Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994


SiCh@01. "'^N:evil's

Debating victory ends successful season _,.,, Debaiing Crimpetiiion. Fur Brisbane Girls' Graminar. nit Teani coach. Emit nieniber Julie d*baling 511, ,o11 or 19,411"* been a Helmessey. said. "It's a in bute 10 the fir*I-rule EUCce**. file seasun ended, " girls' dedicaiioii 10 debaiiii . E\en a his1/1/01* \, jin a sinnning ,icioi\ by 1110ugh onlyiliree, fihem did the riml jilt Grade 81.11e"millihe Grand Final debaie. it war a leani effort of Ii\c un AugLi*1.2 individuals 111.1 made it succes\fu!." This preiiii, r*hip \\. inkihe firsiby Or Ihe nine leant, enier*d in the a EGG S. it"111 in a number, f year*. Q. Outhi*, e"

Five Frenchmen and I 000 Australian girls

Arithony Perez


On July 14th. 1994. williruuroiher rimleFreiichsiudenis. ismnedasininge In legraiion in Brisbane Girls' Gram niJr School First encounter. first impression: The girl* seemed to have been minre surprised 111"n vre were. in iaci. \VC inu\I 11.1 TLtrgei Ihni in Francc. Cmm^ mar SLIT, Ills are Inited and runhe, more we \ eruthe unly, lies not to \L. ear a vin001 11nifumi or*pile " strict appeal, lit, . \\'e were *,'11/11n ditto\crih"lint \cli, ,I rui*\ were nui reJlly differ, ni froni nun. \\'e e\en crime milliii1:111"line rib*"call;111\ relict\ ,, r guit\ c, ,111, Ib^ ui*it to " innrc in"lure bellJ\'iuur "lid 111,111ie gin* \, CT*Ihu\leditiknu\... h, w I. . lake Iheir re\p, In\Ibiliii, \. A. 1,111* w, ni by \VC c;line 1.1 jilt cunclu. l, nih;lien\bJiic Gill\' Grini 111.1r SL1!,,! I\ " 11thticiii \c!I, ,I \\111ch











F1'.', it'11 .'. t, hull*' ^111, *'"A ,', U, ,\' 111,11 "11.1' 5,111, hind "Drill. !I 1111d, .I onc, Innii> Innrc up ruti'Iuniii*. 111Jii jutly \\ticni"*d ;111d clinkiJ*red 11, re ., ur *ch. till\ d. , in I'mlitc " tar a\ 111.1 in xi} *"1111. Anti I anI 511rc I .;in ,JULJiiuii "rid p;I'llm** "rutniic, Incd. *I}Ih, jin jilt rinmciti"11/11* titv* wit, T, I cullclud*. I \1111 \;!v 11 ni"v be ,"inc Nilh n, * and I'll. I Jre 11, \, \, I dimculi 14, r u\ to nilii, Ie in 111e chi\\d happy 111"I lire\ did. "inur\cii. *11.11i*rii, tin"betnjt"nicu

Awareness is the first step to self defence ^ Rebecca Hannon -^.^^^^^ On Wedne*daviti* 27th unulyihe yeareleren \Iudents. anp"Froiih, WIT defence uniiin 111e Sell'C"I'e cumjki litni of 111e Pity*it al Educ:11ion I'm ginin were addre\\*d by Delecii\* Serg*"niLiiida Marlin andiwu vuliin jeers 110m jilt Rape Cmi. Cenlre un 111.1"picotrape. nildwli, ! we can tini" preveiii 11. They. roc"*ed ,. n k, v I\,"y* 1.1 prt- \en! a pi\\Ibl, un"ck The*, includc kinking "Itri "rid c, ,find, ni jinU w"Ik ing \mildiiig up stringhi: 11.11 guing, I"I at nigh! Jl, ,nc. bui ily, .u ,iru "jin" in ,.,"r. ,11'"1.11*. c"nT y!, ri, kcv\in y. ,"r h;111d. rc. idly to he 11\, d in d*I'llc, 11 11, L'C\\ary: ,111d. rilli pulli"" y, ,urrel1 111.1 " \!I""11,111 in \\. hiLh you cniilJ h. \*ujjjci"bit 1.1 ;in nil:ILL. Tli, sinnling \1.11\lit\ uruih"1.1\*r $11* 1111hn* r. incdLn, w!h*ir. litrekcr und ithi* \innii*d 111* girl\. Der, cii\*Scree"ni Akinii altn *Id. "11 " *ururi\ing Ihc null:Iwi' nf anusl:\ Ih;lis. 1,111. *inn"d 11:1"Ithiii" i\in b* Unn, ,h, uiii. tile \IC!jin n. *d* 1.1c, rimciihej"111c* urnn" 0001/11/11* di"1.1y. in1.11 ni*"n. before 11"\. in" a \nower ur anviliin "." lip, upIe are 100 :maid to coniaci 111* police. Ihcy can gelin colllacL \viih 111e Rune Cmi* Cenire on 314 40's. wliiclii* e\clu\i\'ely for women. Th, y will lielp y, Iu antVnr y. Iur fulfilly or fob"dL deal I'llh Ihe "11:1ck. ni, re\- Utilis are Dri, :lie ;111, minlly cuntid*11 11.1. and "re *"it*d only by wnni*n.

Tournament challenges some ereative thinkers Anne Stubbing10n SidelielP andihesiudenis workcd ^,_ independently. "lumbers or staff This yenr Brisbane Girls' 1,110 innerlag focilii"mrswere onI Grammar School enter"d rnur on nand to pro, ide practice sii"a Ie", ms mill" Tournnmeiil "r"Iiitd lions and off"r support. competition. Two rifth"ICnnis tipied forth" MCIt teamhadininvolven, em- Language/I, iiernture proble, in incrs from years eiglit. rim" and "Cliches arejust nol"n". The team ten. rimny or tilese had Tourn"- of Curly O'N"ill. reliciiy Hnn"er, nitnt or Minds e\purl"rice. "ither Rowan Henders"nlyenrienj, Anco at Cmnunnr in pr"wiring years or \Vthl. Antanda Kerslinw Iy""r in th"ir primary sthnols. ninej. and Nit"in \\'"rren and One ream accepted Ihe special PCnny Aim"kenzie lyear eighl! chnlleiige orihelvlatlt", tiniirs!nil- call"d thenusel, CS "Old dogs and gill"rering problem: "\\'rinderr"I their n"Iv tricks" wizardry with wires". Tliisleant "R"conqu"I. ir" tvns a team g, ,\" tile, n

\ ,

O'Connor arguably the best

Student wins

H, List\. 0'Culli:, rand Lillc} Incqucline kin\, fomy. a in, *I \!u dciiinlihc Sch, "land DCh, ling C"p 1,111in 1991. relum*din, djudic"re the

Kate displays a trio of talents

Eve Wilson

poster competition

The second Much or Tern, Two fom"ghi Ih" relurn or the annual 1111erhousc Debating Coinpetiiini, flit rimip*1/1/'11 by. "11 with 111e innic "Tli. !11.11kin*I\."*i, rih"n Ii*I'll 1113". .111J ;111 11, u. ,\ ;1:2ued111.1r c;itL \tr} \Tcll. willI Lill, >. Eirel"rid O'Colln, r. 111d Grimili "*inn, 11 rollj, n, \I round Tilt \, r, ridi*pi. \\ :I\ 'Tnni\cli*, I^ 1113 *lint. indj\jdu;11ijy" Agriiii. jilt \1.11d"rd \\."\ \*rv hi*h Finally. " \\,"* up too'Connur rind Lill*v to h, 111, n\cr "Tli"I voni. lute i< y, Ur1,11unL Tlii. \\n. " p"nitLil"rly exciiiiig dcb"it. *\. 1111 K"I" Elil, am. Q. D. U. DC baling Capi;Iiii. and Allsoii Meekinn 1993 Inniur MeTIC weaver cliampion sinr perlomiers for Iheir respeciive

it, !c ha\ :11\, b, cii playing roll*r intr, I;. yinrI\,,, ye, in. tilt p. rinkniy. 11 hill*r hull;e, n growlig r"pidl} willI Ih* illnLi, 11. * r, firs WCCe\\In Am*tic.

Susannah SIegal Versaii1, , 111. rerieci I, "rd to Ue, cribc Knit K*IIJ. gnideicn \Iud*!11

debJi, . "11 tv. \ 1.1\ nf run. hut \*TV L, uni Cain*run. "r"de S. IN\ \v, n liard to nitmc , willner. " .hc *"id. a SI"Ie-wide puller crimpeiiii. n mr O'Cnnn, r w"\ 11,111, d Ch"in '10/1 5,11001 children The cnnijNiiiinn aL d*b;11/11g Hnu\e Lit'111* VC"r. uncled ni, re Innii 50,000, nines. nil\ gr*;111: PI"\, d jilt O'C, 11n, I' L, uru's po\ICr \v. I* u

and 11nck, y 1.1cni. K"Ie xiid. "Rillcrh":key h:,\r, ;111y I;."Ie '01/1p*!e* I', r Qu**minid In tic\'el, ,red. Originally. Nilp!c u**d to bothinllerli, rekey rindi. c huskey Sin, F1"yin, 11rull, ,\k"IC\ Jiidli"VC a nt"cii alsoplay, illGirl\' Groinm, r'\15wli", *huntr \lick. Nuwud"y. \VC Fluy on field linekey Ienin. tillkr bl;Id, \ and U, * \11. k* arc much \V"honly one toriip1*1.1em"1.1c" juristr 110ckeyie"niln Bn*balle, ind nuini, ny H"keyi\, cLion-luck, d - bill ill\ more male ICai"s. iris an accomplish- rini an vinleni us many lienple lend 10 ritent for Kaic to have achicved so Ihink. F"tin!injuric. are Ihe runt!PI, v" niuchin ill* grinie. Ien! Hnw, ver. ininne\ are InininIiLtd Specialo. 5 do cum* along 10 sce 1111tlm*15 and o111er guard* are wnrii muleie"ms play. usually betaiise Ihere properly 15 a greai deal of taskmoving aciion. Kale said. 'Th, run, inninful nlmy Unionunai, Iy. innre case of funuleice injuries occurred Ih* daylwasii'Iwear hockey games. crowds are riniaslarge. Ing my helmei. and anuckhiimyhead. "

Page9 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 31994

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