Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999

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E d i t o r i ,, I s

We Shall Survive

Ashley Hemer

inwina Ne\iton

"Sinde, its planted crosses: Fourpi, Ik o, jarjbr the girls, Jime b!Ile ones for' the boys - and byo block ones, sei apart, for. the killers. " Tune Madazine 3 Ma 1999 Thaty-one people are dead, seventy-two whom seem to spend a lot of time being people have been wounded and nine cruelto theirless SOCia"y prominent peers desperate. despondent and dejected young And. as teenagers are psychologically boys have been driven to ultimate fragile. such mistreaiment from destruction. SIiU no lessons have been schoolmates is leaving deep wounds. learned. American society has become Teenagers who are rejected are becoinnig governed by a new phenomenon - teenage capable of committung hortible acts homicide. And with it has come the obstinate and unprogressive conclusion in Australia, we would like to think that that such a paradigm has not and win not such activity is not occurring; occur in Australia's more "secure and unfortunately our high schools are stable" society. But what we fail to distirrbingly similar. Likeitornotwe areno recognise will inevitably be our own strangers to the cruelhigh schoolhierarchy shortsointng that existed willun the watts of Columbine high. We may not have quite the diverse When eighteen year old Eric Hims and range of cliques (that is nerds, freaks. seventeen year old Dylan mebold walked punks, ravers. jusks. flung bangers, mrs. into their higli school in Limeton, Denver preppies, hoods. skaters, cheerleaders and on 20 Aprilofimsyearandmnliciously shot hicks) or the same level of intense and killed thirteen people and wounded competition between them. but we do have twenty-three others, they were instantly our own set of groups and brand of labeUed evU and demonic. LiteUectuals, outsiders. And if we are not careful the parents and much of society blamed movies next high school shooting may occur right such as Heathers. NamralBom Killers and here. willun oar walls The Baskeiba!! Digrie$. and computer games such as Doomi and Date Ni, fom for As a society, at national, state, local and their violence and glamorization of mayhem school levels. we must begin to make that has supposedly tuned children into changes. There is probably no way to stop kiners. But what few members of society high schools from breaking down Into recognized was that. while there is no cliques, but it has been sug"estcd that denying that such films and games have sometlitng can be done to take the edge off taught numerous youths how to pull a the situation through inclusive ness trigger. thereis hide evidence to suggest that Parents, who now spend40%less time with they have triggered mer tendencies wittiin their children than they did thirty years ago. them. The motive is much closer to home Students of Columbine high. and of the six counseUors for some thousand students other Americanlitgh schools that have been waiting fists for appointoients can be long, disrupted by shootings over the last three too long. These schools need to spend years, have disclosed that an inne killers more time evaluatin" the meritsl health of were the victims of vicious taunting by their students, even the ones who appear students who saw themselves as superior. stable. Froganis must be set up to idenuly As suggested in 7i"Ie magazine there is students who may be prone to violence most certainly a Lord qf tl, e Flier dunaimc Discussion must lakeplace to try and find a at work amongst most teenagers, all of solution to his rapidly increasing problem All dunughlife we are faced with changes. No one can predict the future. Someone These changes are more often referred to may have the perfectlife with many hopes. as transitions unou"h life. such as from goals and expectations. but they may an primary school to high school and from be destroyed and nitown off balance by high school to university. Often transitions one coinphcation. Complications may occur when people are expecting them or include moving to another city or country, have arranged them for a future dale. but not being able to get into university, changes don't always occur as a planned nTotherhood as a teen. a bad accident, a divorce, not being able to have children event and death of parents' People go through So far, I' ve traveUed from hidergamen to life coping with these unexpected changes preschool and then onto primary school and dealwith them as best they can. These and high school. As my final year of high transitions may not be smooth bui they school is nearing its end. my thoughts are just steps in one's life have turned to the future. I'm. looking forward to a decent O. P. and entrance into The best medicine to get through these a urnversity. My perfect plans follow the transitionsis amportfromfantilyand friends route of travel, career path, jind to late Everyone all face a rough patsh at some twenties marriage, continue with career stage in theirlife. Who mows. possibly in and get well established and eventually 10 years, IwiU be worthtioverseasin atop have cmdren and remain happily mimed. executive position, having themIeofmylite Thus far. Ihave been very fortunate with My expectations are always high andlnever my transitions in that they have gone let trivial problenrs keep Ine down for long smoothly and I've been able to reach Life is 100 short to dweU on problems and many of my goals and expectations. musitions or changes can also be for the However, life doesn' t always "o as best. tooling forthe positive aspectsinlite planned wingetyou alongway Emma Marriott need to be taught to look for warnintr sinns Many schools have only one or two

The original colonTittee consisted of dedicated Year 11 students led by the Co-edit ors, Nannti Just and Jobanna

From humble beginitings in Tenri 4 1992. the Glumi, ,lay Grrrtre has

progressed in leaps and bounds over the years' Seen in 1992 as the voice of Sino. Also included were the writin"' talents of 10hanna Larsen and ETica the Schoolwith the aim of recooixising worthwhile achievements. the Gazelle Dunstan (Co- Sports Editors). Taryn has grown immensely to what can be Bums Features and Profile Editor). seen before your eyes today. seven Kym SIulth (Arts Editor) and Eva years after its conception Wood (Design and Layout). in addition to these editors there were The Gazelle began as an idea put forth joumalists and photographers who by the Public Relations group within assisted in reporting and article writing the School. At the time. it was felt that there was a need for further indepth The Grin""lay Gazette of today is coverage of the events and quite siimlar to the product first off the achievements within the school One of the press seven years ago coriumutitty. The wheels of greater main factors innuendng changes is coinmuiitcation were satin motion by a improved technology whichhas goup of Year IIS to create what was improved the quality of the design and the first edition of the Grammar layout moughout the years Gazette The time and effort contributed by Various activities covered at the time students and staff in showcasino the achievements of the School has debating andpublic speadng); as won as features, cument events and profiles twice-yearly publication will of the quiet achievers of the school hopefully continue to be "a the 114t", e. " (Taryn Burns, are covered in the Grani"mr Gazelle Grammar Gazelle. "EQLQEE of 1999 T^55". 1992) disri, 1811ished school Irndiiio" of coinnJuiitty. These events and many more of the events within the School included sports (QGSSSA, Club and individual); the Arts (theatre, music, contributed to the growing success of the Grn, it, rinr Gazette. This

B GGS Uniforms

Jan Ritey, Archivist

Mrs MCLurcan (nee Schwarz, 1925- with three box pleats front and back, 1927) contacted the SchoolfoUowing worn below the knee. a white shirt with the last issue of the Gazette 0.1ay) to the conar folded back at the lapels and correct statements made in the editorial worn with a tie which was tied at the aboutthe BGGS untonn. specifically lapels. This outtit was teamed with bombay bloomers not}ajickerbockers the hat and the sports uniform it is very important that we get feedback on Dor stones, particularly thoserelating were worn weU before the 1930s. in the 1920s it was a white panama, royal to eventsin our past. Untornniately once somet!inIgisinpfuitit quickly becomes blue under the binn and worn with a fact and ifitis incorrectit needs to be Accordino to Mrs MCLurcan, hats

royal blue band with the school badge on the front. The sports uniform from 1924 to 1927 was a royal blue runtc

corrected. We look 10-0ur Old Girls to

keep us intorined

Editorial Conuntttee

Staff Cons"fonts, To"IR"dd"elf Robin Farr John Rowe!!


ASMev Halley an, "a Maryio!I

h, dirk Hallcock Kn'sling Cooke AJIdreiv Devoy

Official Pilotograp"er

Edtvi, in Neivto"

GR, 4.11MAR GAZETTE OCTOBER 1999 - Page 4

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