Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1996
o01 news
at hematics A, math for the real wor d
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Work began almost immediately rifler arrival an the centre. when SIu-
edge which can be used in everyday lire. notjusiin the Iesi
Calherin, Chapman
dents were split into two groups. One From the 91h to the 11th ofOciober in which you gain lirelong prociical Ihe Year Eleven Maths A students par- group measured Iheground andcuithe and theoretical experience? My guess ticipaiedinacampheldaiiheMemorial boxing 10 xize while the other group is noi niany. bui Mathematics A. de- OurdoorEducaiionCenireatlmbil. The levelled the ground. to have a flat SUF spite many o its unwamnied nick- majoraimforiheilneedaysw"$10b"ild face to lay the concrele. The first mistake occurred here. luckily it was names. provides sinusnts with knowl- a shed 10 hous: a genem, or ~ ..,, *' , ' I ".. ...,.. ' . ,';' a .' " ' A, , r J" ^.. ,, , .,*- $ " ,- .,. . . ": ,,:, .. ^ , ;!".. 4' . - 'tF , t .. c'. :, ..,* '.{ . . * .. . . '*. I, , <. *., * ..,- " J ,, :: , I . How many subjects can you name
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Deb"rers or 111 ,,, o1, e:170p to boilo, ,,!: Knife Me, Idrn. SIIzi Block. Li= Ve/kouic. risl, Doll, sell
pressure on Australian nthletes. " We had a solid argument, but so
Ellzabeth Velkovic
Despite what many think, did St Mary's who defeated us debating can be a rewarding winning by a split decision activity' just ask any of us from Disappointed, but on the the Cmd 10 Apex team who other hand relieved, we went had a rree holiday at Yeppoo" straight to the pool to plan a "losers' party ' with the other recently Yeppoo". Ihe "excitement losing team. While S Mary's capital" of the Capricorn Coast, was busy preparing for the next as where the Debating State debate, the Be CS lean. was Finals were held and we we e sightseeing in Rockhamp, on and fortunate enough to attend visiting the zoo The teams Suzi Black 11st On the Sunday, we watched speaker , Liz Velkovic (2ndI. the senior final debate which K"tie Mendra 13rd) Trigh gave us an ingighi into the high Dowset, time kee er) and our standards expected a this level. coach Mrs Dehra Barker were slanderds to which we must now" to Rockhampton on Friday aspire next, ear when we go back 18 October ready to debate ith to win the tournament topic "Tha the media places Despit being d", e", ed w increased pressure on Australian were all proud or how hard we Athletes " ror the sen, i-fin"15. worked to get to \ epp"on and of and ror the grand final, "That the victor, rek we e, to, ed along primary Indus, rles, are essential the "ay. This experience was to Australia's recovers " well worth all the 1,011day To achieve this level had been meetings neither quick nor easy. Since Our sincerest thanks must go the firs debate on March 6. we to Mrs Barker who has had been going non-stop, giving encouraged and rewarded us up precious lunchtimes and every step or th way, and to the Friday arter"cons, plus time over parents without whom we would schoolholidays to work through never have an a"d, ence!! issues as diverse as community However, the biggest thanks morality. science fiction and th must go to other members of the team, He Ien Smith and Emma Australian economy For Ih semi-finals, we Cornford, who unfortunately debated against SI Mary's from were unable to join us a the Maryb"rough, taking the Finals, but made a grea affirmative aspect or the issue: contribution throughout the "That the media places increased season
A I. en' nanils- " nthe, ,I""CS '61/1, in,
onlya minorcrror in I Latingihc\had'* size0 8,001 by 5 ioni, for 8 metre\ by 5 metres) and it wa jinmcdi"Iely itre lined After lunch. one group went wilh MISS Hard and ILamed how 10 find whc tiley wer* on a Ina if lost by u*In a re-SLcii n. The niber gro, IP hag"n ini Ing and laying Ihe concrete un or Ihc car*ful direction o Mr KimblearidMrMorilds. ThemDamnps liren qwi, chad t, VCr and the concrete laying Mis cumplcicd. By Iaie after noon. Ihe lab wa still wei-enough 10 Immortali re our names. .'o no-one (in inc genemiionsioconte) will beund r any doubt us 10 who built the shed OnThurstlay. Ihetwogoup"again did differcniac, ivitie*. Whil one be gan asqembl, rig Ihe . hed. Ih other g up did a hypoiheiical co*ling for a fenceio habuilr undihemacadamia nUi Ilee\ After Morning Ten. the, wo groups *w, iched over again and I second group h ago alas*cmbling the shed which war turning ou, 10 Ire a little n, ore 'challenging' than expectsd A the day wore on. Ihe shed pro grus\ed and by Ihe end o Ihe day. the walk wereup andihedoors werebeing ashembled Friday dawned and the shed only nerded a little more work uniil it wae coinpleicd Somesiudents. jinglead o building
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the \hid began surveying the hillaiilie hue or Ih dormiiones 10 mark nut a walking inck that older pal IC could walk up wiihou much difficulty By I_:30. the thed was coriumlei"d and vieryone. including Ih ' year ninU< Necjn Benia\" $11n. e\* file tee, Ie who had relumed from camp out. were should feela MEn*e orachievem"rims looking forward 10 going home The n, ain aim for thenneg days they hav donesome, hing many o1h erg have noi. Thank\ inu I go to Ihe had been completed All 51udents who pariicipaied s at jinbil and the two teachers
who accompanied us. Mis. Pinion and Mr Moulds. who laughi us to nerve VCre. and, f sonieihing did nor work. 10 find another way
A pil -IJF of Gin, ,I", err skiers
Dancing on the slopes
fascination as some danced. bars. However. at 6:00pm population o Girls' Graminar was a 37 students and 4 teachers meniorable and sor day for rolled and occasionally tumbled every ven, rig there wa\ not was at the beach. the Grammar headed to Perisher for live days Grammar's skiing experts. down the slopes. Never betor one Grammar girl missing In skiers were doing their best to of skiing. As the creme de Ia While many melthe snow head- had Perisher's instructors seen the dining room. Great feasis see through the streaming snow. creme or Grammar skiers stayed on. others managed to make such unique skiing. were devoured every night and With the greatest snow most or at The Man from Snowy River their way down Ihe slopes. From 8 :45nm each morning ai break fast very mornin g. us had ever seen. and runs named U rider the careful eye o f the majority or Girls' Grammar' s However. this did not stop the Han ky Panky, Blue Cow and The Hotel. Perish CT residenis began skiers were Reen prancing on Grammar girls from being seen deceiving) Fun Run. most or us Perisher' s in siruc. ors. Girls to wonder what had hi them Wiih a mixed range of Grammar's skiers were watched Ihe slopes swinging on the ai Perisher Blue's food court. will never forger the 1996 ski apprehension and chairlifts and singing on the T- While the with Irip w a r rin er abilities. the first day of Page a GRAMMARGAZErr Term 41996
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