Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1996
Spo t The new face of Grammar hockey Run, jump, throw and limp to Victory
throughouiihe season undeniably had something to do with B Grade's
Emlly Street
To co. ordinal tour different vicinry
Kale Bayne. capiain o C Crude QGSSSA hockeyieamsandihreeclub tealns requires a litile petsevemnce, a sinied in her report itiai. "what we lack jinle palience. and someiimes an iron in skills we more Ihan nuke up form wil . Until this yearit was thoughtihai spini. vitalily and enthusiasm. " Kale onI Mrs Harvey-Short could ruml is sadly mis, aken is she believes her such stringent criteria. bui it seems premiership-winning team to be that Mrs Ienny Orme is also possessed unskilled. Strike-forwards, Kale Waymouth. Charloii Guymer of 111e* qualities Asihenewlyinsialled'teacher in Kalie Kelly werein faciamongihe charge of hockey" for 1996, she was highest goal-scorers in school Cronimar was delighted to have laced wiih a few pre-season problems bul with the help of captains. Nikiia Ihree "old girls" in charge of thejunior and club teams. Junior A was Cuffe and Rachael Murray. these minor problems did not prove privileged 10 have as its coach. the knowledgable and most experienced irisunnountable Throughout the season the Bridie Potter, who helped the girls enthusiasm or Mrs Onine and all the achieve their third place in the coaches greaily contributed to the QOSSSA compeli, ion The 14 and J5 blue teams. Imjined teams' successes. Mr Peler Moulds took on the huge task of trying 10 by Deena Aiken and Me"rida Sritiih homess the A Crude talent and regain had truly enjoyable seasons and continued to improve lineughoul the the premiership of 1994 Unfortunately. the team finished long season Perhaps next year every team win Ihe season in Ihird place. having lost lake the advice of Australian coach only one game to rival, BSHS. B Grade and C Grade, as well as their Rick Charles worth. and strive to coaches. Rebecca Roodveldt and eniulaie the Hockeyroos' success by CalhyTaylor. laver0050nto hemiied "valuing etcellence. delenninationand with Iheirresulis. 10Li, Ile. who scored dedication in both Iruining and matsh as, arseringtotalofiwenty. sevengoais play. and by never. never giving up
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Allso, I Cox (13 I. earsj b"rsrsfrom Ih blocks
FAOiogr"PI, . Jack Dale Disasrerstuckearlyinihedaywlren strength was a depth of mient kille Domey tell dramatically to her
Sally Stent
Winners again!
Gramniar's victory on Tuesday 15 kitees as she pulled her quadriceps on, he dayincludedAlison O'Dwyer's ortob, !r could have been attributed 10 muscle. fujie was leading in the 200m superb hat trick or victories in lire 15
On 22 May 19 . Brisbane Girls' our lop girls a little biiharder luck if the winning niargin was ino1 so with only ton metres remaining when yams shoipuL high jump and discus The school also has dedic"led 91, at. The nthleiic* learn won lire an- this new iru"ry hit. Team ritembers. where second place was 7 metres be Groinmnr clinched yeianother first, at the annual QGSSSA Cross Country coaches in Mr Tony Bonih and Mrs nual cosSSA carnival by a deci*ivc friend* and coaches were shocked and hind; Kelly Ieppesen's double win in meet. Grammar athletes were pre- Lynne Mungoinery who provide goal fengn=all sympa, hy for the co-captain. the shotput and discus and 18 years 5 p, jini> uniers in each of Ihe five age groups for the runners to strive for an engen injuries and \, ckn, ,55 hindered However. jam spirit coniinued 10 Ajison Cox breaking the second last Cross Country school 11 was a con- menu\. the uphill* and I ' 4005 (A - cong, union. it w"$ though, null a bulld. Our athletes we penomiing to race. vin ing win. with a score of 50 points though 11 tiny nor secm like " when conipleicly healthy learn an* meL Iheir ribqoluie bai 11 seemed 11ni the Kale Hadgkinhon. 14 years, run a in second place-getters were Stale you nit. elbowdcepinm"d and you srill for Graniiiiar to thumph. The learn menial sirengih of the 8111R overPOW- magnificent eigh, hundred me, re* B High on 37 and Morelon Bay wasclose have lime rind a half kilonieires to s"ICcted wus not injury fit", in the be- en, d the physical resininis division. a new eveni. winning con beh, rid on 33 run, ) ginning or Ih tiny and us i that were Our relay teams displayed the v, ncingly by nearly one hundred Ine The GrammarCross Country team To lop all this. IVC have IhL dedi- ino1 enough. Inore followed lickesichange* seeninalong while". neg. Hannah Bighorn look oui the 15 managed to achieve whai would seem cared leadership by exainple of the Six of our seventeen year old aih- said phys. ed. staff member. Mrs Sue years B and foehelleWuilre 16 years to b impossible. having Iwo capialnsofCrossCouniry. NicolaRoss letes suffered shin splinis. SLrecs finc- Dickens. who watched with nullicipa- B 800 meIres pin egeiters in the lop five places in andEmilyStreet. Whatacomb, nation lures or sore knees. Even with our lion. These normancesbroughtihe The qualified and caring sports nearly every age group, and at least this proved to be ino51 reliable compeliior acquiting a team home to victory with a Ilemen- medical reamenstiredKaiiecouldcom Each member of the ream per- new injury on the day. Ihe senior age do us final burst. Relay victories were pele in two of her three remaining three runners in the lop ten places bf every agegoup. it could beltueio say fonted like a true champion. How- nunaged to pull through recorded by Ihe14A. 14B. ISAand 15 events that Grannmar was the school of the ever. on the day, the following girls The seventeen years look cullheir B There were only three records set day by a long way! performed Quietandingly: Erin Urn- age group pennan for the fourthiime Twenty onevietorieqwerereco, ded on Ihe day - and Groinmar athletes Wini contributed to this outs, and- heri@13 years). Sanh Spla" 14years . 01her winning age 810u were the 14 on the day. Seventeen second and nine coned two : Hannah Mumy's shot ingsuccess? Probably aruigeof, actors Cullin Madey <15 yams , Rochelle years by nearly 20 points and the 15 third places confirmed Groinmar's new 13.17 metres andthe 15B 4by 100 which. 10nunaiely, rushed on lire day. Wu (I . years), Binily Sireei(17 years) years by a ren, arkab1 42 points repuiaiion us a learn whose main menes relay race
F Iy. tilere is the undoubred Ialeni of and our first placegetier in the fifteen tire cross econiry runners. There is yams age group. Sumh Biiomsky Ye again Grammar was sneerss- more Ihan Ihis. The school has a secret weapon : orlonrer number or girls who ful in attaining Ih title of pre, tier will never be in the lopien. but whotrain cosSSA cross country school. Let's en, husiasiically and compete for in- hope we can continue this success in Irers. for fun. and probably just to push 1997
Sports editorial
Just in case yin. bath I got amu, adroit or you weren't cyan"y cheer squad for o1hers The reasons for this are many. motivated by the tips in tire 1.51 How often is perlonnance enhanced is us 10 save your bug mumey and when you know there is someone to walk 10 and from in city 10 Gym's tips
Freyr Patterson
Three cheers!
un may not be the names o the firs, Ihere who is really opiiintsiic riboui increaseyouriimess and tone ynur placegetiers Ihai remain in your your chances of success? There is muscles. here are cone new lips memory, it may not be the sport Ihey now a reason 10 win for someone now the weather is getting warmer Take in drink boille with you , played, bui it could be the intense besides yourself. Someoneis there to L noise. cheering and feeling of unity say 'well done' when you struggle arxi definitely wear yotrr liar! ifthaisulldoe. qn'. captureyour Ihai accompany Groinmar spuriing from the linek or field or oui of the pool - someone 10 lift your spinis if muginaiion. haw atoll drugging events that fill the ritemory I am not sureesiing Ihai support not too much has gone right. or yourself out of bed ten minutes should replace participation. Ihai you someone you can hubbl over 10 if ii earlier not 100 difficult as we support and participation should go That is whai the essence of sport doing a few in of the pool - hand in hand. Sporis people is. The pursuit of excellence, playing you'll feelwonderfulallday. Too underSIand that there is an underlying Ih game. 'maleship'. fun and support boring? all equal partners. The pursuit of ai about water aerobics? recognition or the importance or Don\ " the hat weather as support for other team members. excellence is vital bui it is in o1 especially when everyIhing is not everything. Winning is indeed an excuse for not reeling great to be alive going to Ian. Support from non- wonderful but as we maiure both as panicipants on the sideline exiends players and supporters. we learn 10 Ihis feeling o goodwill from the appreciate sinving and the sheer community way street. f you are compeling. it is pariicipaiioniniheBGGS community. Lifesaving Society offered rree Pool On this noie it is perhaps lime 10 Lifeguard Award courses to " Gr wonderful 10 know there is someone ther cheering your WCCesses. reneci on some of our sporiing 12 "&PE students' These keen SIudents completed commiserating with your lack of endeavours over I year and to think success and encouraging you Ihat - couldI we have hat'n a more caring the 22 hour course during their successisJustaround, he corner. You and supponire community 10 allwlro final week at school. The course inu\I how ver reciprocate - as a conipeie. i's limeit 'truer chars' for included oxygen equipment use and compeliior you inu I also provide the aru on sporting tennis anxi onlinetiims! advanced spinal byury Saving Lives sidelines righ, through the BGGS joy o_ being parlor something bigger Because or Grammar's Ihan oursel\. es. That someihing I mm
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hire, school CJDss cow"fry chaffipio". Sa, till BitomsAy
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