Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2000


^,. a. G. .$

155 Nov. 2




a"e-* 125 Years $ **,* R's, .


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How do you cater for 820 people? How do you combine the dinner with a eelebmiion for 125 years of schoolhistory? You sellip a comumiiee andiake eighteeninonths to ian down to the smallest detail. By the nine the 1110hi of tile Gala Dinner - 2 September 2000 had arrived, guests made theIr way 10 the Brisbane City Hall for a memorable eventn" of entertainment. reunions and fellowship. Balloons - some fontied to shape the School hat and tie - set the festive atmosphere

11 bar is bane

The occasion was a keenly anticipaied and SIgntficant event in the school calendar. The dinner niarked Ihe end of 125 days of celebmiion for the School's 1251h Binhday. The whole event lived up to expeciaiions. Everyone enjoyed the food and refreshments. but the conversaiion Inai flowed so freely late into the nightproved just how strongly tile guesiS revelled in the OPPoriurtiiy 10 reminisce and have a good fune





Fro?122 the eh^irri?-3411rz

I alli RISCiiialed. e"coura"ed and Gillliused by the silliplicit} jind. 51/11ultancousl\ inc dcpth. or tile stalemeiii o11 o11r Prospectiis "1111/1 file co, ,/;dellce to 111eei 101,101,011 For 1110/11aiis \\INl alliliere- \tliv I devote lily. nine to 11thliving. inIkiiig and piaiming over BGGS Thaiis win viain prepared to LLDrk for and 10 gi\'e to 111is SGIi001 - 111e "10,110rro\\" of o11r girls gciieraiioii or\\Qineii and 1110 place tile\ clanii ill CUI' lintioii's and our planets funire. I 11n\'e 110 doubt that the "irls or BCGS in 111csc decades are capable or pro\'Idiiig ICndcrship to o11r 11,110iiiii c\en dimeiisioiiofliTc. Hover Grillelie\c cqtiall\' silongl}' inni 111e\' need assisiaiicc 11nd ciicoiimgeineiit to assiimc 11/05e roles as 111.1 Inc\cin!0 \Loin:11/1/00d. for 111csc tic!I\'ines arc 10 Soilie c\Ieni collnicr ctili111nl to incli\ us Drillcii'1110/11eis. tileir nunls and tileir glandinolliersjiltd will10/11 linen'enlioii Drillis son leiicoiimgeiiieiil alld SMPpoi'11 lintiicu!tural gap Milliioi easily be bridged. Tills School can conlrib"10 10 inc del clopmeni of this different wayoflliinl. rig CharlesLilley. our Founder. dared 10 dream of a different world for young women ill inc 1860s and 70s against tile popular \ie\\s of For our girls syiiibolise our society's future - Our Society's impe for tile future


tile day, and so our School \\as created. As line leaders of 11ns Scli001.111e Board of Tmsiccs litusi renLtin inIe to Inai trodiiion and 11/05c audacious o0als of Lillcy. In ICrpreiiiiglheiiim 10day's world \vhcre digid\anlagc and 11nssed OPPortiiiul^ are 11/11cliless oreribuistill all\c alld \\ell. ills our responsibility 10 pro\idcihe intrasinicilITe - social. academic. pill siCnl and iconiiologic;1110 all0\\ 111e girls to acme\'cinese goals Milliilic assislaiicc and leadeislnp of slit INilliioidc\~GIDpili;111hciiicaii\ fur!11cr bui relmcc 1111 SIeps to tenor! o11 ithc van s In \\litcli BCGS lion. 1111/1islie\\ ceniiin. conlrlb:lies to mai differ'ciil rilliirc 111,011"11 line ciiltiire expressed by' tile girls. Tliis illCliidCS


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ticccpiniice or r'spoiisibilii} as in legr"I to rigliis and pii\ilcgc ticcep!allce Ihat a \ arict\ or roles leads to broadcr personal 5:1ccess adjiuraiioii and respcci for 511CCCSS belief Inat o11e call jin\a\ s do beller accepiancc or challenges - 110 fear Drilling rising to the occasion because


Dr' ,/In"',// 1/11. ,I. .it). Ch", I'll, "I - Fom', 101fi',, sip, s

\Vimiof115.111.1riiioiliers and fallicrs, A1c Me Ii\illg ill inc oninc paindigiiias o111 drillglilers'! If iioi. why 1101/11 Tile 111eiiie o1/11e 20/10 \bar 125. led b\ tile Heatl Girls, is "Dreaiiiii. dareit. CIO it! I" HD\\ 111aii\ of our genemtion lit e by' this 1110/10. 15 1110re anv reason will, it silould be Iintiled to our dangliiers? Mint nave I\e dreamt. dared or done ill the last I\\Give 1110"tlis? 11 inn\

bC Uiai our daugliiers are PIiUing us 10 shallIe - a I'Dssibi!lit' \\litclimls 111e boili willI disappointiiiciiiaiid none - diSnppoiiiiiiieiii inni tie. ill our genemiioii. seenT to lime aciiieLed so 11/11e: alld111c IIOPe thai our current girls will acliic\e inucliinore indi\ idunlly. and conecii\ely Go Torii Grilluiiargirls -it is vonr future and 1011r nution's filmre

everyone else does sense orfuthlmeni

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Bitsjjo joeeii' for o1^ Girls

I\"lot}Lets Group

Sylvia Pegg

Roby, Ismiford, President

Tilerc 11n\'e heeli 111,111 alitl \'rifled orcasioiis 10 "PIOiiioic fello\\SIIip '11/01i"51 pasi 51,1<1eiiis" 11ns \c;Ir. 111Ma\'innii\ past 5111dcnis ciijo\cd 111e dn\ at 1111bil for Inc Inarit1113 of inc Cell!ciini\ Cm\ c at 111c Meniorinl Quidoor Educniioii Ce"Irc Man\ 0111 Girls also respondcd 10 a Ingucsifioiiiilic Friends orGirls Grailuii:Ir Coiniiiiiiec Ircprcseiiied by SIhi" Peggi to bellie"tors at inc Nei\\ork BreakTasifor Year 12 snidenis. Eacli 11/01/10r spoke 10 So\'Ginigirls Nilo Ilereiiilercsted in nor field or endea\'our. Soilie o, 111c areas or Interest were DPIOinett}'. dietetics. PIiysioUierapy; jujuiialisin-Inedia. graphic design and lienbniiiiig arts. Nso of inICres! to inc Year 12 snidenis were coiniiiercc. into miniioiiIechiiolog\ and Ian nunu collld spare I\\0 110urs to pitrticipalc minis acii\milexi\ear. please colliac! Chiisliiie or Svl\in 10 c\press rollrinlercsl Many past sindeiiis aliendcd inc wonderin Gala Concert in tile Cm, Halli" June and 111e draina prodiiclions at 111e School

Hadgmn. inIk atolliilic e\o1/11ioiiorilic 11.1\ sclioo! song

Tlie Moiliers Groiip'SIIninan' pillpose is parenis' 1111dcrsiaiidii" of 111c Scliool and to lend support 10 the Scliool. and to Our danglitcis' 1110\Gineii! jinOiigliii eiicoiir"ge fellowsliij, aniongsi parents We 11a\c a inrgc and cniliiisinslic groiip we 11n\ c bccii dellgliicd 10 panicipaie 111. orinoilicrs Milo 11n\ e been j, Ianiu"g and and slippori. 111e \;Irioiis acii\ines musling scliool fullciioiis. as \tell as oreniti"d b\' 111e Scli001 10 ce!ebraie tile creating balunfiilcr;itlireiiis. and making 125"' Alliii\'eran'. and look rum arcl to cakes and gotITiiiei foods for sale. Tile 1110 final c\glis or Inc \ car. We 11n\ c groiip'siiuliaiive or a yearla. el regislcr he'll pleased to 11.1p Mrs mall Belliielt to facilitate colluitiiitication halvecn wini prepareiioiis for me Valcdiciory fanulies 11as been \\cll slipporled and Dinner. Tlic Mothers Group is 1105iin" a plans arc tillder \\ay for next year's lunch o11 17 November 10 mrc\\cll regisiers. Se\, erul niembcrs Drillc group 1110tiiers I\110 are Ion\ing the School. and have organised iifoinial get-logetlicrs of o1/20 Novellibcr\\innold o11raiuiual parenls in incir dang!tiers' years, again end-OFycar monthi" ICa. Tliis e\till enCoirraging follow'ship and tile sense or provides all OPPorhiiiiq' 10 presciii o11r Snared purpose ill slipporting our girls gift 10 collmicmom:e the 125"' 111rougliinclr scliool}ears Anniversary a salt-glazed up riglii\CSSel

MSD ill Bnsbniie. o11 Sailirdn\ 2 Seijieinber. Inari} OILI Gills - \ Quire alld oldci - joined Milli sinn. pareiits lintl silldciiis ai tile Gal;I Diniieiin Cit\ Hall Tills Mastnil\ keeping un 111c '01/11cciioiis" as lienrl} nanilie 800 giltsis were pastsiudciiis \\110 allliad a Mond. rful nine "inking all interest ill tile Scliool. ' Ninjiier May inni Old Girls in\. c been able 10 keep in 10ncli is Uuoiigli the tmemoon teas in Sydney and Melbourne. oreaitised hi'111c Friends of Girls Gifuruiim Conmuttee Reliitioiis 11n VC also he'll lield by year groiips. lisiiig Inc School as a Incciiiig place. Tilese reunioiis are art\cnised on 111e school web siic: 11^ and iilformalion is posted 10 past students Ironithe Scliool'sillailinglist. Pleaseinal:e sure your address is always correciby dropping a short note 10 inc School

by, well-kilo\*Ti ccraintc rimsl. Saridm LUCIAvood. as well as a cliequc for $10,000 to eruiaiicciticiliiies tornic "irls Tile \essel was chosen by Dialie Peacli to coinpleinenillie extensive Ieachin:: coneclion of ceramicslield by tile Scliool

Wini tile assistance of Mrs Hancock and vanous Tileiiibcrs of 51aff. several nuncUoiis and inertings nave been lield nitOugliOut tile year to filmier enliaiice

* ^..


Tile Association is IIOPing Ihai many pasl Sindents will collie toITlard to 11.1p ill tile plumiing and organtisiiig of tile Art and Craft Silo\\10 be lield duniiu the School Enjoin Oclober. 2001. if\. GUNouldl, ;e In Orc nitorniaiiOn atolli o11r activities or to receive solnc 11.1p to "niake a coniieclioii ITiUi o111cr past shidents'. please coniaci 111e President of the Old Girls Associaiioil. held oar Amiual Lullclt niche Schoolin tile ClmstinePurvis. Phone: 38764560 or elmil in Sydilcy o11 Frida\. I I Augusi. a Koiidcrful c\cning Mas eitioled b\ Old Girls and BCS Old Bo\s. DiBaiiiI\as cor connection in Sydncv alld Meijiaiik lier for her efforts in Brisbane on Sanirday. 19 Antiusi. I\e

7/1, .e, of o1, ,. nord 1101*,,, g Ah, ,,, s at

~., .~ , j^^ *., -,,,;*. ~. 44^^,. GinAMER GAZEnENO, amER 2000 -Page 2 .. *'.:? A.

Old AsseniblyHallwliere VC were privileged to near o11r guest speaker. Lana

Cliti me. wig@ e 'r. Id


Birti^1,443,:y"'Celebi, Jinioras




Visitors to BGGS mluly 2000 couldlxlbrgi\ cii if they. had 1110ughi 111ey 11nd eiitcred 111e Uiuted Nationsinsiaid National finus. lbsti\e "\Ielcome" signsiiiSiXI:nigirigeS. linerpreiers

Kany Kimber, Dintctor of the Centre for La"""ane & Literacies

alld a multiculiurnl a 11/10splicre 11nd One' Us jaild 0111 111;111\ in\ lied nilcsts ballsfoniied tile 5,11001 colliiniiitih. Gi;niliiini. incliidet1 o11r SISter Scli0,15 ITSiisliiiii:I Gills was 1105/1/1g its firsi in!c, '11,110:in I couldeiicc I~h, 11niid Atic1{!, 11 Scli, o1. Jailnii. SIIniiglini 1/11/1011r Sisier Scliools as o111 51, ecinl onesis I;0 ; \hddl. Gills 5,111rol CIMii;I. nun Kiinta W;ICliiler-S*11nlc. Gel'I'm 11\ I. Dimer Biisb:inc Tileiiiiiinl Idcn toI 11niiin, o11r SISiu Sc!10.15 111dCpeiideiii sclionls ;111d Inn\ eisiiies Sinn 10JOliioiir cclcbralioiis caine 10 Ms 11,111c0:!, '11/1 5111deiils '01/11tl tile ridClrcsscs 111.51 o11 liei I isii to SIIniiglini N03 Middle Girls sinnulatiii, . Scliool in 1998. "\At could learnniioLir 51st*I 5,11001pledges;uid 11npiu\'01/11uidersi:tinting CollieieiicC Da\ 111:I\ 11n\ c b. eii \\ci anti 0101/1erculitiresjindlaiigimges. " slicklie\al lingcMble. btilih* r. ,ci\ 11/11bre!i's alitl\\;millh "Winlberlei nilecould tileieb* nuniL47!,,"*, n, or o11r Stiltlciii Etciiii\ c 111,111bcrs' 511ulcs &lithes. life p"$yJ0, '110 1/1e 11u'/ti' I\CIC, 111, dormi"11\ \1,110,510 iliC SaliCOl. Tin folio\Led jilt wallA\;As dcc!:CLI with brighil\ WillI close coils!111alioii I\jin Ms Carol\11 colaircd. earl\ alln"ill:! weicoiiic signs 10 111e Mason. Piesideni or ine P&F. anti Mrs Gelmivuiiini"ITc to!' Uicom. alsp. eclies OILl



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'11/11, ., e good 111ck 1,011,1,111iJc/, Ih, 1,111 111c,

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selection. a railge of ciilnira1 100ds at tile SISiers \1.1'c 1.11in:! lionie. Ihe litiili of tile hicl;silop. antia wonderful canigrnpli}'<11spln\ 111.5snge ill Ed\tin" Mornnn's \\inni"" by errr\, SImigcalligaphvieaclierMrEiinnis!I '01/1brciiccilieiiieliaikTi\\as apparelii: Koniim. 1111tigiied. ianinliscd an

~~ 3.1






I*7de DCet, fir Sept, I are 113 Bi, / we '11/1 1,111^7117 11'1e!ich' (ironslaied from the Japanesei 2:< I^I it: I' 5 I, , I;:^ ,. fin .I: 11 \ .




T\10 coinpetitiolus were colldricied prior to line Coltrereiice - desiuiuiig tile \ItIcontiiiglxuuiei and all all langiiage nailJi coinjreiiiioiioii tile thenIC orfricndsltip. PIizc\\tiniers. Luq B\ nic alld Adele Fadden. Year S IBnnner compeliiioni. Eduinn Morgan. Yeai 10 iconlbrenceilienie. Japanese). 11/11c Szc^tar 10 ichincsci. Lindsa\' I\ICGraih. Year 11 EUgtisli). lionieJucldandKateHanics. Year9 (Freiicli). anti Kani;Iriiie Millic. Year 10 (Gennaiii! \\erc congmtitlnicd on Asseiiibl\ aters=as\isilors. esp*titul}'leeiu"eis need tile

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tonimicnioniqulst toriirer}ladofUicLOTE grls. funkyTiOn:AngelaR. retile6Wnson! and ConU'Orig of nomc to enricli Ihcir cumirai Faciiliy. Msllaiicock was able to Inars!laitiii 10haiula Sinn spykc of 111e \ alljc of 11/01r CruelieiiCe and to it aid o11 nomesickiiess Tlic Impressi\'c gnueiy of spentcrs. After Qinciall\ enrolicilces \\TUi lunginges and coni;rel \\Tm opening 111e Coin*relice. tinc Premicr was lireir Sister Sclioois all Sister Sciio. is also Grantiiiai coinmiinii} is eruciiiei\ grillcfu1 10 Mrs presentccl \tillI 111e Paris Yout!I Sinniiiit's brotIglii greeniigs to tile risenib!or! groiip 1.1uiv Sinib \\110 \10rked Studeni MallU'us10 b\' Callliii fuss. Year 11 Professor Collii Power. forIner DCpui\ ConteiCUCC Day. 110\\ever. nag o111\ o11. of tildesSly' incrgaiiis!jig tile Direc!or-Geneml for Educalioii. LINESCO. in C. 1,112uagc-fullse, I dn\ s. beginjuij:! 1111/1 billC!ing. mitt Inc 111,111 deli\trad alliiisjiimtioiialkc\1101c address o11 inc tint\al QIN* Cliiiie" goo, I 111ck lions. 11 millilieS who kindly Ihc 1111poriancc or clc\eloping cultural dancer anti a tiltiiitiiuiipe 10 chic!all\ inlinejj \\elCOniCd oi""itsrimnoi"11 sensiii\111 anti prese!\ing the ricliiicss or theftsli\jilts. Silldcnijiiiblicii\ Qinc*rs. Kane \'ISIIOrS in10 inclr 1101nes illd:\tonal langi"ges in a global colluiinitii} Balkiiii}lie. F:ni\ Bradb, ar und }1011\ silljjjj 11.1noiislraling incii loinl increasing11 do minaied b\ Engiisli. and tile Snidei!IF\*ctiii\e civiliisiasjjcitjj\ led CoriumlinCiit 10 111c Sister Clinlleiigiiigidens\\ere also preseiiledb}'oar inc scliooi coiniiiiiitii\ In a neck-long series SClloolPrOgnini other spentcrs. Pintossor Keiuneili Willshire. orinulticiiliiiml itcii\'mes Langinge skiis o11 Uru\CTSii} orQiieeiisl"Id: MrKe^illRudd. tile singe lawn. a F1'encli care. Radio Wireii CoinCreiicc \Leek un: and Professor Peier Cryle. Urn\ crsily. of Rocki"elon \*1111 a Tnie-Bille. toful\. Aussie was O\'or. and oar global * J #* * ,* *

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011, ' o1t!'sen. , 1'1$110J* ,I, ni, ,/ inc nullcyi, lirei"11g '11/1e Alei, 101vn/ 0111, /o01' Ethicntro, , Cell"'e. 1,116i/

- - - - - -Grammar Cricketers Join the Celebrations- - - - - -

Clare Kenny & Jiisveer Raidirn

On SII"day 15 0ciober. the Granniivrr First Eleven Cricketicaiiiim\clied to Toowooiiibn 10 play a 125"' CGIebraion cricketitintcliagmnsiToo\Loomba Grammar Scliool. WillI 111e dallii!ing i'sk orl;icing 111e relgitiiig GPS piaiuers. I\e wereitlie\ ed 10 be 51,111up into run jinxed iconis. 1111/1c first 11/11iiigs. Too\\o0/11ba Grilliuii, .r's captain. \vliose balling erroris 11nd prc\'jousl\ do minaicd GPS coinpeiiiioii Magiiuiiibled b\' 1115\cci kitlir". Milo cle:in bottled 1/1/1110r it ., oldeii diick. To conU"uc to silo\\ off Giniiuiinrialeiii. Clarel{eiiii, hillslicd 111e jilttiiigs wini a thrilless PCrfOriiiniice as wickcil:eel, ei. nild C!;UTC 01i\, edisplayed some dadiiigmid creame bowling

in 111c second 11imngs Granunar's deptliof bowlers was once agriiil snO\\cased. willI 51,011g coinribiiiioiis froiii Caincniiel{inds alld L;inn Gn\. K}lie Gru\';111d Gelaldinc \\'nullliiiusi also be coll1111.1ided for Iheii bulliniii baiting errorts. The occasioniiot o111\ Inarkedihe 1011/1 1.5"' amii\crs"11' or boili Giniiunnr Scliools. but it also pro\Idett all OPPort"nil\ 10 1111\al tile lien' picl{ci relicc. willc!I GIIcloscs Bathoiir O\til Mall\' Ihaiiks 11/1/51 go 10 me Too\1001/1ba Grail"liar First Ele\elitealit \\ nose cnlhusi:15/11 anti '11/1Uicle 101\ards inc willc 11ns anpitcitiledb} all. Tlic clay, Mus a great success. und inc Gramniar cricketsrs








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sincerel\ \amc 111c lielp alld suppori PIO\idcd by Mrs H:uicock and Mr Tliomas GinAfiLL-IR GAZETTENO, ERBER 2000 -Pang 3

' Think Link



Jacqueli"e Mantle & Katherine Mercer

'Dream it, dale it, do it" has been and as friends, learning and our theme all year and now the dreaming together. While now seniors of 2000 are about to this period of time seems so long, realise this vision on a much it is really only a small portion of greater scale. After five years as our lives - lives which we now will a Grammar Girl we have come to have to forge for ourselves. On call this place home. Leaving this 17 November we will once again secure and familiar environment diverge. each following our own to face an unknown future is both path to the future we dream of daunting and exciting. Some of While we all share common us face this milestone with knowledge and experiences, we apprehension and trepidation and are each individuals with our own others enthusiastically embrace dreams and ambitions the opportunity. It seems though that the majority are caught As we leave Year 12 we now have somewhere between, with mixed the opportunity to realise the feelings as to what the future may goals we have set ourselves. To hold. We will all leave with fond make these dreams a reality we memories of our time at BGGS must also develop within and the mends we've made, but ourselves a capacity to step most importantly with an open forward and take action. We mind toward the world and all it must find the means of reaching has to offer our dreams, and dare to embark on this journey. Through our time With our friends, we have long at Grammar not only have we discussed and dreamed about gained this capacity. but have 'what we want to be when we learned that ill many situations it grow up' This time has always is not the final destination but the seemed so far away. BLit now it journey. which is important. As has arrived. While most of us we near the end of curioumey dolt't feel that we are now 'grown through Grammar, we now face up'. it is undeniable that each of the challenge of applying this us has changed in so many ways nTotto 'Dream it, Dale It, Do it' to during our time at Grammar. Five the rest of our lives. Regardless years ago we came to the of the paths we may take, we can School. each from our own walk all look foiward to a bright future of life and our own past. We by finding the means to make our were unified as Grammar Girls dreams come true The Grammar Gazette Committee wish to thank the Official School Photographers for their contribution towards the vibrant images of this edition. Year 12: Ajice Eichberger, Greer Gittoes, Julie-Anna Smith Year 11 : Erin Laurie, Vanessa Whiting

mmmn de Tassanyi, Editor - 2000 Magazine

The 1999 Brisbane Girls Gram^ School hagaane was awarded the Educate Award for ExceUencein tile Magazine Category this year in a nationwide which competition. recognises Ihe produciion of outstanding PIiblicaiions, 111rougli line utilisation of outside resources. The in agazinc was said to be all owlslo, IchJ, g PI, blrcnf, o11 IPIt/, fresh. o11g, ,Iai titan, ,eJ, ! 4'111e essei, rin/

of school conie, ,! Ming"2111es. The layout. graphics, content and deptli contained within the magazine. as well as the Iecluiical production, were all lentilres noted for excellence by tilejudges Tile School coinmends the efforts of the 1999 Magazine Editor, Ashiey Hemer. andihe Magazine Committee. chaired by Mrs Ann Farley, for producing a niagazine of sricli fine quality




Edit0,4the BGGS 2000 A1"g, ,=, Ile. EIJI"10 de fossai, w sir, I. es to eJJ, ,,!ate 1/1e $11ccess of the 1999 ,lingn=111e








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The I^GG52001 Production of

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Editorial Committee

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Ans Editor. Siloris Eatior,

h, ,/11/1 flailcock kitsi, ,, e Cook, And, tip Devo\

: 5'0ay 'Curled for FUKI;her development5. . .......................................... .



GinAM4R GAZETIENO"^ER 2000 -Pade 4

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leiirll!s Gran"Ina, 11~ Genel"Kan'ei^;

I^-11.19;tica, 1111y


Tlie conceri opened willI tile Olympic Fanfare und Tileiiie. coinposed for 111e Los \rigeles 0111lipicsiil 1984. performed b\ 111e S\111,110iiic winds. \\'nile 11tis is a coniciiipomn coinposiiioii. innii\ Drille girlsj, elforiniiig millc CITEcinble wereiiot 1.1borii vileiiilus piece was \\ Linen. Tile Colicerl incoipomied all exieiisi\'c range of 111"siCn151\'Ies Trolli, linerCUI eras and nations. Perlbriiia"ccs Inclridcd file 81 BiffcA*, 111 and Briogr^ 11,031e 81, ,J/, DoI Glibcri;uid Sill!iInnsclcciioiis C, /eb, wildii 1111ade minoris hi' K\lie A. finogiej . Tclinik0\ 514 's IN/, a. ,. 1.11, ,,

Katheriiie Mercer

Once '91/1/1tis}e"r Cii\ Hallcame all\ e nileiiBGGS 11rodiice(1011r '11/1/1al Gala Concert o11 Stilldn\ 4111"e. Tile inclne 11/15 lent was 'GII Is 01w, 11/11n, Ce/eb, nies ' anti rims was done ill great sly'IC Tlie concert Mas 111c collecii\c error! of de\Died 51;itI sniden!s thoui past and present) and parenis Tiley achie\, cd a \cry fine illusionl perlorni;ince. \\litcli\\as enjoyed by nicheiiceinembers orallages



Fn, vi, ,, $11, ,/,,,, ,,, Id Galu Colic, 1'1 GIIL*, .*/,,$1. P, 1.7 8/1 1/1 ill, , .Wringhi. .,, I'llc, 11'.,, s Milli 1/1, Cli. in Ihc, ' 01'c/,,*I, ', I ,Ti, ,I firn, ,MMr \111. g, ,.\

*. -,

111d of collrsc. 111eiic\\' ECli00150/12 \71 \ enrs of lentiling :!rid o1/15i;111di", 5111, L"bolt. CliesiPCrfoniicis Peln 81\ 111 ;1,111"cineii! is a ,, rail Tensoii 10 cc!chintc and loini CUI\\111 added inclri"1,111s to 111c Lci\ do 11 Itellll" Tills VC did '11/1, rcni 11/11SiCal speciacii!ai. CTe:11/11g all e\ cii inure \ I\ ticii\ and 2,1510 professiolIaiie\'el Diperloriii;Inc. Or piiriiciilariiiipnci \\as Ihc in;1551xi clio!I or Mall\ Drillc PCIforiilallces were recorded o\tr 2011\ Dices For inclusion oninis \ears CD procluciioii entitled 'rel, br, 11/01/'000'. 0111/1c Tile Gal;I Concert corncd oncelcbmiioiis 11cekciid o129 Jul\' CD recoidiiigs also hagiii earlier in 111c > car. enieriniruiig look place ill Matiie Flailai Ihc Un\ CTSi!\ audiences \\jin a snowcasc of 111e 1:11enis of Queensland. Agriin inc piniiiiiiig orcmiiiiimr girls, pasiand preseiii. As Mr prepamiioiiaiid pro^Ce o1/11c BCGS 111usic Maik Sillli\'aiL Direc!or o111rslrumenlal performers and coiniitiin^' 11as collie Music. said ill his in Irodiictioii to 111e day. 's loneilicr 10 produce a nia"Inc. nt progRiii"lie. "011e 11,111clred and IWCnh'-11\ c recordiii"

., ,\ ,. 4* ..:*.







011r 1,111sic sill, /e, ,is "\celled illeJJJseh. CS itI "grill, of Jilt G"I" Co, ,c, ,. I

"One A""/",/ ",,/ hinty-/", yam, ,/!;"",, fry an/,,, Multi;'", null"""mad i, " ,, 001 room, , I, 00!;/""/,. I, /I I, if muffin/"

^17',,,@yam, or^a ,,^,/ I '^?e. Mad^ 247,747

You'll never be bored listening to this CD its astounding variety ensures a wealth of enjoyable listening While buying this CD E a tangible way to show support for the School and lis talented musicians, lis items showcaseihe virtuosity of the studenl performances 11 is most enjoyable listening. ,'11/11 s"rung orchestral and concert hana pieces including Smith's Into the 8101m and John V\!1111ams' 04, nipic Fanfare. The Big Band shovrs off !15 repertoire vriih both jazzy uD beat numbers like tile unexpected rend!lion of Wallz, rig Metalda and the 'sino. iher' A Nigh, 1119ale Sang in Be F1;e/ey Sq, Jare. A range of vocal items. ironi small to massed and combined choirs. provides quiet intense momen!s or lively sing-along n urn bers The popular Albinoni's Adag, o for Strings and Organ and a beautiful rendition of Summerillne by Gershw!n are just 1,110 examples o1 the range and talent of Ihe Chamber Orchestra This E the pertectlistening to CIE-stress your mind v, 1.11e coping \Mrh peak hour traffic or to entertain you on that longer trip To pureliase your own copy of Getsbrat!on 2000 for only $22 00 In dudng GST. please contact the School on 3332 1300 or admin@bggs. qld. edu. au

Tile one 11undred und 111enn-fifth binlid"\ of Brisbaiie Girls Grainiiiar School 11ns pro\idetl a fociis for inc \vliole Scli001 10 jo\'full\ cclebnite 111.1egac} or all who 11th'e pia\edilicir part in milking Brisbiiiie Girls Giniiuii"r Scliooltlie centre of leafitiii2iiis I'd a\ Froiiitiic form(11/12 \ision of Sir Clinrlcs LUlc\ 10 the dawn or Ihe 11c\\ ccniur\. lite collun:"tit\ orchis Gruntmnrli;is "him s beeii 11 inc forelroiii o1 girls' cdii. aiioii ill Qinnslniid. denimig ne\\ p;11hs und stilliig c!talleiiging sunidards Tile ricli 11'ridi!1011 or c\cell*"cc rind jinio\ ajioiiili"lis 111ejjnljjjinrk Drille Scliool is 111c prodiici of gciier;!1101/5 o1' 51niT and silldeii!s sin\'ing logcilier 10 richie\ c 111cir be51 ill tien' eiidcn\onI Ce/, bi. "1101, JODO 11ns pro\ided 111e OPPoriuiiih' for o\'er 400 snideiii in usICians 10 celebi;lie 11ns occasion and 10 add 10 lite tradiiioii Icongmhil"IC c\'cryperfoiTiierfor line way' You nave responded to 111e challenge willIviialily and dedication

,,,, S""^I:, r *1/1 , *-// t


t> <7*>

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Mark Sumvan Director of/"shill, re, ,101M"SIC

Gin^44R GAZETTENO, ^inER 2000 -Page 5

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.. -.. - .. ... .... .. ..... . ..

.-.-.--, .. ... .. ... ... ,,

Grammar Musieians Shine

Theatre Dance

JanetAnderson, Jennifer Cheung, Georoina Pearce Music Captains

Am din Keriin &EleiiiAnthony Theatre Dance Captains

Grammar iiiusicians' deptli orialeni slione ilrrouglidiinng the annual BCGS instrulnenial and Vocal Competition \\incliiook place diving the week beginning 20 Aunisi. The week once again pro\. ed to be a rewarding experience for all In\, o1ved. providinu tile opportunity for Inariy girls to pelforiiiand participate inlinendlv conipetitioii\\niltheir peers

Tile winners Dime\artous Prizes were

JanetAiidersojj (12th -fileAcicNcxiim Gillies MeijiorjalPnzeforViolin Ed\funGcorge (100) - BGGS StringPrire LouisaYoung (12L) -BGGS fog"IPnze CullenneBradbear (120) - BGGS Brass Pine Dolltiinqiie May, 0 (12W) - BCGS Woodwind Prize Sally CanIe (110) - BGGS Perc!1st o11Ptizc

,, ~*


J, *




ROSINi Goofrq- (8Bj -TileValda Ro\Tenta Gillies Prize for Piano Heleii Godfre^ (10B) -Tile WighiMeiiioii;11Nledal for Piano JaneiAiidersoii(12Hi. ElauiorO'Gorillaii!12/11. Tain-Gnc Leeine;Ier (12L) and Coll! tellay Liiid (12th - Gillies Ensemble Prize One Drillc 111.5i anticipaicd conccris Drillc 1111/5ic calendar. the aimiialArtisis un Coliccri \\as Ileld o11 Frida}' 25 Alignsl\\jin fullr filialisis coinpeiin. , for 111e presii"ions RT & AE left'ries Biirsai\. Tlie finalis is. Ed\\Ina Geor, ,c. Loinsa Von"g langt Andersoiiaiid He1.1t Godfrey. perroriiied e\ceplioiiall} \\ell. Adjiidicaior. MAInii Lane annoiiiiccd 111aiJn"et Alldersoii it 110 nettoniied .Idng, n Kl' ?, I by Mozart and I" 1111'I Curlce, In \b I ill G hill, I b\ Bnicli. \\as to belhc recipient oftlie Burstn for 2001 Paniculm' thanks ittiisi go 10 Ms Heleii SIIaq, for orgtiiising and eiisiiriiig inc 5/1/0011i



non/It DullerI* A""11 Inn, . ., IIJff

niluung of tile week-long coinpelitio". jind 10 111eiiinii\ adjiidiCalOrs tvlio pro\'ided tile girls ITillisiiclilielpful feedback and ad\ice Lasi but 1101 least. collgmt111aiions 111ust be c\tended to 1101 onIt all the prize \\11niers but eacli alld e\ err girl uno Dentiniied

The ygir 2000 11as been \try producii\e T!Ie lullcliiime perlbniin"CG o11 ine slage and successful for tile ThenIre Dance lawn pro\ ed to be a 11/05t eiuo\able a eiii Cliib. Main a, Grits anId perlbriiianccs and all perlbrniers arc to be coininciided 111roiiglioiii the year 11a\e incliided 111e o111/1eir excelleiii preseiiialio!I TaleiiiQuest. tileiiiaiigiira1 11/11chiiiiie perlbnnance. and our Scliool E\re Concert Tile Scliool Expo Coliccil\t's line Iugltiighiolour year. will1511perb perloriiiniiccs by 1111 Tlic Celli'111,111i


*; \*



**.*, *,




nic T"ICiii Q!ICsi 11ns a grcai 511cccss \TillIa variety orenlriesIroniallyear Ie\-CIS. Tile I\'Inner \\as Krisi} Scandrett 1,111i lid' solo dance. and runner-up was "Bardol" reaige Gullibley. GcorgicPearcc. Jinic LIDllnnd EmitsinbcrtandUrsiila Semi

Tilenire11:15 biirsiiiigILitli c\clieiiiciii and energy. and 11tis was a \cry 111e"10rabie way 10 end tilej. ear All girls are 10 bc coinnieiided o11 111.1r dedication and colluitiUtienl to Tlicatre Dance2000

. .~.-



in, ,, Ier @1n, e BGGSlibodi, ,,, of P, ,=e. Doll, ,,, Icy, ,e IVqLu

RT &, E1<, Iles 8111'sirry1,111, ,e" Ia, ,e! 1111derso, ,

rin, ^^ Drama proe^^55

51aiid onjin 111e CTo\\d. tryou wariied Ihe role your nearIdesired. in\inu to SIIow off your mient to obtain a part in a play is

cocli scene logeiher was an experience Tills year's production was one of \vhicli we 5110uld all be proud. Everyone put in a ITeinendous effort and tile \\ork reall\ paid

off Ninjai\\as left \\as for the andience 10 sit back and \MICli tile snow. as Drainn Club 2000 presenled the rimgicalplay. ,411ce in lid, dellu, ,d

Georgina Parker

Stage fright. andilions. drmna. tragedy. o11e of 111eliardcstiasksiliereis. 111 order fantasy and exciteritent are what acting 15 10 do this }ou nave 10 Inchc 1110se NIIo arc all about. Thc Year 2000 11ns brought aboui audiiioitinn yoii hana'e inni1011 arc tile all of these and inniiy oilier clianges 10 the one and only persoii NIIO Is in for tile role

Dini"a scene at BGGS. Tile greatiie\\ Draina roninsiiiihe Boarding House and tile 125" binlida} celebmiioiis 11:1\c all will ^cry differeni experteiiccs Dranin Club 100 11as Inteli o11 a lie\\ Inc. . 1111/11, fuss l{alriiia Cain iakiiin up " drollin Ieacluiig '05/110ii \tillnil 111e Scliool as \\GII us Diiccloi' of o111 dear old cliib Tile foulns}\ colour jind lungc or Din"in Cliib werc really well displayecli!us leiir will1111c prodiiclioii Dr. -inc, in libJuleJ. /",, d HD\\e\'er11 11:15 1101 allcas\ IOUrnq. to pui o11 this Mondeifulpla}. There \Iere andilio"s. nullierous relicarsals. sillisli coshiiiies to belliade alld pieiit\. orups and do\\lis aloiig 111c \Lay

011r pia\ prepai'"1101/5 I\ crc unden\ an' We pelformed all exttact o1,111t, 111 11,111frr'/",,,/ init\, ci, oils wincli 111c andieiicc reall\ eruo\ccl. Tile relicarsnls e\'en TillITSda\' alieniooii In line Qiieen. 111e coilsistGini! iaie Millc Rabbii. or tile o\CFCcceiiiric Mild Flailcr Hong cr 111nd ill\\;I\ s \\11:11cd 10 pelforiii 111e 101c or line QueciiotHcaris. After auditioning for J SCCOiit1 11/11c. \\ '11/1/1:: for ille resiilis Tell like allelei'1111\ FinalI\ 111e c;1511/5t VCIii up illid allilic 11ni'd \\ ork natd or At 111e beginiiiiig orTenitT\to. Drillia Cliib began. and fludilioii prep;iruiioiis \\crc 1111dei\\;I\'. E\crvoiie nanied10 bcilie genile Allce or 111e siroiig. <1.1criniiicd













One urine liardesl paris of perlbiiiiiiig nil\' anditoriiiiii werea jinic uruorkiiiglinrd play' 15thc andilioiiprocess. As allacioi linkiiiuiie\\ friends nildlin\'Ing clie o1/11c naving anat director who is uiJairuliar innst full nines I illink I nave 11nd chinii"lily with eacliindividual's acliiig style, it was mile at Cronttiur. \Vaichi"" incliia"ic of InIPOrlanlio Inake a strong impression and .. Ihce in lib, Ichr/in, d untoldin" as we pui GinnnfER GAZETTENOPMmER 2000 - Page 6


.-Ihc, INtioJ", Leii'131 wild Oiled!I by'Hem'isjGeoJg, n Pinke, ! inline, / file rindie, ,ce in riflee in lib, Id, 1'1n, ,d

Legr, reing Net?ei, Erg4i!s

IgoCl!~limb"C, !y 11^;^fukili^BS

Earlier tliis year 1110 subject 'Tecltiiolog Studies' was introduced as a Senior Board Subject. h continues o11 ironl line 11/11ior Design and Technology prograiii and involves many, areas of shidv. railsiiig from the Design Process. Malerinlslmesiigaiion Tools alld Processes. Materials and Salei\ coinponenis are jiltcgial to allareas of study I cliose Uiis 511bjcct as I enjoy. the 11niids-on work andlieing able to design and build Iru own pro^Cis We 51aried the ICnr I\1111 a sriiall \tood\corkiiein. vinalTierlinto Tenji2 ill\Tillcli\levereablcto design aiidcoiistnict a small piece o1 furniture. Some or tinc projects included a Ielevision cabiiiei. cliesi of dra\Lets. bedsidciables. 10\. chesis. clicss tables and main, In ore in Tenji3 \IC I\ere iniroduccd to inein1.1111erc welding was a new' experience for an. As a SIarter. \\e coinpleicd a skills derelopineiii project \Tillcli ccnired titouiid de\eloping a rel plain 1101der to lielp 115 gel used to tile ne\\ discipline and ICclmiqiies TlIC lanei part of Inai Ieriii brouglii an open design situation I'llcre \\e could desi"11 and cons!incl a soluiion to a need that we 11ad As a music sindeiii I need a nilisic stand



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' 't*r: '-***.~*-.,






Chi, ', C, ,,,,,,, Ig/1,111 11,111, Ile, ' 11/1/'11 Ilee, /ed 111,131c sinnd 11'111ch she 111n, /e in Ile, itch, ,o109. Silldies c/rrss, s

3/1/1011C Cull, pbe1/ $ $11eh. ,, in 11,111

\vlieiilpraciisc playing tile \, 101in. Ina\ e all inipro\cd 1100/1. Tliese aspecis must all be old one tnni is in a slate of disrepair and I Quilliicd as part or the 111eoT} Iha1 15 to redesigi1110 11/1/51c stand Incomoraling a Makc - Appmise approacli is clcfiniiel\ a linenie o11nusic collieho\\ I 1<11eu 1,011i 111c 51nrt 111"I inc Iirojcci \\ o:11:1 prtseiii somc cli"11ciiges bill I I\;is ^end\ 1.1' 'I'his it rill \\c tire ,blc i, L!CSRii aunt, us!nici 111,111. .\I 11/11CS I 11/01/'111 ill;11 SolllC 11,115 '11 11 5111;111 ;!11,111C1 1,111. Imjin'iaiS 111.1 VC 11n\ L 111c pro^Ci I\ o111:111'1 11 o11. bill 11,111 '01/1c 1,111i ;l!'urn 1111 111* p. I*I I till I ;1111 LTirr*!111 Sei'lolls 1:1\ '51/3/11, ". 1015 o1 ciic, 111 a, cine;11 ticsi. 11:11. , c!in IF a!1,101i, :!lull. C, illc, s ill 111 11,111 iru tin ill, it 11/11q!i, Multi-111.1Lii, 11 PIOit, I\ collij, 1.1cd t. C'. I I co1 11, "IC 10 dcsi. u rind coilsiriic; I\It h 15 a rcqiiii'eiiiciilllint nil pro^Cls desigiictl lirediicls. n 111nior anthillii, I PIOieci W. 1,111 and innde 11/10/1glioiiiilie \ e;Ir go o11 display incl;Ieillc innjor pro^Ci first. willcli\\1111:it;c ill tile Librai} inId it Is alliaziiig lion 111.1cli 115 11,111iip Ii11111e '11/101Teiiii3. Tile 11n"o1 recognition I in\e loreived fro"1111y peers. pro^Ci\\111 bc done iii llic reinaiiun" torni. 11 mistakes Inade and nungs that I could nave 1001,11n 10nTurd 10 the prosperI. goo(I \Lay 10 dc\'CIOj, limbleiii-sol\ing Iecliiiiqtics nudeiiliaiice 111\ rc"coning skills





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Iink, I'M, bi Ln, ,, t, , ,Ilelvo,


Anna Moon. e

Nit Wlicailc}.'s cousin. GIIiipie Landcarc with nan VC \cgctaiioiiaiid a sinnll area or CUInr"cd nabilnl for birds and bats. Tlic orgyntser. Air 1

As part o11heir shidies on 'People and 111e M'Cliiiiock pineapplcltiiTii\111ereIcon Eii\, Ironiiieiii'. Year 12 Geography shidents GII\Ironiiieiiial groiips and inc mildo\Ingi Ira\elled to 1111bil for ino d:Iys o11ield\\ork 11a\e collibincd to Ieplnni a jaildslip area ridj"celliio a slimll crc k. 11 '; I ,, I 111 111e Man'Ri\or Calcliiiiciii

Tile 511cccss of Gleii, in :illd Kciii's pro^Cis

ling led 10 o111ci'lando\Incrs bccoiiiiii!! 11/01i\ aletllo coilscn c 111.1r 111.5i \tillInbic resiniicc - 111eii' soil Firsi-nand obsen'allons in 111e field innkeilie classiooiii conic 111\'e nild create an junglecialioii o11ile-long iconiiiig Tliaiiksio Mr alld Mrs L:lull:11n. Mi Wheatlc\ alitl Mrs Moore for a 111ciiiornble concliisioii to o11r studies lit Geography

wediiesda\ rifleriiooii 5:1\\ snideiiis 111\CSiigatillg Iaiidslipsinline 1111bil proneri\ ntho\ c 1110 Meijionnl Trcc Gro\ c as Itell as stud\1112 ri\crb"11k vegeiaiioii aloii!! Y;Ibbn Creek. A refreslier course in c;1110ciiig b\' Mrs Lanliaiiicoiiipleic, Ithe allernooii acti\111.5 All early sinn signal I'd a bus}' da\ full oracii\incs. Eii\ironineiiial scieiiiist alld local hillier Glendn Pickersgill(stilloii cniiclics after a 11nsh' ticcideiii\\lien a 44 galloii Einini or diesel shrillered lier foot). snared her kilo\\ledge of re\'egctaiioii Iechniqiies and biodyiiaimc thrilling 111.1hods. antl callcod along the ri\er \\jin iis 110iiiiiiig o111 evidence or poor and jiltproving enviroi"lienlalinaiiagemeiit of tile riparian (riverbank) zone

A*:**:*, l. ;j^;;. ,*,{-*-*~ t*;;*;*,'t. ' .r- ,; , ' I i. ,...*.., I'-I; ;., . *. * ~...-" ' $1' .'I*;;:I ' <1'ij ;***:,,;'t:.- ' ' \j * *






* "!\:\*\,.;!' ~S' , !$ * _ *

111 ille g! eelJhoi, ,, - Glendn Pick'ei'.\girl, ' foi, ,, secdl^, Igs Ib, ' fetegeiniroJ, of PI'upeJ'tv



Meeting the Ch@'!/61^811

^;;;;^?< 0 ^ L L ^ ^0 ^ I I, ^^ A It

ILOclkiir^11 Irur^vanrdl


Jacq"elme W" & Kantie Balla"Iyiie


Tile aruLotl:s orEninia MoiliagLie. Varies ER fillsJ, ,ess, ,, till. ' staled Emma. Wlieii Rolli\\elland Varies5:1 weekes were clioseii opening the cupboard the audience 10 represciiillie Scliooliiiilie Metlopoliiaii disco\'ers tile persoiialilies and lire Norili region exhibitioii of 111e 2000 experiences of Bob tiltoiigli cacli piece of thinsicr's A\lards for Excellence ill All '10/11/11g. Inadc b\ lising pinstCT. Collages "ninja Moiliagiie's work I\as seiectcd 10 and \anons ICcl"uqiies of pailiiiii, , \ICrc be nan or tile ceniml sinie ctinbi!ion and applied ill eacli dr"\tel'. Elmiia's artwork SIIe \\as also iru'ited to nanicipaiein inc alloITS Ihc andiencc to physically e\inure 2000 \\orksliop prograiii 11ro\'idcd b}' 111e tintl Gillo\ lie^irueiili\ e anti crc;in\ eI\ork. Allnrds progi'aim. SIIe was o11e or o111\ ACcoidinu 10 111c Millisicr's A\Lards for forty'-si\ amtorns ili"I were relecicd out of Eteneiice in An. Enuiin was clioseii;is liei approxiinaiCl} fifteen 11/01/3111d silldciils "/,, g/, A, Intel, !e, / 1,131in/ 1101'As rlrs 11ni, of who sindy Senior An in Stale and lion- ,eco, ,,,."b/e ,VC, //e, ,ce ,, J, ,/ Slate Secondnr\. Scliools q, ,nfi{v reininal t/, 1/10/1511"!,,/ Alei, $ of across Qiieeiisiaiid is a prograni innl niliis 10 pioniole and recogmse the excellence ill Ari Ediicaiioii tsarcsirlt DIEiiuim's \wintiii" Dintis award across Queenslaiic1 11 encourages senior SIIc was granted 111c OPPorhiiiit} to allend an students to achie\'e alliglislnndardiii a live day art \\orkshop airau"ed b\ 111e tileir creations. Snidenis selected in the Ediicaiioit Department. This coilsisted of prograiii were supposed 10 delnonsiraie a \anei} of \LOTksliops. tinllery ouiin. .s. nitougliilieirITork "in, ,billty to fineip, ei. discussions froni \, arious at lists a rid etpress and collJ, ,,,, 111cnie Ithrt$ fowl u, I Ciiliiir;11 e\'ants. Einina and tile oilier 111depe, ,delli v, eiipo, !, I. mr ,, br/, 11 10 awardees were encouraged 10 e\PIOrc 111G pursers, ,Ig 1/1e He CPS, ,, I I c!, trill'111' in, d "!fat""h, Ie 10 $11cc, ,of 111 Ihe inv!Id of file Miusicr'SAT:mis for Excellciicein An 1.1s, ,"/ ", vs





**4 ' *./















Ileel very proud to be thenrst BGGS student these trainees hips are available, eg to be given a school-based trainees hip in Hospitality. Agriculture. Catering. Veterinary Hospitality. Even though Grammar students Nursing. Retail. Sport and Recreation are considered to be high achievers in academic areas. there are a number of girls I am very appreciative of Mrs Hancock's and who find these subjects difficult and Mrs MCConaghy's support of this scheme. sometimes unrewarding Nor everyone wishes to go to University and given this opportunity. I u rge all students by beginning a trainees hip while still at who are interested in this school option to school I can proceed into the vrorkp!ace contact the Dean of Students, Mrs next year with qualifications and experience MCConaghy This has given my self-esteem a welcome boost Hopefully your parents will be as supportive as mine. who helped me realise an OP was instead of going to school on Fridays I go to not a necessity for my future and this work at the Brisbane Tavern where I am allowed me to discover where my real treated like a valued employee I even interests are receive an hourly rate of pay. which is an added bonus To have been able to experience eventhing that Grammar life is. plus having this extra I would recommend this direction to anyone course. has made me a happier student who has an interest in the areas where as I knovr I would feel very apprehensive about my future next year it I had not been



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Philharmonie and Friends





011 11 Augtisi. flit\-o11c taleiiied 11/11sic silldenis Trollilb!IT Brisbaiie scliools nanici illccliii " Colicer! with inc QueenslmiclPliiliinniioitic Orclics^a. GiniUcd "PillM, ,1,111, ,, IC inI, /A', endr ". T!Ie scliool snideiiis Dial'edllnee piercs \\jin ilic Philli:Innoiiic Orclicsiia. Gh, ,I'd \ 01. ,Jimv to R, ,$"/,, 11 ", Id L, ,,/,'11/1, I. SIra\ illsk\"s Ci, tv, * Folk, , and Brineii's fir, "lions tillt/I'll",, e o11 trillc",, q/Pillc, /I. Tlie clialleiigiiigiiiusicl"Id been \lurks!lopped and relicar"d o\er a period Drillree weeks. led b\ conductor CallaiiiAbboit. T\\0 50/01sis featured illilie concert Fern} GID\ c's Manjie\\ rugby' jind BGS's Win-KGuii" Lee. Tlie perrorimutce \\as a 1,1051 eiuolable and eclLicaiioiial experience and trille op!, ontinth is presenied for shideiiis 10 late part agriiii. 11is inglrl\ recoiluncnded by all 1,110 were ill\ o11cd. A bi. , Inairl* ou ones to Mrs IL, ncock audit SUIli\till for allowing tinsloinppcn. and also to 111e Pinlharmoiiic Orclicstra for creating 11ns Mondeiful OPPorhiitity

'11/11tr Atolli, ,g, ,e J rel, cied run o, I, . Nicel Bob Idell14ij', aJ, "Awe uJ, of etnli, "re 1'131, "I differciii sides and ripproaclies to art witiCli PI ob/erus. 1111 e, ,ni. e, I'S, . ei', dellce o1 included 1151/1g lullliiiiie, Iin. 111\ CStigaling h, gilli, del',/ayed coJicepi$ o11.1s"n/ rills Illsinllniioiis :111d e\ GII pailiiiiig \\11n inn ",, ,, biff (I' to 111"Ie 111dgi, Ie, ,I. , 11'11/, cliocol"IC lopping. Tile OPPoriunii\ illsce, 1,111eJi! in Ih, ,,/eci, o11 ,,!, rl pro\'ed 10 be 'h 11,031 '17/11rtb/, dpi, /I'd1,011 of 111g/1/1' ripj, , up, ', rite Incl, ,, JAPei, ,,, CF " for Eininn as 11 ",,, 11n, /Ifc, ,/ tiff d I, '11/11q!, es. " Tlie norks seieciecl ill 1/1"I 10 ,, I',, 11n, q/'irui'$ to ,"PI ", of, ,, I I 111e sinic exitibitioii TCPrese"I 'excelleiice' nullAh, / 11ndi, o1.11c",!111eJv, I' . Eininn is ill cocli regioii Lience. incsc altards 11n\c 111\esligaii"g a career in design loi' 111c pro\ided PIiblic recogiiilioii or 111c funir. \Gals Minicli silo"Id dctinilel\' be outsiaiidiiig ;ichic\'eiiierits or senior tin assisicd b\ Ihc I\orkshops snideiils. 11nicli 11as allowed 111e piiblic 10 apprccinie tile qiialii} 1111d tli\ersih or The C'eiiiinlE\litbiUoii. willclicoiii;tills 111c art\\orks prodiicediiiall secondary collools. ERICcied \\ork of Eiiiiiia * .lire, Bob. I\111 evilibii in 111e QLicciisland An Canen Elm";IMOiiiagiie's relecicd arucork. called bel\Icon FCbniJn jind April ilexi \ car lis lirei Bob. 11ns a painied cupboard willI pan ora 10/11 or Qiiceiisland fortheiie\I nTixed Inedia illsiallaiioii. Tlic surface or IMO \ears So. doll'I 1111ss ou1 o11 \o11r inc clipboard represenis "!/I, 11,111"/ OPPorninii\' 10 see Ihc pierliiCliOii CTCaied 1,111 oof, ,ci, o11 o1 lite pers0, I. 1,110 looks by Einina Nioiiiagic an '11/1c yoiing in leiits 11ke $011, e $1ereo !VPIc0/ 1111d, /!e-rifled or 111is Slate


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OffEC!or' q/'h, si, '1,111,111n/ All, ^, c. ,Ua, 'k &,\, I'dF1 o1td Conch, eru" Gini, run ,, 160!I 1,111, sri, dents at 11'1111hnr, ,10/11c und Frie, ,ds '

GR. it^ GAZETTENOPDBER 2000 -Fade 8

173 Pzi"toadt ofE?!ecellerzeC Cor, ^,^^ ::Z)^^, I, ,, :7", f ,^,, ,, 171, ,,,,.,,,,

,..........................^ . . ; I^,.111LBjTI^; I^!1.1"411! I! IP ' . . . .. . - . ~

Jacqueli, ,e Mantle & Kantherine Mercer

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" I. 1:4 .t:,^;.;.\.\-.. \r -.,\\::*;;,.;-.,*Jt*, t '~ ' ' ~' '

Diiriiiglier\cals ai Grilliiiinrltoiii 1987 to 10q;. jc\\clien desi. 11cr Caroli!IC PCnis0!1:1e\cloned ;111 ;I\illiiitCFCsiiii a he1<11/11ic11 \10/1/<1 '00/1 51Npc 11.1 1111/1rc Titreu:!!1111c School All PI'Oginiii. C'aroline \\ as lulloducct1 10 IC\\cliei\ 111,111iig ruin 10/11/'11icrscif Gillbinciiig 11/15 soil:c\111;11 nilcoii\ciiiioii"I 1011/1 or nil \Vliilc Caromic nil\;I\ s mspi:I\cd " 1:11ciii 101 crcali"g. it \\ :15 on I\ \111cii 511c hagnii innkiiigjiicces for 11.1 tin folio at schooliliatliei ithilii\ 11/10\\cllcn desi, 111nil\' ciiici'ged. Anei gindii:11iiigiii 1993. Caroliiie colliiiiiied Ie\\elle, Inakiiigiiia collrseaiGrlmili Uiii\ ersil\. alld 11/15 \ear 11:15 gi\'cii 111e hulloiir or personalI\' presenting a piece of 11cr \\'ork to Thc Princess Caroliiie. sillglcc1 o1/11roiiiinnii\ 1011/1g tinisis willnil Brisbane. niei inc Princess as SIIe ITn\tllcd Ihroiigli Brisbane. Alter 111ticlidcliberaiioii. she chose to gi\'e inc Princess a 11niquc pend:11/11csenihling a geolneiricjxiiicrii untiliiblcd rillgs. Caroliiie 1110/1gliiihis 11.5 silllable bccniisc 11:0 Ii\ c rin, ,s also 51/01\cd Pniicess Alliie's Iru o1\oneiii Ro\al. Princess Aunc

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;*;141*.***,-'*.. '-,. *-*;**!**:.\.:',:.*-*. ;.: ,,; . ,. . ', ' ' I' ' ' , ' "" ' . ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' a "'I' ,,,,,,.,,, . , ,, , . .. ,,, ', . *.:' "*.,, ,, *. t:, . , .... . . I ,.~ I ' .. ':..--,,-,.,.,. ; . . . ' .. , ,,, a I\atC LeiiCli Of R GIImili. 1/1/1111L: 11cr 1011 111.1rc \\-runin. , performance at illc a jutcrliousc Allijcjjcs. a a Artci' winniiig Ihc 111"in. 20:11ii and 4001/1 raccs at Ihc QGSSSA .\1/1/'11cs. Kale \\ciii o11 10 itPCni Ihc I, cribiiiiaiicc at inc Sinic TillCS. a a ^,"....."......"....""...".,.




*. , I

C, I'mI, ,/15^, shus 11n' it$, 91 11'111i n ofc/Ig/fret/ F1 intr, , . 11/11,

paidaiii Inade for Piiiiccss Alliic cainc by' accident. as she was worldn" o11 allollier piece vileii she nappciicd to obsen'c line p;111crii the rings Inade o11 tile bellcli

^3/1/77177'^?"h, ;^'/77 I^0u/7, ^7' Year 12 sindcnt Holl\ Shiitli has \\o11 Ihc Wonj. lis Christjail Tentpcmncc Union Natioiial SPCeclt Contcst. in Marcli}10/11 compelcd in aitd Moil tile Qiiccnslaiid Section antl at ille National Con\. entioii in Perili reccntl\\ a \, idco recording \\as liscd by 111.1udgcs of Ihc finals. F1011\' \\ as indried Ihc \\ niner anti Nil be cligiblc to coinpctc at tite Worlcl Convention in lull 11c\I \ ear in the UK

After working for 111e jinsi Ihrce \ ears

I^11/11he 01yiiipic Grunts 011 Milder 111e 91id"lice o111/1ei"lanolinll\ presentaiion o11he penda"t Canoniie was respected desigiier Barbarn He'll11 incl\\illi 11/11cliciilliusiasiiifronilhe Carolinc is 1101\ forging lier o1\" I\a\ as pHnccss. ITlio colluiicnjed on 110\\ an 111dcpcntlciil designer. Caroliiic's '11/1 beanlthil and complex tile desigii\\as " Is to esinblislilierselF"sellin, , all. rathe I 111niijc\\ GIIen". 111 SIIcli a 11iglil\ Caroliiic s 1115pirniioiifor lier picces collie '01/1pctin\clield C;ironiie ling allciged niaiius. 1101/1theiiiaierialslie works willI its a 11c\\ 1:11eiil. IIOPing lion 10 collliiiue indeed it 15 often 111rougli o1:11ei' pieseiit sricccss and dc\clop in e!periliicniaiioii 111at niaiiy o111ci in OSI lierialcii! I\11icli \\as rosiercd duiin:! lier siriking designs Gillcrgc nipariiculnrilie \earsaiGrniiuiiar




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She \\as I, rcsentcc1 \\111tlicr clicquc and a certificate in Assciiibl\' IVCciill\ by Mrs Manoric Ro\'cc. Quceiisland C!iair of inc \\'CTU. We all collgi'nili Iaic Holl\' on tills I\-onderfulachieveinenlaiitle\ICiiclall good wishes to Iler for Iler Drcsentation In Binnin"11nin

G, in, ,Intrr Gn. elfe Co-EdiloJ. sInc"leii, ,, 11,111/, IL, "I'd K"Ih, ,Tile A1", tel IR) sriJ, IPIe n se/cello, , of Cn, o1", e * ,/CS, 915

GRAM^ GAZETTENOP^inER 2000 -Page 9

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