Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993
itEditori:all. .Comintent
Express yourself Working towards a genuine sense *,,,",,,", mm mm mm, ,., mm mm mm, , mm, mm, ,* of co in inunity A relatively new area or science tinn with another bun, an being's senses. Th" sculptor rina"ipulates a cisesumecontrnlovertherutureand room that will the a penmanenl re past. reeling. hasmade us aware orbowverysimi- tience : iris mien"ingrul for bothlhe Inr we arc to our fellow creatures, second week or October. all mein. reptiles and human being all POS- hersuru, CScl, Doleommunity will Ire As 111e sentnrs crimp!etc incirIi mmlweeks orscc"ridaryschool. many nis""rices shared. On" or the most important allribul"s or Drisban" people 11 is impemiive 10 allay rears whicliihreaien disunity and racial con nici. Jusi"s the Schoolfunciions niosi the nation. Issuei* a mailer or cumiralsienih callce rininnly for Aboriginal people 11is IIOPed Ihai. in 111eiuiure. lite GramiiiarSchoul will ILLc pailinihe maiional movemeni for reconcili"-
spiritimparled to each student. the dents ordiverseinteresis. nitsse, us" of community in the School gives andlhe wholegroup a r'spoitsibility Snorting compelilions. tomniuniiy service clubs and n, usic ensembl" all champion school is a Teteiii examplc group's success. Allliou"h rin sin, ,IC debating learn was thumphani in Ihe win 111e Schooliliis accolade. acliiev:rig goals. Presentation 10 111e
crenie airuiy uniied land. in recoincili ajion with Ihe Aboriginal people. their culture is o11c or Ihis nanon's train s heritage and 111us. every AUS bond belwcen Ihe miennts and the Indigenous people is stronger Ihaniliai gremlins nati\e litle 10 Ihe A1urr"v 151aiiders. has hen NTPlexing in iis r"rice and a sensationali\I ritedia ajioii. The implic"lions of 111e Ie"al recognition of pre-European seijie riglits 1101 yet extinguished do rini in entire coniinenl.
role WITich}, ungpe, PIe should wcl coniact with an Independentpriniary school at Highsai, Hill. Educ"jin"
humanbeings"ketothi, ,kihatcon, e
richnesofsucha, ,experience. They
eventrom other are"riblyintdligent them augur"IArls week. Furseven Feeling and expression are two School will host a feast of events, capacities"jutmakeusunique. Love, involving music. artdisplay$drania sire. elation, depression, grier and create performanc"s and presenta rin o1her organisni can experience experienced artists' and Ihcn express in ways that are as to provide un broad-bawl reduc"- none are so much a parloro"r hdn" lion for girls, this week will, d"calc to them: verbal acknowledgment before. within our own community feelings. So, in a world in which we mist that art in all its rooms is a for alli"volted. creative expression? itre imporlance or the arts mr stylus, is an tipitssio" and mudifi- in""I will be realisetl only Ihrou h lianar rubyect at one point in their also encourage a greater range of Iiv"s. These people maybe paint"rs. young people townlue111ealre. music mrs. dram'lists, I - . ' P' an a - lis hoped that everyone but, whatever ithdr ling all can in week, not only learni"" sonnethin called by one name : antsl. about tile creative arts but also with total strangers The Iheatre ing and fomrs orexpression. artis^ backstage or und"ge. hdps me prepared to indulge in some fully someone in the audience will which will make an invaluable con or appreciate. Th" musician creates han without emotion andits rex r's sound in an effort to make a runner- sinn, you mayaswellhenbacierium. or our culture lullils our need ror A vision of the future ily can succeed. No-one hulan Anali asserts thrillhisis the land we love the can can be King or Queen of England. best. niis is our home. This is the indeed Ihe King or Queen of England harbour of our desiiny and or our chil cannot even marry son, eone whois not dren's destiny a Pintesiani. We clami 10 live in a it is an ideal which demands that society whichdemandsthattherebeno every Dince under our Consuluiion is discriminaiion on the basis orse\ and filled by Australian citizens who owe yellhemonarchyisihe ultimaiely sex child will lake precedence over the challenge. his achallenge to us today. eldest daughier. Now these tradiiions and to all Australians in the years 10 of vested prtvile"e. DFTeligious exclu come. 11 is a challenge to overcome 51viiy and or SE\ism are tradiiions or those deme"ning and diminishing sen- Binain. They have no place in our liments of feararid despairwhich have country. Forthe monarehyis not only for too long dogged our growth us a not Australian but iris rather un-AUS Imjinn. it airronts those fundamen"I the rest of the world will always be democratic values which we hold dear seen as British. Her first allegiance is and which define our nanon to her native land. just as my first Republicans realise Ihai Austinl allegiance is to AUSiralia ia's democmcy and iis poliiic"I slabil The republic is the cause which ity depend upon the goodwill and defines Ihe alliiudes which we will commonsense of Ihe Australian neo take with us into the Iwenty-first cen- PIe. nowes nothiiigin the Queen. The as a people. so lacking in seikonh- The republic however tsubouiliav dence. so highiened or change. that as ing Ihe COM1a. e to recognise wlio we our own Head of Stale? Instead. the meanin"Iul symbols omanonhood. it monarehisrsiellus, thrillorceniuriesio is about Australians who define Iheir come we must reinin Ihe most horn- nanonhondby theircommiimeniiothe monarchof another land. that wearei0 11is a vision of the future. continuehnvinga vacuum allhe centre Maicolm Turnbuil of our Constitution Sydney We believe we live in a nation Letters to the . editor filecaseforan AUSimlian republic is no more than a case for Australia. in theirfirsinllegiance to this country and no other. But more than that it is a
eas as Jisiani as Annerlev and
vide necessary resource!. and it coin
Girls' Gramm"r Schuol into lids 10 '55/5/1hrough fundraising and seiv
C. As. system. file Grammar G"-
o11hc school and proiiinic Ihis ill- \ Diveineni.
as a school. a nation and a world. The
Ihis Scliu, I will show 115 sense or
wliicli recognises 111e rigl for all PCO This 15 Ihe initm"lional Year or the Indigenous Peop!c. As AUSimlia an
acliTill CS. but also us a participaiii share\ r'sp, Irisihilii\ for. "r*liar, , desi, IIJ. and all or us niusi need
Freehold iiiles are irre, usable. Coin
since Ihe Racial Discriminaiion AC:
say orbecoming one nation. \VC have
"given" land bui will Inh*rit it trolli liteir anc"10's. witolia\'e maintain*d
citizens. This concepi. wliich has
nation1100d uniil we reslore the rin lional righis or our own indigenous
comeihebasis '10/1rli\e\ ouisid, Ihe School. and forthc world.
primcular area. The resoluiion of this
Thank you and farewell Johanna Sing and Naomi Just This is the final issue of the Gramniar Gazelle produced by them"rigurnlcommiite". On he halt orihe sub. editors, Krisiin, Cook"and PaulB"rineii. the con in buting\, tiltrs and antsts. the adjlors wisli to thank the sc1, o01 conimu"ityforits supportorthis new v"nlure The ruture of the Grammar Comite*, illremain secure \vhilc those connectcd witli 111e sc1, o01 bring new issues. athire\ements andconlributionstothene\spa per. By fostering a high stand ardin the initial "dilions. TDI"n mrs' submitsinirs of arlicl"s and 1.11ershavebeenforlhcnming. A runge orconiributorsinside and outside the school coinmunit\ hate seen the Gazetteas a publi cation worthy orsupport and an effective means or coinmuni""- lion (founding editors) As tinc rounding editors. we "xpr"55 our appreciation to all who hat' been instrumental in 11/@ publication or incne, ,spaper each I"rin. Kristine Cooke and Paul mennelt have given their lime and energi"s unlirin"by' in guiding andassisting us. Fortliis incalculable contrib"lion to a con, rinitee which began without expcnence, rine\sparerproduc lion, we express our sincere ap preeiation. we trust the new committ"e will continue Ih" tm. dilions riftheGrammar Gazette. adding their own approaches to the building orap"blicaiionth"I informs, tacklcs the bigger is sues. and also entertains Goodluck to all whomin the Grammar Gazettein the future
11 ^
*,$ s(
Letters to the Editor and other contributions
These should be submiii"I 10 Krisiine Cooke CL 3.01 ResourceT"ichers' Room Ph 831 1300 DR^
CanIer" ready art\\orL *houlJ be submiiied to Paul Benneil CL 2.05 Computer Stair Ronin 833 2231 Articles and 1.11ers- on cumpuier disc Phoios- wiih name and connct Himrial Conimiiiee
Editors: Sub-Editors/ Sport Sub-EdiLor/ Arts: Sub-Editorffeaiur" Sub-EditorDesi"n:
Naomi Jusi and 10hann" Sing
Kym Smith ToynBums
Eva wood
Sinff Consultants
Paul Benneit and histine Cooke
whereallcitizens are equal. and yet we have a monarchy consuluting our Dr lice of Head of Stole to which only
The newspaper commitiee would like 10 express their appreciation to those hope that our readers will support those who have supported us.
Page 4 GRAMMAR qA^I::F11;., Term a 1993
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