Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994
Senior production special feature of Arts Week
Juniors play up
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Sophie Paige
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A'rim April20 to PCrforni allc" dai" June 10.111ir1\ 51u d"ni, irum grades 9 and 10 r, - hears"d solidl} forthe1994J, in inr Produclion of "The Tre" Th, it Holds Dpih, SLv"11v Pa"I Kin" The produciion tvasdircclcd by. SPCcch and rimma staff Alenihers. Sybil Ciiriis and Rerry\ICclJem who wereproiid of the errorisputiiibvihe actors aq MCIl us 111" d"alital"d brick singe team Th" play \, as well leteiv"d by Ih" audi"nc" 11hn saw "\tel I"nl purrorm"nc"sinv the future meinbcrs or senior Gram", ar productions. SIIclijuniorpr" Ing ground fortli, young"r Flu performanc" "\pen, ricenndih" high glandnrds 5.1"rid rendied
$3* }
erally or erl". kcdlikeiliel. Ichenm"id \grit* SIokeq. planedhvCaiilmlliiniei Mrs \furyhymade <1ighi. :dapLin"* 101he pinyund \\."\, Ihleio ureanuiiiber
Eva Feredoes
(Assistant Director)
e L * \ in . ;Iy. ,I \I, nieiii rim Ihe cast. Mr* Tri*11 Rh, d, < jind Mr inn Cmy played 111e DJrcn1\ o1.11miiCooper. adoci, rwho wrighi. Sue R}der. I\"\ run. iruied in ,ei up " ritedicalcenir* in Spring Hill. lite Gehnn"rin TheJire .in Augu*14.5 melol* nlLilii, 11her, elf was piJvcd and b. A1\ R}der I\"* in Ihe "udiciice by Cam Dunia. AirGraval*o rimde an toriiie Friday e\ ening permini"rice IPPe;wante ". I* him, clf The .Iudience* were cunt, ,111etl The t'siitlch"incler* was an ec 1,111i strong and niaiure permnn"rice\ itcutini\: AnlandnPa*hellwaq Gladv* by Ihe niaiiily *Iudeni cu\!. in \, cli us hmm. reiff. K"lily Henry Ihe Tenjini*I Ihe e\. trill\, and *vbhulic \*I. \1:1giiig reformer kinrg"rel Dug. andNai"lie de instr the n"Iunilisi Antilie Deihcli inure "public" hellre\. Taniniv Brock numb*r ,I \1,011g reni;lie r, Ie\ it "I- :I'll*"red us Ellen Tli"Innsnn. a seiec ford, d tilld 111e In Iere*ling ringic jind inr \ wire. "rid Ale\ kitT"Lish played acc0"11:11 gJ\ e nf hi*I'm Airily \V:11\un. Ih, wire rim richer mall. This F1:I\ c, ich"11, \ Ih* Jclii*\e The \up purling c"*I incliid*d 111,111\ or Quee"*innJ ,.,, Inert 1'1,111 IhL Frilliki M;I\, n. Inckie Siniih. Kvlic in UTC 1101"blc. Iik. rinki \, id. I L:111*\ Tnnmp Th, play \\. a\ produced u*ing Bitchiian letliniqu, s of a vimple *ei rindsynibulic. laging. The magi\iruie\ Ihe cnnirn1 o1 *!age manager. Meg Hadgr, h. rolerun lire Earli year Ihe Senior Produciinn\ pr 11.1iun I\"\ Ing uppununiiy it gave '01/1inueiu he'll, rigcrly-nw"iiedl '"I - \"c I a arse ICani of SIurlen!\. I\"eiiiy^ jigliiof Ih. School' \ cullural cal'I d. . 11\n including lite h"ck integr^ited 'Stu^dies 'I^'rog-rain ISP in business and on the job Past student displays her creative talents on silk Close encounters of the muddy kind Preople wer" dinpping 11k, nitsinto inc muddy ground. as if they were rigliiiiigagainst th" Indians in Ihc rug"cal Wild This was ,111 bccuuse hors"1.1ding Nits Ihc numl"r uric clinicc fir iruiisptiri for us. P. F1, I dentsinii, e \nullicn"I'm'in WIT "I irub". Fur Ih" bra\usI of hagiir litr*. 1111, \,"q nit "\perl"nc" to runi*inb"r Saran Bells. ,, h" napp"ned in be \, earlng Icyhiie iruii, . find an unlucky ",, counter willI Ih" nilid. uricr 11"r sri, Idle bccam" 10nq" Airs Lnnhnnih"d asj, eclncu he did riningr""I, ilhliern, ,thud urndiiig. Slit did unionismriding 11""d. nuking"mrf""1111rc"-point Hn\, CTCr. soni" 11.0pl" d"- rid"d 1.1 mr"an inc "\Dentnce and tiltjn> or riding a nurse \rimni" Collnnios clios" to armnip"ny Air Lanham on ille bicycle. SII" round flits was still nut " sur" ehnice of transport stuckiiithc nilidc""singllic bik" to tom" to a dramatic and s"d titn 11nll Hn, ,e, "r. 511e miraculousl\ managed to cum" off the bik" ., ithoui a speck or din on lier All 11ns excii"merit occurred during I*Inrcli. wlieiielev"nl. S. P studenls we'll un camp By Ih" "rid o, 111e werek. "\. c ryh"dy wn* rexliausled from the full and "\tit"merit. Howlully re 1995 grade el"VCnl. S. P. cl"SE illl, UV" as ni"ch full us w" did Kate Be mays & Sarah Pureell conip. lie, de\lentd I'llerhead whicli 111corpnmie* lineir busiiie\* 10n. . Small Busine. \ SinJi, \ nullier UNIT* many up11.11\ fur \111d*111\. " 111"11y will \\. nrk un .Ir 11wn a *ni"11 b"*ine*\ Justine Cameron 111"I one would exp*ci to find in Ihe busli indeed Snugglepni "lid Cuddlep, e wnuld rini reel "ui or PI:IC* in Ihe\, reinnrk"bly henuiiful cr, .11inn\. Annic'\ n:1111r"I arii\11c 1.1eni w"\ suidcd by C"Ihryn LIDyd. a promiiieni I, \!ile tic\:gncr. \vhn encour;Ig*d An nit'* skill* ill 1993. A year 1.1er. An 11ie ha\ v, 111"red nui 1111u 111, indu\Iry 1.11 11cr itwn ice!. Allii, ,11:11\Iillinilie *"rly <1""e* or 11, r jink!it c"re*r. All"ie die. InI\ of e\,. inchngli, r hand pitiiiied *ilk run"e und ev*111u;111\., t"ning hcru\viihi"- \\'jinii, FIJI, 111"rid to, ,"uiirulpr, xi^ Lic!\. An 111* \h. jujul"r, 111c Iuiur. \viih t. inndence Annie' \ work will \,"in h* 11n di\- piny in 111e Sh, 11 Colle, Iiuii. Bri*bJiic Katlsche Haberlield Sill. 111 Ru\Inc*\ Sill, Ie\i\ tini"iii"- 111'c .,"11 ,lifered in ISP. <111deiii* of Y. "r ,'\,,:\*. 11 11n\ pro\Ided Ih, *e gill* AUIl. rill\liedge111'*ni. 111busiiie** (Grade 12,1992) A1 13. An11ie woollycli " fine fir Ihc ynungc\I PIAun\ 10 I"k* the hand painied \11k indusiry head un. Leviihaniwu yenr. riflei. gradual ills mini high \cliool. An 111e. J pa*I \111de"101 ithel. S. P. COLIrse aiBri\halt Girl\' Gr;jinni"r Sch. o1.11n< coliccn IT. litd liei' tieJii\ , I"leiii rind uricr"IC\ 1111/1 111;I\I, ring Ih* "ri tillI'lld p. 11/11iii" un \I!k. Broilsiii lip in Tillit\. VC*I nr Gyni, i". Allni*' * \11. ,rig L, Iu nii} 11n briiigiiig h"\ " rin!i. e. b!c innucnce, in 111e why*.'!\ ch"*, 11 1.1 lier an work. Rcne, 11/13 her couiiiry un"iru. Allnie'* h;ind 11.11\11 nild p:11:11. d \ilk *,:IT\e\ incurp, !NIC guni nui. . gum lentc. . hadi** rin\,, r\ jind wildlirc ,niciiLc- 11,111ipl"jilting in UNmiinn. "TITi\ c, IUT*, gi\,\ Ihe \!ud, ni\ " fit*!I L ,Iuwledg. titbu\Ine<\ pmc- brief 1111ruducii*n to 111, rim"v a, .ci* it* 1111t, .Ish T. A. F. E *ubjeci\ \!1.11 us nf busine*\ nilU " itg in 1'0r T. A. F. E. ';;I\it R*cord K*eruiig rind 011e \\'Tile cullr\e* in the :Jinre. " \1.1ed hli Rub ,.~!. LLCpiiig S}\1,111* " \111'tici"1111y Overell. ICUch, I'. 1'1he Sin. 111 B"hint\* 111.1\I\. 10 eiiJble to c, e;lie 111*ir, wn Silldi*\ tnni\e .in. 111 bukine**. TAKE XII PRODUC^ A \igiiih. "ni number uf 11.1\I \111 TIONS Thi* 11n\ h*en r, *1stercd. jind d*rut. uner tnnii:lullig till to busjne**- '11/1* to 11Nk, . ni. \\ prt1.1uce .ind ni;Ir- relJlcd couN\. 11n\'e round jilt 5/1/'11 ,',! \jut. ,\, tulle Gi"de T\\el\crushi, 11 Bu *;~/*;*';***{** * . \\ .... , '"""'" "' ' i, ,. **$a. .*~ 0 *,,,.; inn^.,^!. I ~ ' *lit, .-,'. ~:'--'I , . . 11-;*,, , t ,,.-,~. ~.^ *tag*.;, ..*a, , A Annie Woollych with examples of her silk scarves 'age, 2 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 3,994
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