Grammar Gazette- Issue 3, 1993

S hoo


Cheeseburgers, volleyball, a d astronauts




Eva Wood

it is often dimculi to understand the application of some o Ihe science laughi in high school. However. the technology available to us at Space Camphelped us loseethatthe factsand theories we learn at school really do haveapurpose. as wellas realising Ihai our own scientific knowledge is only "in its infant stages". The ruinre now seems muchcloser 11 now seems possible Iha . in our lifetime. people will livein space. and perha s through space leseamh cures forthseaseslike NDS and cancer will be found Gramnar girls hintzad itI Camp. We leftwitheigh, onharmirteen prizes 'ren. a leeoid for any one coup. As well as developing our seien liftcknowledgeandlconiingabourhow essential teamwork i . w also ex. muded our cultural experiences. We learned how to play "Teal" Amehcan volleyball. had explained 10 us the 'true" meanings o' some or our A us Imjinn slang, round out who were the chances to win the Super Bowland Ihe Nanonal Baseball. There was a sense or familiarity ribou, manyof the experiences. We are often told that leievision never quite depicts reality. yet the firs lime we walked into the cafeteria. i was as if we were standing on the set o De Grassi High or Dongi Houser MD Tire Space Trip Is to be ini Yinidono. hareio"pileio spacewal or on a score satori, o learn from orxi enjoy lire experie of tints Camp. Be xi realsovi.

A1nericaisllrelandofBeverlyElills. Hollywood glamour. "Swee, Dream" romances. and tire cheeseburger. 11 is the only place in the world where you honestly fuel when you arrive that you have been the before. Bu more jin porn, 1111an animse, the U. S. A. is the Ironeo. .A. S. A From the moment the students on the GrammarspaceTripioucheddown in Hun ville. A1abama until the time we took off. visions of space cities. skyla . corellires bombarded the eyes. Space age technology that is paving the wayfortlre fuiureandwhich seems like cone, hing out of science fiction in Austinlia. suddenly becomes real and achievable. What an exciiing way to spend your luridJuly holidays! W'e stood in frontof the life-size replicaofiheChal Ienger S Shuttle snappin "tour isIy' phoiogmphs repealing. "This is for real. Thi is for real " This reality truly hi Ih moment doors o. the Space Academy close and you aminundated withinfonnation and broad Southern acrenis. It does nor stop foreigh wonderfilled days. Nineiy six teenagers, rangin" in ag, from 15 to 18. were kept busy from .conm until 1030pm. To NASA. scientistsinresearch and design leeiured on the realities of space travel. Things Iha are sim Iy accepted on earth tok years o re seamhio mukepossibl irispace. Daily hygiene and eating become extraordi nay Mrs. Added 101his is therealisa non that years of training are neonsary before anyone is considered for space travel.

'^,^, ales"@, tonytl^of, ,td

the mad'hasty, orke, sipltoio courtesy qf lit Coll, for Mali

. . .






Winning minds progress to state finals


and dedication on the part o the con Its!ants. The Grammarieam dis layed these qualities 10 a high degree and roblems Success in Such a conipe, 1110n is du in no small 10 commitment

Alex Neels

On Sunday22Augus, . the BCG. S. To"mumen o. Minds ream competed In and won Ihe re 'onal zone To urna- merit ofiMindscompeiition arsiPaul's




School. aid Hill\.

havespent"Imosioned"yaweek since The team. A1ice Wehl Felicity Ihe beginning or the ycar procii\ing Hunger. Carly ONeill. Mejinda Ihiiiking skill and shortierm problein Hende en. Am and" Kershaw und solving. owan Fiendersen. had 10 solve IWC Thesemeeiingswe or anisedb p cms. Ihe team's mentors : staff meink The ream w, us given six weeks to JulienneJust, Sam Bolton. Ie"Charles prepareand itDint a solution to their Edward . and ICnnifor Rigge. long term p blem". depiciing a so- Tournament of Minds response cml issue o the ' s in a card game are strictl> controlled in terms of fom"I. casi. style and preseniation. This is B. G. G. S. ream presented their whai makes Ihe overall coin eii winning itomanceabouisiree"kids lion so challengin . whichincorporaleda variety orcolour- This was the first Girl ' Grant Iul techniquee from quotaiions to a mar team to win a Tournamen of backdrop of a gramiied "brick wall '. Minds competition. The team will entire long terni performance now progress to the slate finals in must be set up and performed in ten early September at Oriffith niver minutes. The "sho tenn" problem sity involves a PIESenia, ion on a topic with in this suie competition members three minutes presentation time. are 1501aiedina room forthree hours 10 No outside assistance in ICrms o solve and organiseihe pertonnance or prepareiion or redorrnance was per alongiemiproblem as wellas answer milled throughou, the enii compeli- ing the short term one lion for either the long or short term UNION NOTICE A wentieth reunion for ful and memorable event, the Brisbane Girls' Gram~ we hope to reach as many mar School class grou past students as possible. 9 . 973 has been scheJl Phone a committee mein u ed or Saturday. 9th Oc- her on 398 8597 or 399 to ber, 1993. We have al- 7650. ready made contact with An ela Wallace ( aine) many pas students but wari Sue eavons London to hear from others who ar Heather Lord (Tomey interested and have no re- HeIen ceived the initial mail-out Wassman (Bingemann To make this a success- Kay Ball (White




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