Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1996
Feat res : c ntinue
There has been a niove away front als we need 10 actively engage with the exiended raniily, a decrease in the our communities for without that in Innuence or religion on social values. ternciion we are non-existent. H be onincrea. *inginnuence from youth CUI- lieves that our ideniiiy is not Inerely lure andihe media on our young, which influenced by. bui actually formed by hasled to an emphasis on rin, erialism. ourassociaiionewithincommuniiyand Coupled with the enormous inlinei of Iha, an individual can only find ruinl technologyonul, read, e society and the merit when they become nTembers o availabiliiy of irismni infomiation. and and retileipa, e. wiihinihewiderb, ,dy onen irisiani gratification. it is intoin This conceptofcourse. was high ing increasingly dimcult 10 Inainiain a lighted by John Donne in the ramou\ sense or coininuniiv words froin Med, ,allon XVU in hi in a period of constant and mas- "Devotions Upon Emergen Occa sive change. it is. lineretcre. probably sions" winien in 1624. Donne pro oreimpona han amny other, jine Iaimed Ihat n ne I ' an island. bui in our hislory 10 cherish and \. aluc our rather"pieceof'fileco, ,, me, ,I. findnqf lienunal need to I' a sense of belonging 1/1, ,,,"in and a sen Reunion Notice the^;::!^^ej^\^!^; A tentstive date has been set ror the 30 Year reunion or the Year 12 19,681udent. . fits is 15 February 1997. However, Louann Baker errumbauer and Carol Carter medgoodj need help with up-, 0-da, married names and address or thise students Anyone who has information about the 1966 year. please phone Muono or Carol on 3379 3022 or 3870 9828 (, respectively) re"mon LIST OF DONORS To THE ANNUAL FRIENDS' DINNER Please support the organisa- Sultans Kitchen lions that have supported us. Sandgate Rd Mr Don Anderson CLAYFiELD a 4011 AB Eledrical 1/19 Kelvin St NEWMARKET a 4051 Gardenway 269 Monier Rd DARRA a 4076 Brets Wharf Restaurant HAMILTON a 4007 The Pen Shoppe The Myer Centre Queen SI BRISBANE a 4000 Weiss Pringle 277 Crown SI SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 She1810n Hotel & Towers 249 Turbot SI BRISBANE a 4000 Performing Arts Complex PO Box 3567 SOUTH BRISBANE a 4101 Data #3 PO Box 55t The Lyrebird Restaurant Queensland Performing Arts Complex INDOOROOPILLY a 4068 Power Up Melbourne St PO Box 295 SOUTH BRISBANE 04/01 CANNON HILL a 4170 Lady Maureen Schubert I5 Apex SI CLAYFiELD a 401 I Darrell Lea Chocolates Bay 2/13 Herbert SI SLACKS CREEK Q 4127 Mary Ryan Bookstores Queen a Mall BRISBANE a 4000 Birch Carroll & Coyle 418 Adelaide a BRISBANE Q 4000 Piccolo Restaurant 31 Alexander Road ASCOT a 4007 She inton NODSa Resort Hastings Street NoosA a 4567 Ascot Health & Beauty 80 Massey Street ASCOT a 4007 Vanilla Hair Salon 125 Lancaster Rd ASCOT a 4007 Alba 123 Lancaster Rd ASCOT a 4007 BGGS Old Girls' Association EXchange pr am succ ss Catherlne Chapman Ito A trip UVeN:"s 1'0r anyone is al way exciii"g andiuliorncw, sxpi, n *nc, s. However. being rumiundcd or r The whoL I formal us undoubi- \. idu"lily. and up prixi"telhniofoihers edly a highly coveietl cveni fur riny Ther, was 110 ridiculeor corn o101her year IWClve group. at any her, I. \tuneniq' apneamnL on Ilv: night, and Iul etching" plugmm wtihin Bin However. Ihis year Ih Girl*' Gram- thusihe toriiial uccccded in acknnwl brine Girl\' arum"un School and ii\ nitrr tornit, I had an .Idded edge or edging and Leiehraiing, h friendsh, p\ hikicr hook. while acknowled"Ing exciieitieni-forthefi, *11iineinyea, \ nt"dc over Ihc year\ or secoii IT bith Ih",, views. is 101 students'o it wa\ an "pp, ore, ! funciion. For the chuoling. The minalmeanidifferent exp, Tience Ihe new cull"re un which seniors of 1996. Ihi\ was a greni thing\ 10 dinen, ni 9:0ple. however. 11 Ihey have Ireen submerged and pick hun, ,ur. No. only could we 100k wag tin .veni e, Igerly anlieipaied and up Ihe Inn"unge in a inucli wider 10Nanl to our fomul, but alto we eelebraied with a sense of runtily and conicxithanju*lieamin"in the class could rest assured in the knowledge community In The minal was " nie"loreble or Ihai it had Mrs Hallcoek\ endorse One such $1"dent callie front our mieniandihe supj, on o10urnie"10's. casioiiforeveryone. Parenisandfnends sisierschcolinJapnn. Thushiin"Girl Thi\ made us feel both proud and were able to \hire in the joy at a pre- High School excited - andw willingly look up the jointal I'"netion held at the school Rie Yasuda is a sixteen year old challengeo! ensuring everyone "rose Never were Inore canteras seen in the schoolgirl who Ii\. CS in Nagoya. Her 10 Ih occasion one place allhe same time! slay in Austinlia allhouglirelaiively The clay or the torniat. 14 Au Even the bus ride to the Brisbane Rhori 8 weeks) was enjoyed jin g"51. was iridispuiablyihe dale high- ConveniionCeni wasanhappyeveni. Incnsely. rinionly by her hulal o by lighted. circled or ai least realured in Once inside. the 51"dents ensured that Ihe people wiih whom \he mad. lire every year Iwelve girl's 'homework the placeieverbemted wiih chantenl. long mendsh s. and her host mini diary'. Talk aboui dresses. partners. The duncencorwasinimedintely fill lies and haireiyleq began month before toeapncity. Jus glancing"round alit Rieha\beenleamingEngli h for and early in Ienn lime Ihere was a being propelled Into sensory overload! eleven years and. naturally. w"\ very disiinci air o. exeiiemeni Iviihin Ihe The aim"sphere unitingSI the approxi- advanced in her knowledge of the yeariwelve body. The formal was an niaiely 300 or pie on Ihe dance 1100r language. hut always with her cockei eveni Ive could all look forward 10 tvas onc of ebullience and cohesion " wa\ an OPPoriuniiy for *very by so Inariy iffen:ni uliural doffer year IWC!VC girl 10 "x. n, s. \ her indi- crier, ;. boih subile Imd mayor. may conte as a *husk 10 sumc The pur" . 13 Ihe very \ucce** Calllin Matihews " If , t Rie YAMda Whilc in AUSimlia. Rie visited lire. She letibehind many mends who Ironsluior by her side. foe picked up many place with her host families. will ini\q her very much sharing together - an treeasion which Glumal*uccce, Minbreakingdown nia"y incw phases and words. Expe. Th Sunshine Cogsi. Dreamworld Rie is jus one or Ihe greatsucces allowed for feelings o1' friendship. Ihe burners belween groupe and en- huntcs sueii as antin" un on many Movieworld. Underwnierwnrld. the lones of the exch"rine $1 eni pro uniiy. school spini. poise and maru- collraging unii> und harmony cla\*us. lineludingherfavouritccias . Glasshouse Mouniain* and Ihe Queen grim. She will I'LL hope memories tiny. pride and eelebraiion 11 all Ih. end 11hi\ ycar w don't Chemist, }. which she aliended wjjh Sunel Mall were Rie's inOSI memora. and"learning expen"riceshewillnevc The variety orappro"che*10 per- an. jin huge tic, Id inIC ucce\* some one or her host \i ICr . K"IC blcexj, edunccs. apannom. of course. Ibrget sonal prepam, 10n for the n, ghi un\ plople will by onlyiooquick10 My "11 Newsom . and exp, riencing a year xi:hulll The Neiworking Comintii, :e of phenomenal. Concern wakexpn*5 Page7 GRAMMARi^AZErTE. Tern 41996
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