Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000

Fro?122 the eh^irri?-3411rz

I alli RISCiiialed. e"coura"ed and Gillliused by the silliplicit} jind. 51/11ultancousl\ inc dcpth. or tile stalemeiii o11 o11r Prospectiis "1111/1 file co, ,/;dellce to 111eei 101,101,011 For 1110/11aiis \\INl alliliere- \tliv I devote lily. nine to 11thliving. inIkiiig and piaiming over BGGS Thaiis win viain prepared to LLDrk for and 10 gi\'e to 111is SGIi001 - 111e "10,110rro\\" of o11r girls gciieraiioii or\\Qineii and 1110 place tile\ clanii ill CUI' lintioii's and our planets funire. I 11n\'e 110 doubt that the "irls or BCGS in 111csc decades are capable or pro\'Idiiig ICndcrship to o11r 11,110iiiii c\en dimeiisioiiofliTc. Hover Grillelie\c cqtiall\' silongl}' inni 111e\' need assisiaiicc 11nd ciicoiimgeineiit to assiimc 11/05e roles as 111.1 Inc\cin!0 \Loin:11/1/00d. for 111csc tic!I\'ines arc 10 Soilie c\Ieni collnicr ctili111nl to incli\ us Drillcii'1110/11eis. tileir nunls and tileir glandinolliersjiltd will10/11 linen'enlioii Drillis son leiicoiimgeiiieiil alld SMPpoi'11 lintiicu!tural gap Milliioi easily be bridged. Tills School can conlrib"10 10 inc del clopmeni of this different wayoflliinl. rig CharlesLilley. our Founder. dared 10 dream of a different world for young women ill inc 1860s and 70s against tile popular \ie\\s of For our girls syiiibolise our society's future - Our Society's impe for tile future


tile day, and so our School \\as created. As line leaders of 11ns Scli001.111e Board of Tmsiccs litusi renLtin inIe to Inai trodiiion and 11/05c audacious o0als of Lillcy. In ICrpreiiiiglheiiim 10day's world \vhcre digid\anlagc and 11nssed OPPortiiiul^ are 11/11cliless oreribuistill all\c alld \\ell. ills our responsibility 10 pro\idcihe intrasinicilITe - social. academic. pill siCnl and iconiiologic;1110 all0\\ 111e girls to acme\'cinese goals Milliilic assislaiicc and leadeislnp of slit INilliioidc\~GIDpili;111hciiicaii\ fur!11cr bui relmcc 1111 SIeps to tenor! o11 ithc van s In \\litcli BCGS lion. 1111/1islie\\ ceniiin. conlrlb:lies to mai differ'ciil rilliirc 111,011"11 line ciiltiire expressed by' tile girls. Tliis illCliidCS


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ticccpiniice or r'spoiisibilii} as in legr"I to rigliis and pii\ilcgc ticcep!allce Ihat a \ arict\ or roles leads to broadcr personal 5:1ccess adjiuraiioii and respcci for 511CCCSS belief Inat o11e call jin\a\ s do beller accepiancc or challenges - 110 fear Drilling rising to the occasion because


Dr' ,/In"',// 1/11. ,I. .it). Ch", I'll, "I - Fom', 101fi',, sip, s

\Vimiof115.111.1riiioiliers and fallicrs, A1c Me Ii\illg ill inc oninc paindigiiias o111 drillglilers'! If iioi. why 1101/11 Tile 111eiiie o1/11e 20/10 \bar 125. led b\ tile Heatl Girls, is "Dreaiiiii. dareit. CIO it! I" HD\\ 111aii\ of our genemtion lit e by' this 1110/10. 15 1110re anv reason will, it silould be Iintiled to our dangliiers? Mint nave I\e dreamt. dared or done ill the last I\\Give 1110"tlis? 11 inn\

bC Uiai our daugliiers are PIiUing us 10 shallIe - a I'Dssibi!lit' \\litclimls 111e boili willI disappointiiiciiiaiid none - diSnppoiiiiiiieiii inni tie. ill our genemiioii. seenT to lime aciiieLed so 11/11e: alld111c IIOPe thai our current girls will acliic\e inucliinore indi\ idunlly. and conecii\ely Go Torii Grilluiiargirls -it is vonr future and 1011r nution's filmre

everyone else does sense orfuthlmeni

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Bitsjjo joeeii' for o1^ Girls

I\"lot}Lets Group

Sylvia Pegg

Roby, Ismiford, President

Tilerc 11n\'e heeli 111,111 alitl \'rifled orcasioiis 10 "PIOiiioic fello\\SIIip '11/01i"51 pasi 51,1<1eiiis" 11ns \c;Ir. 111Ma\'innii\ past 5111dcnis ciijo\cd 111e dn\ at 1111bil for Inc Inarit1113 of inc Cell!ciini\ Cm\ c at 111c Meniorinl Quidoor Educniioii Ce"Irc Man\ 0111 Girls also respondcd 10 a Ingucsifioiiiilic Friends orGirls Grailuii:Ir Coiniiiiiiec Ircprcseiiied by SIhi" Peggi to bellie"tors at inc Nei\\ork BreakTasifor Year 12 snidenis. Eacli 11/01/10r spoke 10 So\'Ginigirls Nilo Ilereiiilercsted in nor field or endea\'our. Soilie o, 111c areas or Interest were DPIOinett}'. dietetics. PIiysioUierapy; jujuiialisin-Inedia. graphic design and lienbniiiiig arts. Nso of inICres! to inc Year 12 snidenis were coiniiiercc. into miniioiiIechiiolog\ and Ian nunu collld spare I\\0 110urs to pitrticipalc minis acii\milexi\ear. please colliac! Chiisliiie or Svl\in 10 c\press rollrinlercsl Many past sindeiiis aliendcd inc wonderin Gala Concert in tile Cm, Halli" June and 111e draina prodiiclions at 111e School

Hadgmn. inIk atolliilic e\o1/11ioiiorilic 11.1\ sclioo! song

Tlie Moiliers Groiip'SIIninan' pillpose is parenis' 1111dcrsiaiidii" of 111c Scliool and to lend support 10 the Scliool. and to Our danglitcis' 1110\Gineii! jinOiigliii eiicoiir"ge fellowsliij, aniongsi parents We 11a\c a inrgc and cniliiisinslic groiip we 11n\ c bccii dellgliicd 10 panicipaie 111. orinoilicrs Milo 11n\ e been j, Ianiu"g and and slippori. 111e \;Irioiis acii\ines musling scliool fullciioiis. as \tell as oreniti"d b\' 111e Scli001 10 ce!ebraie tile creating balunfiilcr;itlireiiis. and making 125"' Alliii\'eran'. and look rum arcl to cakes and gotITiiiei foods for sale. Tile 1110 final c\glis or Inc \ car. We 11n\ c groiip'siiuliaiive or a yearla. el regislcr he'll pleased to 11.1p Mrs mall Belliielt to facilitate colluitiiitication halvecn wini prepareiioiis for me Valcdiciory fanulies 11as been \\cll slipporled and Dinner. Tlic Mothers Group is 1105iin" a plans arc tillder \\ay for next year's lunch o11 17 November 10 mrc\\cll regisiers. Se\, erul niembcrs Drillc group 1110tiiers I\110 are Ion\ing the School. and have organised iifoinial get-logetlicrs of o1/20 Novellibcr\\innold o11raiuiual parenls in incir dang!tiers' years, again end-OFycar monthi" ICa. Tliis e\till enCoirraging follow'ship and tile sense or provides all OPPorhiiiiq' 10 presciii o11r Snared purpose ill slipporting our girls gift 10 collmicmom:e the 125"' 111rougliinclr scliool}ears Anniversary a salt-glazed up riglii\CSSel

MSD ill Bnsbniie. o11 Sailirdn\ 2 Seijieinber. Inari} OILI Gills - \ Quire alld oldci - joined Milli sinn. pareiits lintl silldciiis ai tile Gal;I Diniieiin Cit\ Hall Tills Mastnil\ keeping un 111c '01/11cciioiis" as lienrl} nanilie 800 giltsis were pastsiudciiis \\110 allliad a Mond. rful nine "inking all interest ill tile Scliool. ' Ninjiier May inni Old Girls in\. c been able 10 keep in 10ncli is Uuoiigli the tmemoon teas in Sydney and Melbourne. oreaitised hi'111c Friends of Girls Gifuruiim Conmuttee Reliitioiis 11n VC also he'll lield by year groiips. lisiiig Inc School as a Incciiiig place. Tilese reunioiis are art\cnised on 111e school web siic: 11^ and iilformalion is posted 10 past students Ironithe Scliool'sillailinglist. Pleaseinal:e sure your address is always correciby dropping a short note 10 inc School

by, well-kilo\*Ti ccraintc rimsl. Saridm LUCIAvood. as well as a cliequc for $10,000 to eruiaiicciticiliiies tornic "irls Tile \essel was chosen by Dialie Peacli to coinpleinenillie extensive Ieachin:: coneclion of ceramicslield by tile Scliool

Wini tile assistance of Mrs Hancock and vanous Tileiiibcrs of 51aff. several nuncUoiis and inertings nave been lield nitOugliOut tile year to filmier enliaiice

* ^..


Tile Association is IIOPing Ihai many pasl Sindents will collie toITlard to 11.1p ill tile plumiing and organtisiiig of tile Art and Craft Silo\\10 be lield duniiu the School Enjoin Oclober. 2001. if\. GUNouldl, ;e In Orc nitorniaiiOn atolli o11r activities or to receive solnc 11.1p to "niake a coniieclioii ITiUi o111cr past shidents'. please coniaci 111e President of the Old Girls Associaiioil. held oar Amiual Lullclt niche Schoolin tile ClmstinePurvis. Phone: 38764560 or elmil in Sydilcy o11 Frida\. I I Augusi. a Koiidcrful c\cning Mas eitioled b\ Old Girls and BCS Old Bo\s. DiBaiiiI\as cor connection in Sydncv alld Meijiaiik lier for her efforts in Brisbane on Sanirday. 19 Antiusi. I\e

7/1, .e, of o1, ,. nord 1101*,,, g Ah, ,,, s at

~., .~ , j^^ *., -,,,;*. ~. 44^^,. GinAMER GAZEnENO, amER 2000 -Page 2 .. *'.:? A.

Old AsseniblyHallwliere VC were privileged to near o11r guest speaker. Lana

Cliti me. wig@ e 'r. Id


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