Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994

The Arts

Nudes at school

'Twins' twice the theatrical talent and twice the fun I

Tli, Ie"r *Ie\cii and incl\e an dinwi"g a 11udc in, viel would h* I'D *indents \\ere gi\ eiiih, lipporliiiiiiyi, inniitidaiing rind c\piicii. art .I'd. 111* Belinda Watson I lire 111Lvi*I ill " number LIT ditkreni Ikt\e* whilesonI* itenplc ni"yiniiikili"I



Kale El!ham

B. CG. S. has enj"yed sew"ral ,!uden! 5:1id. 'Tlii\11. < hatn nil* urine Tilt Ui'. Iwing \*\kinii \\us held 111 111.5i cli"litngiii" bui rewarding Ie<- V"ars Of Co. Operative theninc"IPr".


IN', 11.11r* uricr .cli. 1.1 h \\u\ jilt \*colldiime 111"I 111e niudel had cumc to Gramni"r alld Ihe rin <1udeni* fell 111"I Ih* rc Centse\\I'll \va\ *\'*n"ni, re *u. - t's\Iul Ih"11 Ihe firsi. h*Id in fir*I Ienn hlr Dull"Id Pillcni!. H*"dor Art. e\plained Tli*hasi\vavi* learn 110\\, in din\.. Ih* figure

Imjink Ihai "Iy Sch"o1. andtli"popularandsucc"55. dr"wing *kill< in April Ihis year proved rin etcep year's Bugsy rimlone. The VCn"tinn InTDI'u\ ed Thc \,*- Twins \,"s a musical cum"dy tnnt file Veileiinn Tw'in* is " 111u\ICal dcnis Uni",! <, 111e warni up \'er\Inn .t Ihe T"mou\ play by Carlo Goldnni. \vriiien by Au*in11inn Nick e\crci\e* file*c tv, rei*e* Elmgli!ill 1079 Employin"indriiuiial '01/01include :I Coinniediit de I'arte chaincicrs \uclias bri*k \v, Iknr50 jilt play. wJ* presented in Ihe slyle of a \'ilh Ihe SIu- and en, rgv.






11"mourniis sungs. 1111provisaiion. and

After ithe*e rindience panicip"!init

Drone dayinilie ciiy Diveruria. where tilt aciiuii. of IWC ideniic:11 Iw, n, n, ! The story, .pinils aroundilie e\. enis

quickpnses. 111e

is front reallife. BCC;Iu*cili* \11"p, * "IC co dimculi. itynu rimsierIhai. vuu can

or 111ne. The I'll, Ih o, 111e Do


rimsi"r anyihing

Creased us 111e \Iudejjj* bcc;line njor, 0111y CTtal. Cuntu*10n. bui also arc inc

None of Ih* students who ,lien, ,d nuid willI Iheir dr, win"

<0.1rc* ur *wnrd rights. ICnl, usy. be

the cl;i'se* had e\tr drawn jinni J life

file .e\*junk ended willl Iwenjy IrJynlaiid even 111urder


mud*I bet""*, linere are 11.11n"ny rip- Ininuie telche*. filet *k. 1.11e< u*u- file twin*. Anei!n and Toriinn pununiiie* for high <1,001 <1udeni*10 ally Iuriied nulll, * be\I. The $11"ding \,, re bullinl"ycd by Ih*I"jellied An hintlidne* rinijv. I\, to be us





dimculi subJeci inarici\ in draw. 11 lended. it \v"\ a new e\p*neiic, init lakes a gr, ;lideal orpracii, * alld "ccu- e\ tryuneenj, ytdn"dimnii\hith niLich proneriion 11i* e\eiiniure dimeiiliio cl"b*e* arc planned fur Ihe Iuiur, . Innsi*r dr"\\. illg Ihe body reali*Iically Sketch: Jack^^ Smith

w"* nit actump!I'llcd"ridcreaii\. per- * . . *t, , . , inc "hillile<* inclid". Fluri"do. pretaiion. andio bnn" more or our own minied 111e d*innnding female role* in Because of Ihe quick role changc< Ih, pitduciiuii. Tile*e IVCr, Vicki . reqiiired of An"us Clani. belweeii one Benirice. Lean Funnon us Coinmbin". h"d to be overcome wiih 111e 51n inn. Sanli H:un*\\'o, 111"s Benirice's Innid. \ery *uccessfully. wa\ Ih* sei design. "11\va* a \ery Lumplc\ 51/01vii, 11- Incurporaiing a balcony and a Inni*I willirism"lierc"\1.1hisallowed"hisliar live clinnges for 111e chaincicr*. Bucli"nan. Mu\icalDirtciornfiliepr0- 111e \. enue. BOS Cenien"ry 14nll. Cli", dUCiinn. "fileiiaiurc oilhe *tripi eiia- acrerswer* often r*quiredto enter irum

Ihe brick of 111e nail. and walkihrough Ihe problem of 11nvin" one or the Iwin*

ripj, ear did rini phase Ihe direcior*.


A celebration of voiees

dir. CIOr*. Li\" Wiiclier and Ilea!her Buclianaii. file Venetiani T\\. in< was a Australianc, ni, dy Uniclc, rrl}Ji\played to be ronind in foolh sth, inI\. nth laitiii lital produciinn\ in 111e pi\I. "rid. it I\ riniicip"led. will toriiinue to till <0

10ir" of ithe runtsed cl, oir was a torii

Allson Meeking

Aner two MCUks or intense re- poser ian hickinl, v. a tvell known nunrs"I. Ih" efforts or twenty-11.0 and r'sp"CIEd local minsic idcntity. als CUImin"led in the ANCA IA"s- pnenis. "at11 Inclised on ,. anti"s Iran"n NannnnlClio, tiltss"tintiuni thenleg froin Australia. with such a FCst '94 on 30 July. Tlie mirinlhs of broad stripe. inc pi"ce had wide up orgyinisaiion and prep"Rinnn tvere pealrorihenudi"rice. aswellaqprov rewardcd ,, lien the niassed choir. ing " c1, "11cng" for tin, chnristers. " Imjinn \'"ices V"'11/1 Clioir per- or Ih" world premiere PCI formi"lice T1, "110,111ur Choir Icya, ni"dc up d"nls willt the OPP"rluniiy to par- fir 55 audition cal sindeniq fn, n, 111e litip"it in a nits, "d choir \, jin all mining 5.110uls ill\OIL"d. Tiley sinn higli stundnrd, and pmduce a lop 111eii'In usic"lint"1115in huth*"in and quality snow. in just i\," weeks is a group PCrrnrnini, ccs. Srir"h eli"11cnge. Tills !calr's 700 v"it"q Hanins, ,orlh"rid Carolin"nilsi\, ere made up alit lang"$1 rims"d cli"ir tileGirls' Granim"rill"ruber*tinhis CT"r a*scmbled in QLi"eiisl"lid. and cli"ii clie urine Inrg"51 s"condury 5,11001 Assisl""I Direcior of ANCA clioirs to b" ass"", bled in Australia. Q"""rid"rid. his Health"r Burnan"n Thisyc"r39 stud, nisrroniGirk' said the pulp"5,0111i, nunnurCltnir Griniiii"r accepted Ihe than"Jige. I^us "10 givc sum" of nip n, orc rid tallced orihesev"n 1111ndred singcrs water bottles and voice strain. ing and exacting rcperlnirc. " Plagued with 111" usual, vi, lier tiling This "rig Ihe first VC"r for ith" analills. 111" ", nices" balll"it o11. cr"- Honour Choir andils obviouspopu parents, and straincd Inrvi, \CS At ill" san, e fune. a great dual fir Ih" festival in Ih" run"re runt, as hadnlongilie way. with musi Tlie highlight of 111e "VCni"g ,,"s or inc credil going to the acclaimttl a spyial "ripenrance by the AUSiral gnusl conduclor. Danvid JOTlelt. H" inn Voices YouthCli"ir. An"rano. ."r Colic"riH"11ntlh" Qiieensland P"r. ing Ih" toriip"ser 11:15 in the aunt torn, illg Arts Crimple\. elite! ANCA rust ainis to pro Lide SIM.

Sarah Hopkins composes moving chants for Australian Voices



inicon it IWCnmes allintcgral pan or Coinp

Salah Hopkins seems pleased with the performance 11ualjoum, ywh, nslrew"* 21 years old

Kyrie I" usesihis nieihodnfsi".,- She meI an old innn in a park. He was ing wiih a

Sophie Brocklebank

'11/1k or a world willjoui 51arva. cli"rinng. SarandecidedihaL she wari!ed rimiing call*

Was a d"mallding taskmaster. bul \, he Uninglys"ccc"rulfourweckio"r 110n. WiniOulnreed. alld will1101alshnr- 10 b. able 10 exp:t's herselfinihis way Kync T'it alyric"ipiece. coniain 11nvingiust arri, ed ironi tile Unilcd orthe United Stairs. the tnnir, ,us in ing. Think of a world \vilere people can "Kyrie I" rind"Kyrie 2"\VCreihe re, uli. ing ricli vor;. I d . . in Sinl, * for a Friday nigl, I relicarsnl fine v"ice. with reinrts of An, cric"n mini theirdrea"1<. filese are Ihc kinds The than, voice prorluces a higlily lone sin"rig :ind canonic singii, " Ha, 11,1111iiindr"ds orAuslrnlian jeering- concerts willtripi"scven PITcor"s, the Of inlageS Crea!ed wlien singin" eiilier energised and richly cellired sound it monic n\'eriniic singing produce\ a ers. who could blain" hi, ":' in, Dugli audience was"\pectingauniqu. ciin- '11/1* "Two Kyrie\1,011iThe winds of is a powerful way of singing Ihai has manic, I oilierwo Idl d. I 101,811, lie \, as 1111 impir"tinii to all rnl"\perl"net. and it was 1101 disap- been u

Paget*I. -GRAMMAR GAZETTE:terns:I^19;;

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