Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999



Head Girl. modemn". balet. architecture and journalism - vJhai more coind you want? Along willl these amibutes is also a sritiling face. a lovely personality and lots of hard work This wonderful facebelon"s to fonner Gramnar girlsnral, -J",, e SiCl@tr. Since completing her semor studies at BOGS in 1995, Saran-Janehas ventured into many different areas. in 1996 she enjoyed fashion design and then uiitised her artistic skills in an architecture coarse. FDUowing these she moved to MeIboume 10 study ballet at the PertorimngArts Academy. in 1997. Saran Jane commenced modelling with Mule, It Model Management. a job she still enjoys today. As weU as modemn, , un Brisbane she also struts her stuff in Sydney and Melbourne, on the catwalk. in fashion magazines, and in television commercials Amidst her busy career as a ntodel. Sarah Jane went backto urnversity in 1998 to study journalism and is currently doing work experience at Clianne1 10. At this stage of her life Sarin-Jane said she wonld like 10 continue niodelling. do sonie acting. and in Ihe jujure would like 10 sriecialise and e\, eiiiLially be a presenter The pasi 4 years have been extremely busy for Srirah-Jane, although 2 major achievements stand out most in her nitnd. in 1996 she was named "file Face of Bitch^, Ie " from which she received her modellin" contract with Vivie, , 3 and last year she represented Australia in the Miss World Competition in Paris. This competition involves primarily being an ambassador for your country by way of public speaking, communication with people from around the world. charity work and photographic modelling. Satah-Jane wore an outfit designed by Brisbane's DimelLighttooL for which he won the prestigious Designer Day WearAward ahead of top designers from 85 other countries


Caithn Coss

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The final Youth Manifesto was the result tell us we had won the national of months of hard work, debate. fun and competition. On 21 October. Caitlin chocolate cake! Each week, the group Goss flew out, accompanied by Ms of five Year 10 students - Gaitlin Goss, Julie Hennessey, to attend the World Erin Laurie, Claire Stewart. Vialoria Youth Parliament in Paris



Downeyand Lauren Steele met with history teacher. Ms Julie Hennessey, to plan a Manifesto forthe New Millennium

There Cainin metwith 380 student delegates from I 66 of UNESCO's members states. and was involved in



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Tile groi, p 11. jin file FFei, c/, All!bass"dor 10 Allsirnlin Phoiogrnpli collriesy: file Coi, ,fer-Mail. 91, ee, ,signd Neii. spapers Ply Ud in this jointventure between the French formulating a draft manifesto to be voted National Parliament and UNESCO, on. and presented to the French organisers encouraged students to National Assembly, and then to reflect on five main themes: peace, UNESCO

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Saran-lanesays that her schoolintiat Grammar has contributed geatiy to her career success as, 'Vt reaches yo, , to be disciplined alld a really well-minided denteve" ,, o1 @114, in tile deride"lie field b, ,I in ille ans, nil, siC and cord-CUFFic, ,fur aciirities. " Wine at school Saran-Jane participated in interact. theatre dance, rhyilimc gymnastics. played the CGMo in the orchestra and sang in the choir

culture, education and the environment. with 'a view to building a future for the planet and its people'. Themes and ideas were summed up in our ideology and directstrategies shaped our Action Plan

Priorto Camn leaving for Paris, her group was privileged to meet the French Ambassador to Australia to discuss the project. The response from the community has been quite overwhelming, and the group would like to thank the school for all its support during the project

Fourweeks after completion. the group received a phone callfrom UNESCO to

in her final year she succeeded in gaining the prestigious position of Head

Girl alongside her gyeat friend, Calnni Hunter. Sarah-Jane said this position "gove ,, Ie a chance to become highly organised. and to mee!1013 typeop!e both ill Ihe business I'Drld and also those involved in educ"n'on. " Saran-Jane has been back to Grammar Nice this year. the first time as a Guest Speaker at the Old Girls' Association Centenary Dinner in March and more recently to teach balet to the senior Health and Physical She Education classes commented that it was great to see that the School is just as beautiful andis still achievintr as much, if not more, titan before One of her final comments was that "being a Gram"jar girlhns helped "Ie. us tile School jins a close-k"i, faniily atmosphere which in"rillres you illro"gh yoi, r ed, ,carto, L I really van, ed i, . We congratulate SaranJane on her career success and we look fonvard to seeing more of her and hearing about her future achievements


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The tillusIronon is theftontpage of the Manifesto. which I'ds crea, ed by Elfn Lurerie and is one of the ,, lull, original Ivork, leantred. filese are ,, ow o11 v, ew in Ihe Bean!@"d Library

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GR"14M{R GA^77E OCTOBER 1999 - Page 5

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