Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2006

Open Day

Old Girls Association The OGA Committee has fourteen members for 2006 with financial membership of approximately 550. The Committee meets at 6.15 pm at the School on the third Thursday of each month. All old girls are most welcome to participate (check for possible change with a contact below). We are always keen to receive any news of individuals or reunions, as well as photographs (past/present), programmes of events, magazines and articles for the OGA Newsletter. We thank Dr Cherrell Hirst for her participation in OGA-AGM. The Chair of the Board gave an interesting update of activities at the School. An afternoon tea at the School, and another in conjunction with a guided-by-Ms Bell-tour of Double Take at the Museum of Brisbane, were most enjoyable. Committee members have attended reunions to offer the purchase of mementos. These items may be viewed and ordered through the School website. Participation at Open Day continues to provide opportunities for OGA to assist with the gathering and identification of photographs, the sale of mementos and generally maintaining a connectedness between past and present life of the School. An ongoing project is the collation of recollections of past students, through the completion of a questionnaire. The current fundraising emphasis is on the Creative Learning Centre. This is a continuation of past donations towards such benefits as; library, swimming pool, gymnasium, stained glass windows, sculptures, paintings and furniture. To this end OGA is holding a variety of events including afternoon tea at High Society on Sunday 15 October raffles, film night, theatre and a dinner (yet to be finalised). For details please refer to the website or make contact with a committee member. Any assistance for these functions will improve the OGA’s outcomes for the Creative Learning Centre. Mrs Christine Purvis, President (T) 3254 1600 (E) email Mrs Sue Meeking, Treasurer (T) 3202 8882 (E)

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Gregory Terrace Brisbane Qld 4000

T: 61 7 3332 1300 F: 61 7 3832 6097

E: W:

For enrolment information: T: 61 7 3332 1386 E:

For assistance with reunions: T: 61 7 3332 1436 E:

For Grammar Gazette inquiries and comments: T: 61 7 3332 1336 E:

Afternoon tea following Exhibition tour

Five Year Reunion The School hosted a cocktail party to welcome back the Class of 2001. This event was attended by over 100 girls as well as several members of the academic staff.

Alumni & Art Victorian alumni joined Ms Bell at the National Gallery of Victoria for a private viewing of the exhibition Picasso: Love & War 1935–1945. Alumni also enjoyed a lecture and morning tea in the Garden Restaurant.

her future is now

20 grammar gazette spring 2006

ISSN 1449 - 1214

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