Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994
The. .Arts \
Arts Week - an encore
A spice of India in Arts Week
toriimuniiy. P*chaps Ihe ino:1unu*unl o1/11e*e IVJ\ Ihe Li\ills Siniues. filese \L. ere something new; 10 mobi or Iheir an preciaiive andience. SIudenis 510"d and slated at the "n, arble" finures of a queen and her royal counierpnn sink ing jibsoluiely 51il! poses. h * Sophie Brooklebank *. Tile ainiiii 1994 wn\ 10 "i\e Ans \VCCL alliulii-culluialnn\our. willI an eruph"\is o11 A*in11 cullure Tilt pmgraiii included a Juggler who. along \\. jinjii* "!a!*njed and well dre**cd ;15,151"ni". R*b, ccn Nisreli. eiiicnnined all rippreciJii\e nudienc, un Inc Singe Ln\\11 un a Iuncli hour p*noniianc. The foyer of Inc libmry ,\. 15 lire venue for a Cliinese irisirunieiiiali*Iun NIO"day. duriiig Ihe Inn. 11 hour. Tilt lyrical sounds or her d"ICim, r eiiie, lainedih, \c Lull, cameln 11<"r. us \, cll an 11.0 ~;*.; f An ita Cohn One SPCcinl real"r" or Arts week is Ih" range of perform antcs involving dr""in. music. and art bysiud"nts riftheschool. mis a chance fur classmanlcs and teachers to see tilt range of iai ents of members or Ihe school coinmuiiity. One of Ihese performanc"s was the Indiann Dance Recital which ninjazed rimrge "udiEnce in the Gehm, grin Theatre Tm, rsrorm"d by tradition"I coslume and jewellery. Cmd" I'vehe 51ndent. Priya Srini*asa. captiLated and transli\ed her anudi, rice. Dancing to tradition"I music. she showcd Ih" great tai entshehas for 11nsfonn"f dance. rare in Australia. The 11,0 dances she Dr. - geniedeacht"Id"differenlslory. as well as providing the audi ence willI a 11niq"c cultuml e\- PCriCnce Priyn is acclaimcd for her styleandal, ilitywill, minisform or dancc. and has aclii"VCd Ih" VCry Ingh sinndard of qualili"d teachcr. Tile Sellnul e\petls to lipar orher f, ,lure richiev"merits after 511" leaves 5,110"I nie Keriomo rin Matsuri. more usually ianown us Ihe Children's FCs Ii\. al. is enjoyed annually by thou Sands Diprimary and secondary 51u deni\. us well us Iheirr"inilies. hi< an evening nf enienainmen, . restiviiies. andiiiu*, c c*Iebraiing animpori"111in the liver of Jap"nege fomilies. Organised by the Modem Un gunse Teachers' Association. a Queensland version of ting festival allmcispnrticipanislromschools froin all pans o1 tile 51nie who come 10 coniribu!e and \v"Ich and enjoy file onlyJapnnese dance rimupin Queenqland. Ihe members of 111e B. G. Gsmpanese daiicers permnned in theftsi, val arsonihbank Piazza on 18 May Group members. Anit a Culln Angel" Witson. Mann" Brunskill Igmde 121. An shu SITanna rende 101 Yini Cheng. Debbie Shellshear. Cabrlelle Thumpson minde 91. and Angeln Dennis. Lyniine Lnu and R"chel rinrigrade 81. litrfomied Iru diiinii"I dance\. providing an educa IiOiin1.111d '11/1ur"I *Ap*ticnce for Ih, nudieiic* The dancing inkiiiicinr. Mrs Hachininin. :illJih* group cu-,, adjna!"r. Mrs Tnkir, Iw". bullied 111e d"inc"r\ to Cre"it'slit. ruinndc"IOUrfiil di\pi"y file pr, "111aiinn con\isI'd or Ihree dunce\. ench delli, "1.1mlin" dinei*111 Ieclinique\ us well us Ielling stories of 11/11e\ DLEi file audience \"w a colour Iul army or hni*. tinncer\ permnning aimd, I clieny bins, rims. and 111e uni brclla d, rice by 111rec of Ihe reinor members of Ihe group filere wcre rimny niore print"Iy students'!lending Ihe re<11valihi, year following 111e move 10 inIrud"ce 1.1, eign languages in 10 more priniary FChools. Tliey enjoyed Ihe OPPoriu nily of seeing Ihe henuiy rind ele""rice or one of Ihe rarer forms or dance. An ita Cohn Japanese Dancers perform at Southbank b ; * .. $4 * Silvana Gardner shares her expertise with Glare Vakhoff and Jodi' SIinpson Writer-in-residence encourages young writers Allison Manvell ^ BOG S. FCC, nily \\elconi, d re nowned reel. Jing. and SI, ,' \\filer. SII\'anno"runtr. 101he\ch, "1:1<\unier in. ,CLIrlciice. DLiring 11cr <1;, y. his Cardn, r CLInduci*d J .erie\ 1.1' \v, ,rk- \hup*. jujuri"15 juju l*ciur, \ to \."rinu* group\ trolli, 111 gmut\. Prinrinihi\Ihe \. 110.11 cumniuniiv \L, \ in irudiic, d 10 Sil\"nil Gnrdiiei' an an as tmbly \\. liere 111e $1udeni* \v*rc giveii a bilerglimphcininliei 1110uglii\ rindsiyle. Tli""ghiheiim, tilt spynLm Ihe \choul. there wit\ much injure jinie to gain gre"lei' In\iglii in 10 11.1 rimny field* ,Ie\peni*e. On July 22 M* Gaulner qpeni rip pro\inIaiely an 110ur spynkinfi 10 Ihe earde Iwelve* us rinn of Iheir Austinl- Ian reelry unit. Sh* spoke ribouiiiiqpi, Ingly about tany Australian reels. us well as direu\*ing a r"rige or conicm Durary AUSir"11.11 POLLis for wireni shc h"\ a particular liking. o1. whoiii the considered Tcle\ nili .Ir innueiiii;11. his Curdii. r"15n FC. Id "11umberorliei' own poem\ ink*11 Intm her .i\ book\ rid \er\e. As writer-ill- r**Idence. SIIva"" Garnit*r innuenced many Gifunmai studeni\ Ihrouglilier own tintsiic and my 11c in1,111. us well us in*pinngihem 10 \vi'iie their own idea< \viih cunti denc*. Ms Gamer coniinuedihe fin. :*land^ ard*eibypre\'IOUsarii*itin-resideiice. allot whoniliave. oninbuiedinuclito Inc culluml lite alld herimge or Ihe School \ ,, ". * 4^?{ -, ' ' ";*..\*,,*' .. '.*., ,* ~ '**\:, I" ~*. f * \* '*..... " *;^;;;' \ " ** , * ,~ * ; *;,,,, . I\\I. , ',. \\\litr, , *\* ;: ' ' "' ,, FA'\*,,,, ' "" I'**,*"' ' . ... * .qj A showcase of junior musicians in concert I : : ..,,,^,, , ;? ;, '1:1 ' 6. '1 " ;;:*: * ,. ,.,! * 11. - . ..,. ,. \ y asm. The year nine ni"siC el"ciive classlilled the stageivith incir o1, n Eve Wllson On Friday. Jun" 3. the rhyilunic celebration"malakund" Gelrrm"11nTbealre burstintosong in ProCCssion tvilh inc annual Junior Concert. Flirth"r insight into 111e crean The Ih"me toriiie ev, ning was Iiviiy"rim"raged by classroomm"- the "Lingic and Mystery or Mu- siC ITUs g, wen with 5.1ect perform. siC '. Ten"CIEdin 111e choice ormu- an CES from gradu ei"ht and ten 51u siC. the decorations. the visualspro- dents. Two pairs or"rude eight 51u jetled onto the backdrop. inc hint dents. C""r"" C"ok" rind Julia worn 11y the cornusre. and Mrs \Vissl"r and Cairnn Marley and Burnnrd's 11nir! Nikki Clavarinn, performed origi The concert allow"d musi. nanl compositions or musical jour tinns in the Junior Sellooll" dig- n"ysim"ginativ"Iy r"inforc"I with play their talents and give the "vocative visuals opportunity for in I"rinediate As part or 111"ir music cours", groups to performi. soni. like inc Ihe y""rI"n 51udents \,"re asked to Interin"dint" wind Band. the writ" in role us a crimpns"r. These Junior Vocal GroupniidlheBnss" risenrcl, edandcr""livepi"reswere turned into wignelles or inc tom POS, rs' Iivcs and music acted and TTi"lone or tinu "VCningivns 5.1 played in cost"in" by the students tin"Instlves "B"elh0\"11'5 diary" Iv"s wrilten and "At, ay Ironi 111e Roll or the and read by Kimberley For rest. Sea". win" "tnnriniusici"rig" play"d his The larger and small"rjunior "Minuetin G". MirinniHasiic read musical groups promnled the au- "Mozart's 1.11er" to "Andante" dirence with a wide range or music from Piano Concerto in C. Anna to enjoy' and up preciat". items Carsonplnyed"Normi""" to"Cho ranged humpi, c"s by nandel"er- pin's Letter" writicn and r""d bv formed by 111" Junior Orch"sirn Nitole Hill and the Clarinet Choir to tile 011" SPEcinl and unusual fun BE"neg' "PennyLane"and"Friend lure or 111" pro"rum ,, rig "Edel like in"' rr"in "A1"ddin by the In- Iv"i's" performed by tile Hnr En I'm, ediat" Wind Band and "Hip scruble also in its dubul perform The audi"rice who packcrt the Band theatre was ironical to un enjoyable The progr"in was characi"r- concert and snow, I how inI"rite, I ised Ihrouglioui by the range or and renthusi"51icihej"rimr Grant Iusic and permr, wing styles. Tli" mar musicians are. Many or nitse uni"r Vocal E"sumhle prescnted 51"dents cumulitlli"irlime and en. w" nuns willI simplicity and pu- ergy to cronling Ihe 'inn"ic and rity. The Junior Percussion En- mystery urniusic" ClefsStringQuarietind"but per. formanc"s. by the opening urnh"rs sung by 111e 8/9 cli"ir. "The Ride-by-niglils" an re. to be Square" by Huey L", vis and the News from 111e Junior Cunt"rl Theatre dancers jazz up Arts Week Anna Sargeant presenied 'n wonderful display orel- -.^^, ega"ce" in their coniempo"ry duo During A's weekihesecniidThca- hlirroring encli other's inlovenienis at Ire Dance Reviewforilie year was held Ihe beginning. Ihey coniinu*d to en ill 111e and, 10niim. thinl Ihe audience Iviih Iheir Fullerb Dance \Iyles ranging from crier- conirolof niovemeni. gciic and in*I'mo\ingjazz to fineni file nitn"t Dance girls worked toriiemporaryin F1izab*innnfolkd"rice 11nidiu makeilieperforniniice success- \It re represe"led. fill :ind all Ihose Monday ahem. on Tile conccri '01/1pri, ed Dr. seiTes pm. lices paid di\'idends. The show o1gruup PCrrurmances. froinilic \vliule drew " fullliou. e o151udeiiis and sinn. C"run, ny 10 inn* and duos. rind, 11r, - ci, c :ind e\tilllis mrz *o10 PCrfonii allce by Sal" Ker*nov*ke. RatlielB. IderyandAiinnS"me, ni and 111e support or Ih. Principal and DCpuiy Prlncip"I. Mrs limiterk and A1i, s willinn's. 8:1110. tn*,, mr. gn\ eih, permnn nil. e a c"111i\ "I aini, \nil*r* \viih a CUI^ mirinl :Irchw, y of 11,111im b"11,011\ .Irc!cliing from, ne bide ulih* \in"ein Ihe niher. Till< created a \IWCi"CUI"r clieci\\ hitliilieaudienceniidih*d""c er*111em. el\c< halli, "joyed Tile tireiiing 11uinber wa* d"n"d 10 all F1ccc Tmiii "A Ch, ru* Line". " begJn \\. ith o111yilie dance capi"in\ un slage and ended willI Ihe eiiiii* iruujie permi"ling. negirls \v, r* "bier0*11, w o11 inclr ne\\. fileaire Dancc I-5111ns. 111e de, ,gii Tor lullicli \L. "s creaicd by Belh Alelvin. rinc or jilt dance trip- fills concert was jusi a \neak p**I. " nFihe ne\I Theaire Dance Con ccri to be held in 111e audi!nrium on School DJv in October We gunr"nieeto "mockyour. "k, lain< t , t :\ .,^ \ scrubl" attack"d "Flat Baroque" I'llh energy. rhylhm and enthusi- Sara Kernovsketsjazz solo PagetO 'GRAMMAR GAZEFrE. Term 31994 .
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