimpleie list or companies recession
Kym Smith & Erlca Dunstan
andilicirproducis. allsi. lisiic, includ*d were accumie at lite lime 111is ediiion went to print. we apologise for any errors Dr Dinissions. For rimre infonmalion. PI"use contact:
Friends of AllsBuy Australian Owned Companies Association P. 0. Box 440 Rydalmere NS\\' 2116 Enquiries to Harry' wallace, President
Every lime we walk in10 a super market. we are surrounded by bri"1111y coloured packages. musicf whicli rid ventse well-known brands. But how do we really know I\, hich products are "true blue" Aussies? Sumrisinglyandunfortunaiely. the Tnnjority of products on salein Austinl Ian stores are owned or controlled by foreign companies or investors. in the current economic climate it is becoming increasingly importantio purehase goods made in Austinlia by companies owned by Australians Australia'srecentbalance or trade fig Mres show that the value of imported goods exceeds the value of exported goods by an evenncreasin. margin: now. estimaiad to be over $15 billion However. there's evidence to suggest that the deficit call be overcome by buying more Australian made and owned products Sinnsiics from the AUSbuy Coin pany suggest that if every Austinlian bought about $50 worth of Austinl Ian made and owned products each week. we would save about $20 bil lion ayear on our foreign debt. create thousands of jobs. and most impor tanily. we would not have a reces However. this strategy is not us easy to implement as it seems. A1 Ihough many products may be AUS Imjinn made. there is no guarantee that they are actually produced by Australian-owned companies. To coinplicaie the issue. legisla 5:0n sarily require foreign ownership to be displayed, although the place of production must be shown. While packaging cannot display falseinfor mallon. lis messages may be mis leading and what it omits may per suade customers that these producis are AUSiralian made and owned. Packaging is also a factor in per
Eva Wood police force work directly with ^^_ high school. They are directin Highschoolis often ajime when theiraiieniion10 the students them teenagers are faced with many selves and. in doing so. offer thei choices boili educational and social. own time to inform and talk abou choices that can have an impact on issues lite drugs or alcohol abuse. the future. And the wrong choices But they also tat:e lime to ex lain can have serious consequences. our rinhis within the legal sysiem Adolescents canalso have dim- and to deal with any other issues cumes dealing with authority fig thateiiherihe selloolorthe studenis uru*. By then me studenisreachhigh want to raise. school manly have the falseidea that The "enuineinierestihatthese you only have something to do with two constables nave in teena e the policeif you are in trouble. This issues initiated their ap roach 10 gves ribiased view of the role orthe tile school 10 establish more ef police in society. rective communication between Tire sipit of two neonle in poke high school studen, s and the po unitoriitsonAsembly. alll:eefuigswiih lice depariment. They believe lire Seniors. or walking around the that if better relaiionshi s were courtscl"liengesthisinhikdperspec- esiablislied they in a ' he I re live. \. ent problems in 111e injure. thorium>'adjcolsile 'AdcpiaCup The tiedicai, on that they have to 'rungrunlrelpscMdren, Ial\, thisales this ideais clayas they ,ive u Iheir like 'danger stranger' . child abuse. in xi own lime to come to the school Uut init Eren kindr, girleirs haw 'Mader- inglunch orclass time aruurrequesi. sallen Ops' wirethiglisclioolslu"e Hopefully. their mendly and Dubo 000.2"vialsysiernfcrhaildingb, idges inn personaliii". down-tutorih a - betste, I lire pyrine tire am the sin- proaCh. and obvious conecm will lienis. enable studenis 10 feel as thou"h Yveiie B urgess and Klan they arc able to approacli them and Johnson. Iwo commitied police or- simply discuss concerns either Inr e licers with very realisiic views. are or small. working withinc schooliniryiiigio What Yveiie and Mallnowineed establish Ihe first program in is a name for the scheme. Perha s Queensland WITere members o11he one or our readers could help.
lion covering the packaging of prod- foreign owned uclsin supermacheis does notneces-
Many o11he food items commonly din. video products. believed lobeAustr, liariare not. Heinz. Most cosmetics and skin care Cadbury. Ainuii's. Tip Top. Keiiogg. ,products are foreign owned. ripari Kraft. Campbeli's Soup. Nesue. Mars from Blacxhtores. Nutri-metics and and Smiths Chips amiust some o11he De Lorenzo. Hair care products are many foreign owned products on our also controlled by foreign coring a market. Unfortunately. these are the nies. \vilh little-known products
brands that reccive Ihe most publicity through large ridvenisin" budgets. Many Australian fondvarietiesareless
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