Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1996

Schoo n ws




8 Ye rs o Ser Ann Farley

eai gcross ur

a exp Ie s the condi, ions in Antarctica. This is demis was \. cry favoursble and a high one academic opportunity Iha, neiiher level of paduciiviiy was achieved


For Iheseiifieencolleaguctitwas atinneio renecion the many yams or

Su, annah Singal

Studenic were not Ihe only ones varied experiences which occurred These programs provide an alter oned the Anlaitiica Project. This pro- Girls' Grammarschool'sstudentsluve native learning environment and give 10 be honoured on the day orihe End HeIen Suntham (presently on second of Year ARSembly and Prize Giving merit 10 the Department of Forestry) grant originally involved two classes been offered regularly sindents the opportunity to engagein a this year. Following Iheassembly. at and longest serving memr. er or the of yeareightsiudentsfromGirls' Groin- Coopemtiveactiviiiesbetweeni longer tern collaborative learning and marwhoparticipaiedin asimulaiion of schools are not a recen happening. problem solving project. such a situa. a funCllOn hosted by the Board of schoolcommunity. spokeof her vin. Trustees. fifteen SIa were greatly ety or roles within the school - as a mining camp experience to prepare Preceding the Antaretica Project. both lion is not normally calcred for in Ihe expeditioners to travel to Antarctica. the Grainmar Schools occasionally basic subjec structure ormosjsecond. Surprised When Mrs Hancock and Dr 51"dent, sister. teacher and grind. CherylHirsi Chairman of IheBoard) mother of future Groinmar girl Students assunied roles as seien- participated in extension education ary schools This school is fortunate to have presented the In with piaqnes in hon- lists. journalists. miners, underher such activiiies. Theycoreleven and twelves Feedback sheers were circulated relevant fundions. Since 1993. runny orboth schools havetakenpariinseint- among the $1udents. The results from Our Or theirlWCnty yams or more or staff charhavesuchacommitmentro service 10 the Girls' Grimmar the education or girls. They take refinements to this progmm have 00. nam and discussions of relevaniiopics these sheCIS indicated Iha, these pro pridein designing programs to cater School curred grams were highly successful with to teenagers This recognition was theide" of for the specific needs of today's One variation to the program has Along with the Antarctica Pro^Ci. Ihose who participated. Both the Fo been the recent collabomiion with the Ih completion of another cross

capacity - and more could be added orloyaliy in both $1a and studenis when you consider Ihai many were that seems 10 remain throughoui a lifeiime studenis as well!



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Phoiogr@ph: John Rowell

SIMde, ,181r0"I8H a, Id 2G 1.0, Ie Man'so, , base BGGS telescope makers progress report Ph0, o8rnph. A",, Panel.

Shakespeare shakes Grammar

achieve so much so far on our alumi"ised. Some o lienl test. own on an extremely con neated ing will b done via the conp".

Taghen Dromey

and Elizabethan dance

Mie, rolleFraser

The 'Shakes"are Soi, EC' was not

thought that you inigh be task, with minimal adultinstruc. ter. Th internal bits or the tel. interested on a progress report tion or supervision. (Enth"si- econpe tube and the Dohsonian on the 8-inch, 1/8 Newtonian asm can work wonders!) He ex- noun have yet to be built, reflecting telescopethatPatricia tended to us an orrer or his help painted, rollowed by more CPIi. Hack illH) and I are currently and advice and also the use orbis collestingandco, limetingofthe building for the school with the workshop and equipment primary andsecondarymirr"rs kind or financial s"ppo I from amylime. Both offers we intend We are certainly learning a lot BCGS. The arduous task or to take up from the experience rind remain We are rort"nate to hav the enthusiastic and fascinated gr, riding the primary mirror is almos completed. We spent the SLppo ulprofessorAlan Knight riboui the pro^C, . Petrici" and firstweeko, thelastschoolholi- Iwho have provided us with the I make a swell working team days. and this term on Tuesday weekly us or ratllities and equip- No do"b, , we will b busy wor . afternoons after school, work- merit at Grimth UniversityI an ing on the telescope over the ing on the mirror in Proressor now Mr Grabam MeKay and also Xmas holid"ys and perhaps by Alen Knight's lab at Grim, h the telescope designer Mr Ron the time firs term starts next University. Last weekend was a Royl or the Sydney Observatory year we may be getting some. marathon errort at mirror who provided us with not only, he where nearer to almostcompie. grinding when we bothattended telescope parts and equipment, lion'. Both or us plan to build a the South ast Queensland As- b" prompt calm replies to our second telescope each for our. CronomicalSociety two. day Tel. occasional panic telephone calls selves this lime, upon coinple. escope Making Workshop. We mr advice liking checkin* math. ticn of the Bees scope. met other telescopemakers saw cmatical calculations and negs. We o"Id like to thank the a wide rang of hand built tel- uremenls over the phone!, and schoolror providing us with the escopesincl"dingast""rim 16- th graded grinding materials available funds and also the in inch Cusses rain mirror still in when we ran out of then deratigable Mr Andrew Shaw the process of being partly in a- Our efforts last weekend has who supported us in our q"es chine and hand ground It was brought our mirror now to the to build a telescope for BCGS quite wonderful to see the next stage - the critical and dell- It is wonderrul to be able to grand creations of the experi- tale stage of polishing where a work on a project, hatts notonly Grited. We were introduced to teeny weeny dust particle spells interesting and challenging but Mr eraham MeKay, an expert dl. aster and retrograde back to one'hatw0"1,8150event. "11yben. telescope maker who was jin. tedi us grinding! We still have a Grit "" the students at BCGS. We pressed by our efforts, particu. long way to go before we cum- ho our efforts will encourage Iarly by the fact that given our PIete the telescope. The primary more BCGS girls'o becomeinter. ages andlack of ex erience, we mirror has to be primbolised, dad in astronomy and building had managed to work and tested for , hericity and finally telescopes.

e Brisban Girls' Grammar only an enjoyable evening for all who Shaker"are Guild is a small organi. attended bun also raised funds for a sation wiih a huge enthusiasm for worthwh, Ie cause. Various Shake Shakes"are. it was formed in 1995 spyam Mentorsbilia' was collected by and has already been involved in a the Shakesream Guild and enclosed variety o Shakes pearlan perform. in a 'lime-capsule'. which was buried onceq and netivitiee. The Shakes peare under Ihe stage of the Globe Theatre. Guil is led by the errervescenr Mrs along with many 'capsules' from many Penny Mumhy of the Drama Depa . other organisations throughout the merit. and enthusiastically organised world. The Globelink ProjecL has by Mrs Rubyn Colwill of the English recognised the coniribution of the Department BrisbaneGirls' CrinumarShakespeam The firei major evenr for the Guild in Ihe fom of a PIaque situated Shaker neare Guild Ihe 'Shake- in Ihe foyer of the Globe Theatre SPED Soi ' in October I 5. a Manyseniors, udenisofiheShake fundmising nigh, to ra, re funds to spynre Guild participated in the 1996 heI rebuild the Globe Theatre on the Groinmnr produciion or 'The Tern banks o the Ihames pest'. yet ano1her successful Shake in was a magical evening filled spyam performance night. Directed wiih scenes of favourlie Shakespeare by Mrs Mumhy. Ihe pintluciion was lay . ranging from 'Much Ado About testameni 10 her expertise and rolenl Noihing' to A Midsummer Night's us Ihe audience was whisked away 10 Dream' and ' amiet an island tilled with magic and crea A memomble performance of a Iivi, y where the libeml arts' flour modern 'Macheih' surprised and ished nitilled 81L including the urnsuspecr The aciing in 'The Tempest ing actors' The highlighiwas Mrs and was of a professional standard MrMacbeth played by stair, nembers with many star performances. in A1nn Dale and Robyn Colwill eluding that of the lead role The appearsnce of three very evil Prospero. played by RDSie Henzell. and convincing witches. played by a grade Iwelve student or he funlrer staff Heren Gemghiy. Meryl Shakes peare Guild Papas and Penny Mumhy. who pro- Th Shakes peare Guild pro vided many laughs on the night moled its mien, on School Day The audience was also enrer, ained with a range of exci, ing Shake by gruelling medieval fencing duels. speare performances. in both inod. sweei sounde or singing and music ern and traditional styles

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