Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993



Girls' emu",,", ^coool ^If^inn,

V01.21ssue N0 3

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Newspaper :incoporating the A eal News orld s a dard S orts Cen re or Girls' Gra

Term 3 1993

in a




has designed gymnasiums in New Zealand and Australia for schools and

Paul Bennett

gym will enhance our coin rehensive inge of indoor activities. dance. gym and lead up work to outside sports. Mrs Harvey-Short explained of the Physical Education Faculty. said the facility would a calalys"to changing the whole P prograrn. The

1994 win see the consin"lion of a local authorities. He said that the slate of the art Spyns Centre for the facility will be special because it will students of Girls' Gnunmar at a cost have a uruqueIntx of a multi-purpose of 2.85 Intllion dollars. This building activity area together with a dedicated will be the cullntnation of a whole gymnastic, raining area within-pound

School day

school plan begun by the Boaad or pits weights are beeoiwing more impor Trustees in 1989. This has included The pits are two ,renes deep and ianttojire f ' ' '- the restoretion of the Main Building IOCared in the floor. The apparelus on cal . Th and the construction of the Cornm". which the gymnasts will work is sus- will sh nIh G ' I ' nications Centre. pended overthepits. A melts stretched in ed . it winl house two geneml purpose across each it and foam is laid on top. Safety will be improved because classrooms, aspecialfixed gymequip- This enables an economy of foam the soft win be able to view all tile merit area, a full size indoor basket. being used and provides more cm. colivity nets from the sulfoom. The ball. netball court, and weights room. cient cleaning so that th pits will not larger combom will also aceommo The CGifuig height will be built to fill with dust dare the staff more comfortably national regulations of ten metres to hfr Sterling explalned:" The is it Sterling said the site did pose allow for all but Olympic compeli- only one other facility in the stare that some unusual engineering problems lions in a range of sports nom rhyth. has in. ground pits of this nature and in that iris close to retaining walls and rule gymnastics to volleyball. that is 11re Australian msiitute of Sport an existing building. Another chal The complex win be built on the facility at Charidler. Here we have a Ienge is to make this large structure widest part of the running track. The secondary school realising that it has blend in with its environment without demountables will be removed from robint"Id tutorein rhythmic 11nme trying 10 hide the fact that it is a the southern end to make extra room and adstic gymnastics and is provid. gymnasium for outside sporting activities. it is ing for tire needs now and into the 21st Thetacilitywillalsobemadeavail also intended to widen the running century. " able to Brisbane Gremlinar and to our track. Mrs a1 $1 e sporting clubs when not being in charge of construction will be mastics and a facility needs to be pro- The Civil and Civic. who also built the The present complex will be re Communications Centre. Designers vided so that tile girls can continue to furbished to house the Art Depart of the complex are POWell. Dods and compete at the highest level merit and an a"chiorium seating 650 Thorne, specialists in sports architoc- Win this cliinete we need an in- hando, is , which are rex tiedwible door facility because mule people are lure in garefully typed, can be nude to Mac Srerli"g, the conhal arehirerI becoming aware of the dangers of tire Buiung ad R"^I Ameal. A involved in the project. competed in excessiv sun exposure. " corntiori han is omit^! in us alto Pauline Homey-Short. the Head of tile Gnunnw Can* Olympic gymnastics for Australia. He

Saturday October 16th 1111 year School day will be combined with Enrolment day Displays include 'Art 'Rhythmic gym 'Theatre dancers 'Music 'Drama 'Japanese dancers Performances by Aboriginal Women Elders 'Academic displays 'and More

Page I GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Term 3,993

S hoo


Cheeseburgers, volleyball, a d astronauts




Eva Wood

it is often dimculi to understand the application of some o Ihe science laughi in high school. However. the technology available to us at Space Camphelped us loseethatthe factsand theories we learn at school really do haveapurpose. as wellas realising Ihai our own scientific knowledge is only "in its infant stages". The ruinre now seems muchcloser 11 now seems possible Iha . in our lifetime. people will livein space. and perha s through space leseamh cures forthseaseslike NDS and cancer will be found Gramnar girls hintzad itI Camp. We leftwitheigh, onharmirteen prizes 'ren. a leeoid for any one coup. As well as developing our seien liftcknowledgeandlconiingabourhow essential teamwork i . w also ex. muded our cultural experiences. We learned how to play "Teal" Amehcan volleyball. had explained 10 us the 'true" meanings o' some or our A us Imjinn slang, round out who were the chances to win the Super Bowland Ihe Nanonal Baseball. There was a sense or familiarity ribou, manyof the experiences. We are often told that leievision never quite depicts reality. yet the firs lime we walked into the cafeteria. i was as if we were standing on the set o De Grassi High or Dongi Houser MD Tire Space Trip Is to be ini Yinidono. hareio"pileio spacewal or on a score satori, o learn from orxi enjoy lire experie of tints Camp. Be xi realsovi.

A1nericaisllrelandofBeverlyElills. Hollywood glamour. "Swee, Dream" romances. and tire cheeseburger. 11 is the only place in the world where you honestly fuel when you arrive that you have been the before. Bu more jin porn, 1111an animse, the U. S. A. is the Ironeo. .A. S. A From the moment the students on the GrammarspaceTripioucheddown in Hun ville. A1abama until the time we took off. visions of space cities. skyla . corellires bombarded the eyes. Space age technology that is paving the wayfortlre fuiureandwhich seems like cone, hing out of science fiction in Austinlia. suddenly becomes real and achievable. What an exciiing way to spend your luridJuly holidays! W'e stood in frontof the life-size replicaofiheChal Ienger S Shuttle snappin "tour isIy' phoiogmphs repealing. "This is for real. Thi is for real " This reality truly hi Ih moment doors o. the Space Academy close and you aminundated withinfonnation and broad Southern acrenis. It does nor stop foreigh wonderfilled days. Nineiy six teenagers, rangin" in ag, from 15 to 18. were kept busy from .conm until 1030pm. To NASA. scientistsinresearch and design leeiured on the realities of space travel. Things Iha are sim Iy accepted on earth tok years o re seamhio mukepossibl irispace. Daily hygiene and eating become extraordi nay Mrs. Added 101his is therealisa non that years of training are neonsary before anyone is considered for space travel.

'^,^, ales"@, tonytl^of, ,td

the mad'hasty, orke, sipltoio courtesy qf lit Coll, for Mali

. . .






Winning minds progress to state finals


and dedication on the part o the con Its!ants. The Grammarieam dis layed these qualities 10 a high degree and roblems Success in Such a conipe, 1110n is du in no small 10 commitment

Alex Neels

On Sunday22Augus, . the BCG. S. To"mumen o. Minds ream competed In and won Ihe re 'onal zone To urna- merit ofiMindscompeiition arsiPaul's




School. aid Hill\.

havespent"Imosioned"yaweek since The team. A1ice Wehl Felicity Ihe beginning or the ycar procii\ing Hunger. Carly ONeill. Mejinda Ihiiiking skill and shortierm problein Hende en. Am and" Kershaw und solving. owan Fiendersen. had 10 solve IWC Thesemeeiingswe or anisedb p cms. Ihe team's mentors : staff meink The ream w, us given six weeks to JulienneJust, Sam Bolton. Ie"Charles prepareand itDint a solution to their Edward . and ICnnifor Rigge. long term p blem". depiciing a so- Tournament of Minds response cml issue o the ' s in a card game are strictl> controlled in terms of fom"I. casi. style and preseniation. This is B. G. G. S. ream presented their whai makes Ihe overall coin eii winning itomanceabouisiree"kids lion so challengin . whichincorporaleda variety orcolour- This was the first Girl ' Grant Iul techniquee from quotaiions to a mar team to win a Tournamen of backdrop of a gramiied "brick wall '. Minds competition. The team will entire long terni performance now progress to the slate finals in must be set up and performed in ten early September at Oriffith niver minutes. The "sho tenn" problem sity involves a PIESenia, ion on a topic with in this suie competition members three minutes presentation time. are 1501aiedina room forthree hours 10 No outside assistance in ICrms o solve and organiseihe pertonnance or prepareiion or redorrnance was per alongiemiproblem as wellas answer milled throughou, the enii compeli- ing the short term one lion for either the long or short term UNION NOTICE A wentieth reunion for ful and memorable event, the Brisbane Girls' Gram~ we hope to reach as many mar School class grou past students as possible. 9 . 973 has been scheJl Phone a committee mein u ed or Saturday. 9th Oc- her on 398 8597 or 399 to ber, 1993. We have al- 7650. ready made contact with An ela Wallace ( aine) many pas students but wari Sue eavons London to hear from others who ar Heather Lord (Tomey interested and have no re- HeIen ceived the initial mail-out Wassman (Bingemann To make this a success- Kay Ball (White




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^11^ \ " , 11^ , ' I ' )^in$-~^^,;,, ^0 ' ' .!. i, .*!"* 55 Me LACHLAN STREET FOni, I UDE VALLEY TELEPHONE: (07) 257,244

15age 2 GRAMMAR GAZET'it: term 3,993

o n W

Kate Eltham wins a. D. U. debaters win Garth through to state team KOIter Memorial t ophy A term of debating success

ing future as our younger debaters continue to participate in this adj ing putsuiL One tomn whose torii, *bution to Grim, nar debating has been lurelu able is the galelO Junior Al goup. Cara Dunas, Vanessa Granger, nametle mmn, Tnntity Ryan and Nabsha Stintng coned an OPPrl"- nib, to debate in the Grind Final, containg the topic'*hatA^minais becoming too in figious". Despite by ing narrowly defeated by N1 11.1 lows' icon. , am the students gained valuable debating experience, aswe" as trophies for them relves and the icon. Offering students OPPortuni

1993 finals series has entertained participants and spectators. Topics featured in the grand finals focussed on legal issues but this dld not diminish the dynamic nature or the debate. The 51u dents' admirable research into is sues such as ", hat the U. S. is an unfair trader", ", hat we should abolish the states, and '*hat Maho is a step in the right direction" resulted in lively, sincere and or ten humorous exchanges. The dominance of Girls' Groin mar debatersin the schools' coin". titionisevidentfu, the 51ats, its which record that every one or the lime tea, us mom our school advanced to the linels series and five or these competed in the semi-final ror their erode

Johanna Sing -.^.^^-^ For BrisbaneGirls'Groannnr, the 1993 debating reason has been an unpre"dented success in addition the Kate Eltham s selection in the state team, the Queersland Debating Union Grand Finals tight on 23 A". recognised onr tomwork and competence Brisbane Girls' Cronn, ar was presented with the prestigious earth Kofier Memorial Trophy for the champion school in the QD. U. coin petition. This award is a reflection or theseh"o1 ECUtstsn""Braun, shall grades or debating Every ham con tributed it this attainnenL hangumted in 1989, this is the tidy"rGirls'Grammarhas@med this award and it indicates a promis-

night and despiie these being the first pre (as opposed to short prepam lion) dBbares of the trials. adrenalin

Angela unl. on

One of Groinmar's successful de. barers, Kato Eimannin Yearll. has wassiillrunninghigh. Kaledisplayed recently shotfrom being wellknownto confidence and skill to be seleried as being furious. She was selectsd as the the first reserve firs reserve for the 1993 Queensland The national competition was held Debating learn. a rig earn. in Cantorn for aweekatthebegiimng Kare. who has been debating with or term lime. The first few da s were the Queensland Debating Union since spent muting atobvision sales of de Year8, wentihrough aboutfiverounds bales foreh"dren. Topicsincluded'that of trials before being selected in the school sport should be coin ulso " training squad from which the team and "that the Simpsons are an ideal was decided family" These trials involved short co- The "real" competition began on retion debates every weekend. Any Monday. and involved six heals and one could enter the trials. and those two finals Topics for a Intx, ore of people who impressed the selectors shortprepamtion and prepared debater werecalled back formore trials. Sho included "that we should inner VCne prepyra"on debares involve a secret rimlitorilyin Bosnia" 'that racialvilifi subject. which is disclosed an hour cation should be a crime". and "that before the actual debate be@ns. Each Medicare is a ranure". By Thursday. learn 18 required to come up with a after two rebaies a day, Western AUS complete case within tha hour' This balm had won the most debates. and highr sound difficult enough, but iris Queensland had to race New South even hader in blowing your ream Wales in a semi-final. Queensland members or the adjudicators. Kale. won this. but uniformnaiely lost the however, passed each successive round final against Western Australia. and was finally selected in the final One highlight of the week was a squad of twelve. fomaldinnerforalldebaiers. The guest This squad had a month's inton- speaker was Rotori Tick, Ier. the Fed SIve training before the final selection eralMinisterforAboriginalandTones night. where the slate team was finally Strait Islander Affairs. chosen. There were two debates on the

ties to use their wit and logic in exhilarating clashes with some or the state's best school teams, the Apex debaters perform s rongly

Mahon Louise Woodhead Worrying whether their palm cads. __,,, pens andblazerallcolourco-ordinaled. Allhebeginningofienntiireethere 11was DSUresigithe 1993 Apex us bat was an abundance of "tribal goup ing, finals were approaching. ings"inside and around the library and This year. three of the six Apex G21evels. There were groups of girls debating learns made it to the quarier clustered around Concise Oxford Die- finals : the Junior A and B teams and nomades, delibemling and debating the Senior B. The Junior A team was over which colour palm cads to use - the only one o these 10 debate their

wayinto the semi-finals. Despite their had work. the team 10s 10 All Hat' lows' by a mere point. foewts, tombc"I^ich, ts be, ,,,, 31"ad' reamamb^^^, a; lireB. "nunis"tintsofitsd*@saltsA mmbstigmilyaE

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Page 3 GRAMMAR GAZErrE, Term 3,993

itEditori:all. .Comintent

Express yourself Working towards a genuine sense *,,,",,,", mm mm mm, ,., mm mm mm, , mm, mm, ,* of co in inunity A relatively new area or science tinn with another bun, an being's senses. Th" sculptor rina"ipulates a cisesumecontrnlovertherutureand room that will the a penmanenl re past. reeling. hasmade us aware orbowverysimi- tience : iris mien"ingrul for bothlhe Inr we arc to our fellow creatures, second week or October. all mein. reptiles and human being all POS- hersuru, CScl, Doleommunity will Ire As 111e sentnrs crimp!etc incirIi mmlweeks orscc"ridaryschool. many nis""rices shared. On" or the most important allribul"s or Drisban" people 11 is impemiive 10 allay rears whicliihreaien disunity and racial con nici. Jusi"s the Schoolfunciions niosi the nation. Issuei* a mailer or cumiralsienih callce rininnly for Aboriginal people 11is IIOPed Ihai. in 111eiuiure. lite GramiiiarSchoul will ILLc pailinihe maiional movemeni for reconcili"-

spiritimparled to each student. the dents ordiverseinteresis. nitsse, us" of community in the School gives andlhe wholegroup a r'spoitsibility Snorting compelilions. tomniuniiy service clubs and n, usic ensembl" all champion school is a Teteiii examplc group's success. Allliou"h rin sin, ,IC debating learn was thumphani in Ihe win 111e Schooliliis accolade. acliiev:rig goals. Presentation 10 111e

crenie airuiy uniied land. in recoincili ajion with Ihe Aboriginal people. their culture is o11c or Ihis nanon's train s heritage and 111us. every AUS bond belwcen Ihe miennts and the Indigenous people is stronger Ihaniliai gremlins nati\e litle 10 Ihe A1urr"v 151aiiders. has hen NTPlexing in iis r"rice and a sensationali\I ritedia ajioii. The implic"lions of 111e Ie"al recognition of pre-European seijie riglits 1101 yet extinguished do rini in entire coniinenl.

role WITich}, ungpe, PIe should wcl coniact with an Independentpriniary school at Highsai, Hill. Educ"jin"

humanbeings"ketothi, ,kihatcon, e

richnesofsucha, ,experience. They

eventrom other are"riblyintdligent them augur"IArls week. Furseven Feeling and expression are two School will host a feast of events, capacities"jutmakeusunique. Love, involving music. artdisplay$drania sire. elation, depression, grier and create performanc"s and presenta rin o1her organisni can experience experienced artists' and Ihcn express in ways that are as to provide un broad-bawl reduc"- none are so much a parloro"r hdn" lion for girls, this week will, d"calc to them: verbal acknowledgment before. within our own community feelings. So, in a world in which we mist that art in all its rooms is a for alli"volted. creative expression? itre imporlance or the arts mr stylus, is an tipitssio" and mudifi- in""I will be realisetl only Ihrou h lianar rubyect at one point in their also encourage a greater range of Iiv"s. These people maybe paint"rs. young people townlue111ealre. music mrs. dram'lists, I - . ' P' an a - lis hoped that everyone but, whatever ithdr ling all can in week, not only learni"" sonnethin called by one name : antsl. about tile creative arts but also with total strangers The Iheatre ing and fomrs orexpression. artis^ backstage or und"ge. hdps me prepared to indulge in some fully someone in the audience will which will make an invaluable con or appreciate. Th" musician creates han without emotion andits rex r's sound in an effort to make a runner- sinn, you mayaswellhenbacierium. or our culture lullils our need ror A vision of the future ily can succeed. No-one hulan Anali asserts thrillhisis the land we love the can can be King or Queen of England. best. niis is our home. This is the indeed Ihe King or Queen of England harbour of our desiiny and or our chil cannot even marry son, eone whois not dren's destiny a Pintesiani. We clami 10 live in a it is an ideal which demands that society whichdemandsthattherebeno every Dince under our Consuluiion is discriminaiion on the basis orse\ and filled by Australian citizens who owe yellhemonarchyisihe ultimaiely sex child will lake precedence over the challenge. his achallenge to us today. eldest daughier. Now these tradiiions and to all Australians in the years 10 of vested prtvile"e. DFTeligious exclu come. 11 is a challenge to overcome 51viiy and or SE\ism are tradiiions or those deme"ning and diminishing sen- Binain. They have no place in our liments of feararid despairwhich have country. Forthe monarehyis not only for too long dogged our growth us a not Australian but iris rather un-AUS Imjinn. it airronts those fundamen"I the rest of the world will always be democratic values which we hold dear seen as British. Her first allegiance is and which define our nanon to her native land. just as my first Republicans realise Ihai Austinl allegiance is to AUSiralia ia's democmcy and iis poliiic"I slabil The republic is the cause which ity depend upon the goodwill and defines Ihe alliiudes which we will commonsense of Ihe Australian neo take with us into the Iwenty-first cen- PIe. nowes nothiiigin the Queen. The as a people. so lacking in seikonh- The republic however tsubouiliav dence. so highiened or change. that as ing Ihe COM1a. e to recognise wlio we our own Head of Stale? Instead. the meanin"Iul symbols omanonhood. it monarehisrsiellus, thrillorceniuriesio is about Australians who define Iheir come we must reinin Ihe most horn- nanonhondby theircommiimeniiothe monarchof another land. that wearei0 11is a vision of the future. continuehnvinga vacuum allhe centre Maicolm Turnbuil of our Constitution Sydney We believe we live in a nation Letters to the . editor filecaseforan AUSimlian republic is no more than a case for Australia. in theirfirsinllegiance to this country and no other. But more than that it is a

eas as Jisiani as Annerlev and

vide necessary resource!. and it coin

Girls' Gramm"r Schuol into lids 10 '55/5/1hrough fundraising and seiv

C. As. system. file Grammar G"-

o11hc school and proiiinic Ihis ill- \ Diveineni.

as a school. a nation and a world. The

Ihis Scliu, I will show 115 sense or

wliicli recognises 111e rigl for all PCO This 15 Ihe initm"lional Year or the Indigenous Peop!c. As AUSimlia an

acliTill CS. but also us a participaiii share\ r'sp, Irisihilii\ for. "r*liar, , desi, IIJ. and all or us niusi need

Freehold iiiles are irre, usable. Coin

since Ihe Racial Discriminaiion AC:

say orbecoming one nation. \VC have

"given" land bui will Inh*rit it trolli liteir anc"10's. witolia\'e maintain*d

citizens. This concepi. wliich has

nation1100d uniil we reslore the rin lional righis or our own indigenous

comeihebasis '10/1rli\e\ ouisid, Ihe School. and forthc world.

primcular area. The resoluiion of this

Thank you and farewell Johanna Sing and Naomi Just This is the final issue of the Gramniar Gazelle produced by them"rigurnlcommiite". On he halt orihe sub. editors, Krisiin, Cook"and PaulB"rineii. the con in buting\, tiltrs and antsts. the adjlors wisli to thank the sc1, o01 conimu"ityforits supportorthis new v"nlure The ruture of the Grammar Comite*, illremain secure \vhilc those connectcd witli 111e sc1, o01 bring new issues. athire\ements andconlributionstothene\spa per. By fostering a high stand ardin the initial "dilions. TDI"n mrs' submitsinirs of arlicl"s and 1.11ershavebeenforlhcnming. A runge orconiributorsinside and outside the school coinmunit\ hate seen the Gazetteas a publi cation worthy orsupport and an effective means or coinmuni""- lion (founding editors) As tinc rounding editors. we "xpr"55 our appreciation to all who hat' been instrumental in 11/@ publication or incne, ,spaper each I"rin. Kristine Cooke and Paul mennelt have given their lime and energi"s unlirin"by' in guiding andassisting us. Fortliis incalculable contrib"lion to a con, rinitee which began without expcnence, rine\sparerproduc lion, we express our sincere ap preeiation. we trust the new committ"e will continue Ih" tm. dilions riftheGrammar Gazette. adding their own approaches to the building orap"blicaiionth"I informs, tacklcs the bigger is sues. and also entertains Goodluck to all whomin the Grammar Gazettein the future


11 ^





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Letters to the Editor and other contributions

These should be submiii"I 10 Krisiine Cooke CL 3.01 ResourceT"ichers' Room Ph 831 1300 DR^

CanIer" ready art\\orL *houlJ be submiiied to Paul Benneil CL 2.05 Computer Stair Ronin 833 2231 Articles and 1.11ers- on cumpuier disc Phoios- wiih name and connct Himrial Conimiiiee

Editors: Sub-Editors/ Sport Sub-EdiLor/ Arts: Sub-Editorffeaiur" Sub-EditorDesi"n:

Naomi Jusi and 10hann" Sing

Kym Smith ToynBums

Eva wood

Sinff Consultants

Paul Benneit and histine Cooke

whereallcitizens are equal. and yet we have a monarchy consuluting our Dr lice of Head of Stole to which only

The newspaper commitiee would like 10 express their appreciation to those hope that our readers will support those who have supported us.

Page 4 GRAMMAR qA^I::F11;., Term a 1993

.':\. Feat:u^res

Now, more than ever, buy "true blue"

sundingihe consumer to buy riproduci. People will in1051 probably buy well known or brighily coloured products like Calgaie 100th pasieia Us producti nther than a litile Mown AUSiralian paduci called Sonls. There is rin gunra"lee that false infomiaiion will in o1be displayed. as illusiraied by the seizure by Customs oranimported consignment one'ns. Fine primulaierrevealedih"ithejeans were at Iually made in China. Sucli false represeniation is uncommon. but serves to remind consumers Ihai much of our hard earned money is finding its way off-shore and 15 not helping to make Austinlia a richer couniry. To hay lame Ausna"an made anal owned prodL"is iris re^y 10 bum wich coinpari*s control which palL"ts an xiwlierlrertt, cyane"tunnyAustia"'"1.11 is quirest"nigirigioiioreiliaiso, relegen byAussiesymbolsareactullyowiredby lineigicompariies: Vege, hite. Dr^. Bad^g Rum. an, d ling ^e are all AtarinuM ' ""' " I Exports IfJih _ 111g^ ' I - d . -=" MEW, IHfoRis

well known: SPC. Edgell's. Players Bullercup Breads. Uncle Tuby's. Norm. Meadowlea. Devondale Cheese. Dan, ne. DamllLea. GUIdeii Circle. Just Juice. Four 'n' Twenty Pies and the Keiile Chip Company. Some foreign companies doin I male whole sections of tileAustrnlian market. Time foreign chocol"Ie torii panics. Cadb"Iy. Nestle and Mars. conirol almost all of the Australian market. Their brands include hlais Bars. Ruses. ClierryRipe andKiiKai. The Australian marker in house hold cleaners is controlled by two companies. Unilever IUK) and Colgate-Palniulive jusAj. Their binnds are extremely wellkiiown in cluding OMO. Dynamo and Domes10s. whereasAushalian brands like Bushland. multi. Hurricane and Quesiare allquiieinsignificanito the consumer. However. none of Ihe Buy-AUS iruiian campaignis useful if producis are bought at foreign owned shops. Luckily. big chainslike woolworths. Safeway. Bi-Lo. KMari. Grace BTOs and CUIes-Myer are Australian owned. whilsi Franklins and its No Ftills brand are aciually Hong Kong owned. The Australian owned chains also promote their own binnds and products like Black and Gold. Homebmnd and Farmland. Even outsideihe surennarkeis an alumiing am Duni of foreign owner ship is evident All petrol chains in Australia etcept Ampol and Solo are foreign owned. Thereare virtually no majorAus trollan owned manjufaciurers of au like Cedel. Gresham and De Lorenzo being some or the AUS tmlian producls in virtually every area or the Australian markei. there is evi dence of do mirinnce by foreign companies. This 511uaiion is not helped by the Australian govern merit'S support 0110rei"n invest merit un Australia. Every week more and more Australian owned companies are ink. n over by for eign Investors. wiih Ihe result be ing Ihaiour current accounis den Cit Increases at all alarming rale. Wiih every foreigniakeover. most of the profits find their way into foreign banks The A us tmlian population must educaie iisellto buy its own products. Every lime we buy AUS Iralian made and owned products. we can look forward to a prosper ous future. Every lime we buy foreign owned products. we slide furiher into foreign debt and the The lime to aci is now. AUS Iralia is our couniry; let's keep it Ihai way. Alllioughihis article does not in clude a crimpleie list or companies recession

Kym Smith & Erlca Dunstan

andilicirproducis. allsi. lisiic, includ*d were accumie at lite lime 111is ediiion went to print. we apologise for any errors Dr Dinissions. For rimre infonmalion. PI"use contact:

Friends of AllsBuy Australian Owned Companies Association P. 0. Box 440 Rydalmere NS\\' 2116 Enquiries to Harry' wallace, President

Every lime we walk in10 a super market. we are surrounded by bri"1111y coloured packages. musicf whicli rid ventse well-known brands. But how do we really know I\, hich products are "true blue" Aussies? Sumrisinglyandunfortunaiely. the Tnnjority of products on salein Austinl Ian stores are owned or controlled by foreign companies or investors. in the current economic climate it is becoming increasingly importantio purehase goods made in Austinlia by companies owned by Australians Australia'srecentbalance or trade fig Mres show that the value of imported goods exceeds the value of exported goods by an evenncreasin. margin: now. estimaiad to be over $15 billion However. there's evidence to suggest that the deficit call be overcome by buying more Australian made and owned products Sinnsiics from the AUSbuy Coin pany suggest that if every Austinlian bought about $50 worth of Austinl Ian made and owned products each week. we would save about $20 bil lion ayear on our foreign debt. create thousands of jobs. and most impor tanily. we would not have a reces However. this strategy is not us easy to implement as it seems. A1 Ihough many products may be AUS Imjinn made. there is no guarantee that they are actually produced by Australian-owned companies. To coinplicaie the issue. legisla 5:0n sarily require foreign ownership to be displayed, although the place of production must be shown. While packaging cannot display falseinfor mallon. lis messages may be mis leading and what it omits may per suade customers that these producis are AUSiralian made and owned. Packaging is also a factor in per


Eva Wood police force work directly with ^^_ high school. They are directin Highschoolis often ajime when theiraiieniion10 the students them teenagers are faced with many selves and. in doing so. offer thei choices boili educational and social. own time to inform and talk abou choices that can have an impact on issues lite drugs or alcohol abuse. the future. And the wrong choices But they also tat:e lime to ex lain can have serious consequences. our rinhis within the legal sysiem Adolescents canalso have dim- and to deal with any other issues cumes dealing with authority fig thateiiherihe selloolorthe studenis uru*. By then me studenisreachhigh want to raise. school manly have the falseidea that The "enuineinierestihatthese you only have something to do with two constables nave in teena e the policeif you are in trouble. This issues initiated their ap roach 10 gves ribiased view of the role orthe tile school 10 establish more ef police in society. rective communication between Tire sipit of two neonle in poke high school studen, s and the po unitoriitsonAsembly. alll:eefuigswiih lice depariment. They believe lire Seniors. or walking around the that if better relaiionshi s were courtscl"liengesthisinhikdperspec- esiablislied they in a ' he I re live. \. ent problems in 111e injure. thorium>'adjcolsile 'AdcpiaCup The tiedicai, on that they have to 'rungrunlrelpscMdren, Ial\, thisales this ideais clayas they ,ive u Iheir like 'danger stranger' . child abuse. in xi own lime to come to the school Uut init Eren kindr, girleirs haw 'Mader- inglunch orclass time aruurrequesi. sallen Ops' wirethiglisclioolslu"e Hopefully. their mendly and Dubo 000.2"vialsysiernfcrhaildingb, idges inn personaliii". down-tutorih a - betste, I lire pyrine tire am the sin- proaCh. and obvious conecm will lienis. enable studenis 10 feel as thou"h Yveiie B urgess and Klan they arc able to approacli them and Johnson. Iwo commitied police or- simply discuss concerns either Inr e licers with very realisiic views. are or small. working withinc schooliniryiiigio What Yveiie and Mallnowineed establish Ihe first program in is a name for the scheme. Perha s Queensland WITere members o11he one or our readers could help.

lion covering the packaging of prod- foreign owned uclsin supermacheis does notneces-

Many o11he food items commonly din. video products. believed lobeAustr, liariare not. Heinz. Most cosmetics and skin care Cadbury. Ainuii's. Tip Top. Keiiogg. ,products are foreign owned. ripari Kraft. Campbeli's Soup. Nesue. Mars from Blacxhtores. Nutri-metics and and Smiths Chips amiust some o11he De Lorenzo. Hair care products are many foreign owned products on our also controlled by foreign coring a market. Unfortunately. these are the nies. \vilh little-known products

brands that reccive Ihe most publicity through large ridvenisin" budgets. Many Australian fondvarietiesareless


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page 5 GRAMMARGAZErrE: Term 3't993'




Grammar girls, Melbourne and music Kym Sinmt 10 explore lire sights am slum with lire "_,, Ire, , of cor bin". Winter ^, 10 a reality for folly By S"day noning. mmy 91ts had mmUy as they b ,, d ,, . . 10 coldsnuadlay, @ti;. byI Maimne\, direr. rum Thrustay5 tilelugi"ghinilire *\, eke, xi: lireF";, al to Saday8A^I, "Its untilngerit"r- tofuL topled in a 11^ Mon^ Opening tire onom \t's Sumpimic TireG ^ . . us by. JoinRigi"inun mum rs of eleven oita schools nom variety of pieres. tirelxhig Hoist's "First around Australia. incltuling Brisbane Suiie un E Hat" anxitiie chikha, i's nomh Gnuruior. Can berm Grimnnr. Can hem '^r furnu at xi Far Awa ". wine EC on o pines. including "All hCOUegeto formagmipofanmiiul called "I'm Gonna walk on Home". 450 sinfuls in an orchisi, a choir "xi The choir was conducted b . Phil sympliortic wiad haul. Robertsoii from Scotch College. MeI Ahar, re^amig delays at Brmmre boume and Heather Buchanan from annularxil. kiwi, re's realtorwiic. Brisbane Gnunmar. wentallynndeilioScatchCOUegeahait After ashortinierva1.111eorcheslru

Solving the problems of keening, a dead body, and a hand-knitted sock






Franki Richardson



Whni beller \\."y 10 sinri Ihe weekend 111an tviih champagne and madrigals before all evenin" or su perlaiive 1'0ices? Tlii* 11. as the ex perleiice oilhe audience bcforeilie \'OCal ConC, ri. IbJ'r, 31'11 71/11, 1'0tdlj, ,, mry JP"",, ing five Cmi"- tie$. held at inc Gehrm"rin Theatre Friday. Augusi 27 The- pre-conceri madrigals wcre performed by the Year 12 music elec live students and their voices her aided a wonderful evening of sonn. wi!h special guest performances by Tnnta Butsman. a past Grammarsiu dent recenily relurned from open 51udies in Italy. composer Saran Hopkins. Run Buller from the Queensland Conservatorium or MM siC. and Brisbane Gramiiiar Group. The Groininarphones. Vocal ensembles from Girls' Granimar. LaCapelln. Cameramand a . tile 8/9 Vocal Group. sarin be au:i- ~ fully and the audience heard solos front grad, nine students Svndia Lazarus and Kirsiy Do Us wonh. and sen, ors Anna I{awl*y. Naomi Jusi

** *









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10ntt Collomos findK"Innri"e IVe", Minim a scene/r",,, Rider, torne

and Melody de Laai


This special concert featured origi Celticabout'RidersjojheSe",, andjj ' y muslCe "live 51u. opportunity for Ih"e $1ud. 1115 to have their works perlonned in public. Cum- ence mads to grasp the concept or POSilions by Kakina walker. Jenny living PCrs"venngthroug1,111"black- Velkovic and Eve Wilson were per ness or the tragedy. formed by the 9.2 Innsic class. 9.1 I\tany people saw the play us a presented Ihe work or F10na Daley. Silvana Koban. Sarch Mona"hon and Anna Bekessy Run Butler. permrnier. Ieacher

Kate Eltham and Kristine Cooke


' ' "'/?^**,.:\* *,:.'.::\,*,>*, 4**


Drumaproductioirscanpr"sent 111e actors; ills also Ih" way 111" audi interesting staging problems; none more so than John M. Sy"ge's one act play. "Rid"rs to tile Sea". Tiltsshort but in1.1tse play was chosen by staff member. Trish y s a mein er. r's dimcullchoice;indeed. tiposedclial kilodes, as Grammar s cuntribu- ICngcsforthethreeniainactors. These lion to them tern, adjaie swimirs or uu " young peoplehadtomadelli"tragedy the annual Jean Trundle Festival convincing. maintain b"lievable at and the Sandg"IC Yangeh Drum" c"nts and depict n culture completel reslivnl. roreig, , to IhEir understandin . Trish Rhodessnidslie chosen, e



..,,,. . .

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6.0^ionThL"viay. Than wonueil^ in10 agilelting monm"s oldnu"ls of tire dulknging music gloried for earh omanble. Hiday was army halvay cokiand so Iha Glamor^, is ruggerIupin fuelayers or clchhg themrichly MeIborintiam innm"tire to lire cold neatier. as we noticed are\v bravesCUIsin slims anxiT slim!) Tire F"UValSymplinntc Band mac tidal Scoldi Collegewliichis a boys' school him aled in lire leafy streets of Hawimm. Considering thrillliegounds or B. G. G. S. could almosi fit into hair oniondIhai"re 15:01 nestlicolcould houseB. G. CS. alleasisixii, neg. it is rin WO, xierthat tile eigliiGr"rumorsnideniS in the a, inchortic wiad band were awed attiresizeolilrecarnpus. During a break from tile nunrernus sectional and full relre^s. two obiigin" Scoreh College sindentsiookthegoiipofcuiiousGram mar girls on a giltled tom or the school whichincludedilrehugenewihiee-level gymnasium and lire new library. Tire foml point orilre ionr was hair sacred ovalacrosswhich students amiorbid, ren to walk 0111re rune dayllre antnls in tint anti inclre^ were nationg at Danas Broth Hull^conimlMel^re. fire wire^hired untilaimt5. byn. Tky Minimibrafivehmrr"Minions^y full^akinhaeevimjgulmmimg

presenled Rimsky-Kursakov's "CapriccioEspng"o1". under Ihe halon oreuesicoiiducior. the excitable Peler Bandy. The highlight or Ihe concert followed : ing combined choir and orchesim'spyrfonn"riceofCarlOrfFs masie, piece. "CantinaBumna". This spectacular rendition earned a stand ing ovaliun from the appreciative au dience. Nunugliilreilnee, bys wanemum ing tile expe, knee was a rewarding an xi winchle orre for all lire 'in jusi*lintels" involved


and composer. performed Ihree Ren mssnnce ayres for lute. He was ac coinpanied by 111e voices of Kai, Elilia"I. He ICn ChristIrisnn rind Ienn\ Hansen Sadi Hopkins. a Brisbane-based

10na Conion"s. ,, ho portray"d lvlaurya, had to play a niiddle aged \40man tvhn had lust "everything she taral for; a VCry demandln" role for

play because 511e "loves the ian gunge". She also belie, CS the playis special becauseit "should haterri bly depressing but it isn't litmuseil is so beautiful. "

a co\ent"en year old .en con year old. senied "Aw:Lenin" Earlh". h in in . as Amurya s danugl, I"rs. co Ijvaicd the aud'e ' h . ences I, ilh their efreeti\e. jilting ac- I\\0 \, ice\ 51mulian*o, 151>. "A1\ alien cents and Ih" Ivayin which 111ey Fur- ing Earth" also intoIVCd a runge or tray"d *cry rompl"Kissu"s and char \Diced sounds irum niusical bird call* acters so convincingy. 10 did gendo, halving Krillierine Benzell Ivas awarded Twin Butsman \\as 111e final per Best Aclressin a dramatic role nt the toriiier o, 111, erening. SinceleaTing Tarrg"h Fesliv"I und 10na Conomus Girls' Gruntniarin 1988. she has 51ud he rein, 11nl were higlily led one'a in Brisbane and. - * conily. in 11niy. 511e redonned "La The play won an adjudicator's PromCssa""Id"Labienz""by Rossini award at the sume festival. where it was praised for its "r"creation or at an . . '"" 011e. O Quanje. . by musphere". The adjudicat"r also fall coptivaicd the audience wiih a unique displayufhanii, nitu\'erioii**inning in


it was a v"ry challenging choice. The playhadspeci"1staging prob I'ms. They director had to ,, ork out the logistics of carrying the body or the son. Barney. played bothaliveand dend by Ginny Jay, on and off the singe. Some props were more dim cull to acquire than others : the spin rung wh"elwas r"lullvely cosy butthe hand knitted sock proVCd more relu 51VC The other aspect or the play vital toils success and atmospl, rere was the "keening" or the women who return the body or Bartley to his mother and mourn with her his death. No one in the cast had ever heard this sound before and it was Important to produce the appro Driately chilling and mournful sound. As it turned out, the SIu dents who played these roles cre. aled a compelling and scanry moan ing that emphasised the emotions and tragedy of the whole play

Thanks for the opportunity I'm wrtiingihisleiieriniellilie school how much my friends andl enjoyed Ihe music tour to MeI boume. 11Nasagreaiexpenencc us it Ineanl we were able to ricei 51n denls irum schools in Melbourne. Canberra. Sydney and Adelaide " also meant we were able to play' some challenging music in groups Dr a very high skindard. I foundworkingwiihihc variouscon ductors. especially Peter Bandy. an enlightening experience. Iwould alsolike10 pointouithe hard workputin by the musicieach ers to organise the tour. k is just another example of their excellent work and I hope that all the girls realise just how lucky we are 10 have such a wonderful music de padmenr Congaiulaiions must goto staff and students for the brilliant con certs HeIen Buchbach. Year 12


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Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE, Term 3,993'

Ar s An invi at'on to ce ebr to A The inaugural BCG. SansWeek

e Week Chamber groups in concert

Dunn weekday lunch hours, ac tivities will includea concertby music ton, umees. roving, tiaranists. amime

The pieces pertom, co included works by Chopin, Handel, Haydn,

consland) will be in residence dor ing the week

Kym Smith

GundayOctober 1010 Sanrday Octo in the lire of the School. The work of

troupe, theatredancers, and a rh thin' g" ' 'n. ' Vin. 'q'. O activities : ,,, ,, peej no q we per.

students will be highlighted and guest artists and performers have been in vital to stimulat the interest or the ronination will be available throughoui uss and tire value o the Arts. The special highlightofArtsWeek

'S event will give 511ulenjs the , groups I cine in the television re

The audience was treated to a traditional hanginal women's CUI- . emoonwi acelebmtoryCon- mai women elders from A angu i, ,olved. , I I brass ensemble, the Mozart and Ifthlsconcer, ' ' di I' I h in this Yearorlndigeno, rsPeople The two women elders and Dr the Junior Percussion Ensemble, as B. G. CS" future development Girls' Cmmniar is proud to sponsor oar rolented musical groups and rea- HeICn yne(aspcialistinindigenous drama and moverrentitems. women's music from the Universit of combles assured o_ Queensland. formed by the Mozart Sinng Quar-

What did Lydia do? c ^to^,^ nest

S"^I^ 10 Omen Opening of Arts Week

of talent

Cornmedia del Arts Street Thane Mime R. S. Gumiastics

Chantal. the resident bimbo" in the produciion With a hoaad or Westfield Super lish Iunati Greek dramatics. and a

We should allknow by kilow what exacUy it was that Lydia did. Those who saw the Junior Production on Alexandra "c Tavi8h August 19 and O know first hand Speech and Drarna staff member uc lionaridorganiseamtherraucousbunch or studentsinto adors. This must have Sybil Curds. had to write the Th audience was presen, ed with redonnances from actors in gades nine and ten. Tunny of whom were been a daunting prospect

Kate E"ham

Venue= Mayme Hall Adult $5.00

The B. G. S. 1993 Senior Pro

gang or Shakes^nan madmen with ductionofQu^

00 s Nest was juspiting to say the

swords. you could not go past the

Monday 11Afier stho", erhouse Debating finals

Wasserman's play. in the hands or

mayhem and enter"innen, .

Crude eleven students undertook the actors' from both B. G. S. and the stage managemen roles and sarin B CG. S. . wa compelling drama

Lunchtimco, in and Tonfo" Drama Pertom"rice (Year 9 students Venues Gelrrr, unn Twine

Morgan was a committed assiscon di.


N^. Ideals with the horrors patients suffered in psychiattic hospiials. Such institutions. which employed the barbaric treatments of shock thempy and frontsl-lobe loboiomy, were most often places for ial misfiis. As is the case in this play punishment was often applied by ^S ^eat is about the struggle or one man against the unq. ustioned au Ihority of the nurses and the rigid synem'. The central and demand ingroleofMCMorphywas skilfully corhayed by Mumel Domey. who brought humoi, r and sensitivity 10 the role. Jay, playing the female lead. cor trayed a chilling Nurse Ratehed while Shelly nitf as Nurse Rynn CandyStorrbroughihumourtotheir roles. Ben Eltham andJames Miller should also coinmended fortheir strong pertonnar, cos in the hands or director. Bill Henderson. gnz' Cuckoo's Nest was an vivid and chilling presentation of psychiatric neoniienr that inn never be re pealed nurses


Now that the production is over

F^i M . origing am un the school and run

'"he Gnu, unaryhones"

7.00pm pre-concert wits, concert - 7.3 in

Ranhel, and Marina-PontaAnthony as was worth it

Venue:Gemmann Theatre Adults $5.00

it'sdry f201d Girls' Lunchtime Music Concert yen"Gem, nann Theatre

Lunchtime"ager Venuel Ie Lawn - BYO Juggling Balls We'resd. y ranchtimQLD Wind Soloists 12.30 - 1.05 pm VenuesGehnnami Theatre

LunchtimCovlng Street Artists

Theatre Dancers Venues Auditorium 12.50 - 1.15


TEE. :^... fib' q",,=duet. ,ON

Art Show - Library Lunchtime. ,me Troop VCnu6iudio

Theatre sports is not for the faint-hearted

it",, day Unchain"mina aub Production = extracts

Period S & Glene Weaver Public Speaking Competition

for. win. The semi-, in 81s proved oem abou stamp collecting, inn prov, sung a shared story about

HeIen Christirison

On the 31 July, the Detach. able Earrings. conslstingof Bele"


Venue:Gem"ann Tinea : .30 pm

Christ irison, Annanda Lane, The Day's tood still" and hang JanellePateland ClalreAddelsee, ing u , suffering immensesorrow A number of Grammar singers competed at Kodak Beach. and being extremely lustful the coin led in A. . .A. A tinl' Southba"k in the initial round of Detachable Earrings were National ChorelAssocianon)Fes, Con the theatre sports competition through to th final four cert I on Saturday 31 July in the The Detachable Earrings W rough hard to make it Q FA. C. Concert H I. They were parr of a 300 voice secondary school High'sMy League, and then went improvising riballet entitled 'The choir pertonning sacred and secular into the semifinals at Suncorp antelope and the wooden spoon". works, incl"din A FesriveAll I ' b Piazza on August 7, We made it to the rinal two, and John Nickson. Of N I ' " b at Kodak Beach, he Paradise secure. 81,351" . Beach Acting School, consisting An hour later, we were back Early this renn. Caroline Wilke for the Grand Final and the team Christne O'Neill. Tashen DIDmey, Theresa Jenner Eva reredoes round, we were leading the field members of the Queensland Youth noderan, competed in their inI- Orchestra (11) which toured North 11.1 round. Unfortunately, they to play Little Red Riding Hood in Queensland. They redonned in many The Camem, asingersrecentlyper the second chance round on Au- liked it the judges thought we tomed at the wedding of stair mein gust 6 and, after winning their wer a ", ad" too erotic and, after her. SumanihaBolton, 10siev G

Friday J5 LunchtimeRS. Gym

Lunchti, 11^peah & Druma Recital CTorenbeck)

Evening, Our Town"

Sal"May 16 School Day

Enrolnrent Address and Music/Damn items

I 1.00 am Opening of Art Show 12.00 Music Concert 2.00 pm Music Concert



itorman by Private Speech & Druma sondents CTorenbeck) Eye"ing: 'Our Town" Venue Gemnam Theatre - 7.30pm

heat, went on to the semi-finals scoring poorly, we wereoverlaken where, heywereknocked out (not by the other teams and placed

Church. They congo" nineEyesand OCome yeso"rqfA, ,. AnnaHawley's solo. O Pel, c, Love. was beautifully

Parents are in vined to atto"d any of lire daytime performances. If you

August 7 dawned bright and themetaehable Earrings were out


Page ? GRAMMARG. . g. . E. Term 3.19

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