Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000
Birti^1,443,:y"'Celebi, Jinioras
Visitors to BGGS mluly 2000 couldlxlbrgi\ cii if they. had 1110ughi 111ey 11nd eiitcred 111e Uiuted Nationsinsiaid National finus. lbsti\e "\Ielcome" signsiiiSiXI:nigirigeS. linerpreiers
Kany Kimber, Dintctor of the Centre for La"""ane & Literacies
alld a multiculiurnl a 11/10splicre 11nd One' Us jaild 0111 111;111\ in\ lied nilcsts ballsfoniied tile 5,11001 colliiniiitih. Gi;niliiini. incliidet1 o11r SISter Scli0,15 ITSiisliiiii:I Gills was 1105/1/1g its firsi in!c, '11,110:in I couldeiicc I~h, 11niid Atic1{!, 11 Scli, o1. Jailnii. SIIniiglini 1/11/1011r Sisier Scliools as o111 51, ecinl onesis I;0 ; \hddl. Gills 5,111rol CIMii;I. nun Kiinta W;ICliiler-S*11nlc. Gel'I'm 11\ I. Dimer Biisb:inc Tileiiiiiinl Idcn toI 11niiin, o11r SISiu Sc!10.15 111dCpeiideiii sclionls ;111d Inn\ eisiiies Sinn 10JOliioiir cclcbralioiis caine 10 Ms 11,111c0:!, '11/1 5111deiils '01/11tl tile ridClrcsscs 111.51 o11 liei I isii to SIIniiglini N03 Middle Girls sinnulatiii, . Scliool in 1998. "\At could learnniioLir 51st*I 5,11001pledges;uid 11npiu\'01/11uidersi:tinting CollieieiicC Da\ 111:I\ 11n\ c b. eii \\ci anti 0101/1erculitiresjindlaiigimges. " slicklie\al lingcMble. btilih* r. ,ci\ 11/11bre!i's alitl\\;millh "Winlberlei nilecould tileieb* nuniL47!,,"*, n, or o11r Stiltlciii Etciiii\ c 111,111bcrs' 511ulcs &lithes. life p"$yJ0, '110 1/1e 11u'/ti' I\CIC, 111, dormi"11\ \1,110,510 iliC SaliCOl. Tin folio\Led jilt wallA\;As dcc!:CLI with brighil\ WillI close coils!111alioii I\jin Ms Carol\11 colaircd. earl\ alln"ill:! weicoiiic signs 10 111e Mason. Piesideni or ine P&F. anti Mrs Gelmivuiiini"ITc to!' Uicom. alsp. eclies OILl
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selection. a railge of ciilnira1 100ds at tile SISiers \1.1'c 1.11in:! lionie. Ihe litiili of tile hicl;silop. antia wonderful canigrnpli}'<11spln\ 111.5snge ill Ed\tin" Mornnn's \\inni"" by errr\, SImigcalligaphvieaclierMrEiinnis!I '01/1brciiccilieiiieliaikTi\\as apparelii: Koniim. 1111tigiied. ianinliscd an
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I*7de DCet, fir Sept, I are 113 Bi, / we '11/1 1,111^7117 11'1e!ich' (ironslaied from the Japanesei 2:< I^I it: I' 5 I, , I;:^ ,. fin .I: 11 \ .
T\10 coinpetitiolus were colldricied prior to line Coltrereiice - desiuiuiig tile \ItIcontiiiglxuuiei and all all langiiage nailJi coinjreiiiioiioii tile thenIC orfricndsltip. PIizc\\tiniers. Luq B\ nic alld Adele Fadden. Year S IBnnner compeliiioni. Eduinn Morgan. Yeai 10 iconlbrenceilienie. Japanese). 11/11c Szc^tar 10 ichincsci. Lindsa\' I\ICGraih. Year 11 EUgtisli). lionieJucldandKateHanics. Year9 (Freiicli). anti Kani;Iriiie Millic. Year 10 (Gennaiii! \\erc congmtitlnicd on Asseiiibl\ aters=as\isilors. esp*titul}'leeiu"eis need tile
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tonimicnioniqulst toriirer}ladofUicLOTE grls. funkyTiOn:AngelaR. retile6Wnson! and ConU'Orig of nomc to enricli Ihcir cumirai Faciiliy. Msllaiicock was able to Inars!laitiii 10haiula Sinn spykc of 111e \ alljc of 11/01r CruelieiiCe and to it aid o11 nomesickiiess Tlic Impressi\'c gnueiy of spentcrs. After Qinciall\ enrolicilces \\TUi lunginges and coni;rel \\Tm opening 111e Coin*relice. tinc Premicr was lireir Sister Sclioois all Sister Sciio. is also Grantiiiai coinmiinii} is eruciiiei\ grillcfu1 10 Mrs presentccl \tillI 111e Paris Yout!I Sinniiiit's brotIglii greeniigs to tile risenib!or! groiip 1.1uiv Sinib \\110 \10rked Studeni MallU'us10 b\' Callliii fuss. Year 11 Professor Collii Power. forIner DCpui\ ConteiCUCC Day. 110\\ever. nag o111\ o11. of tildesSly' incrgaiiis!jig tile Direc!or-Geneml for Educalioii. LINESCO. in C. 1,112uagc-fullse, I dn\ s. beginjuij:! 1111/1 billC!ing. mitt Inc 111,111 deli\trad alliiisjiimtioiialkc\1101c address o11 inc tint\al QIN* Cliiiie" goo, I 111ck lions. 11 millilieS who kindly Ihc 1111poriancc or clc\eloping cultural dancer anti a tiltiiitiiuiipe 10 chic!all\ inlinejj \\elCOniCd oi""itsrimnoi"11 sensiii\111 anti prese!\ing the ricliiicss or theftsli\jilts. Silldcnijiiiblicii\ Qinc*rs. Kane \'ISIIOrS in10 inclr 1101nes illd:\tonal langi"ges in a global colluiinitii} Balkiiii}lie. F:ni\ Bradb, ar und }1011\ silljjjj 11.1noiislraling incii loinl increasing11 do minaied b\ Engiisli. and tile Snidei!IF\*ctiii\e civiliisiasjjcitjj\ led CoriumlinCiit 10 111c Sister Clinlleiigiiigidens\\ere also preseiiledb}'oar inc scliooi coiniiiiiitii\ In a neck-long series SClloolPrOgnini other spentcrs. Pintossor Keiuneili Willshire. orinulticiiliiiml itcii\'mes Langinge skiis o11 Uru\CTSii} orQiieeiisl"Id: MrKe^illRudd. tile singe lawn. a F1'encli care. Radio Wireii CoinCreiicc \Leek un: and Professor Peier Cryle. Urn\ crsily. of Rocki"elon \*1111 a Tnie-Bille. toful\. Aussie was O\'or. and oar global * J #* * ,* *
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011, ' o1t!'sen. , 1'1$110J* ,I, ni, ,/ inc nullcyi, lirei"11g '11/1e Alei, 101vn/ 0111, /o01' Ethicntro, , Cell"'e. 1,116i/
- - - - - -Grammar Cricketers Join the Celebrations- - - - - -
Clare Kenny & Jiisveer Raidirn
On SII"day 15 0ciober. the Granniivrr First Eleven Cricketicaiiiim\clied to Toowooiiibn 10 play a 125"' CGIebraion cricketitintcliagmnsiToo\Loomba Grammar Scliool. WillI 111e dallii!ing i'sk orl;icing 111e relgitiiig GPS piaiuers. I\e wereitlie\ ed 10 be 51,111up into run jinxed iconis. 1111/1c first 11/11iiigs. Too\\o0/11ba Grilliuii, .r's captain. \vliose balling erroris 11nd prc\'jousl\ do minaicd GPS coinpeiiiioii Magiiuiiibled b\' 1115\cci kitlir". Milo cle:in bottled 1/1/1110r it ., oldeii diick. To conU"uc to silo\\ off Giniiuiinrialeiii. Clarel{eiiii, hillslicd 111e jilttiiigs wini a thrilless PCrfOriiiniice as wickcil:eel, ei. nild C!;UTC 01i\, edisplayed some dadiiigmid creame bowling
in 111c second 11imngs Granunar's deptliof bowlers was once agriiil snO\\cased. willI 51,011g coinribiiiioiis froiii Caincniiel{inds alld L;inn Gn\. K}lie Gru\';111d Gelaldinc \\'nullliiiusi also be coll1111.1ided for Iheii bulliniii baiting errorts. The occasioniiot o111\ Inarkedihe 1011/1 1.5"' amii\crs"11' or boili Giniiunnr Scliools. but it also pro\Idett all OPPort"nil\ 10 1111\al tile lien' picl{ci relicc. willc!I GIIcloscs Bathoiir O\til Mall\' Ihaiiks 11/1/51 go 10 me Too\1001/1ba Grail"liar First Ele\elitealit \\ nose cnlhusi:15/11 anti '11/1Uicle 101\ards inc willc 11ns anpitcitiledb} all. Tlic clay, Mus a great success. und inc Gramniar cricketsrs
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sincerel\ \amc 111c lielp alld suppori PIO\idcd by Mrs H:uicock and Mr Tliomas GinAfiLL-IR GAZETTENO, ERBER 2000 -Pang 3
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