Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994
Sport Aerobics offer a new ehallenge ;;*--. , . .. ''111^,.:^,.*!^:.,;:!:': *~:, I^;!\; ' ~ ' ""' "~ -+^;^.!,.-'--. ,,,-... I, $;*
Hoekey attaeks another winter season Jill Large ^.^-.^^
Clayn, Id Cull*ge. nil I'mI, Tenji"11 1111defe"led The A Gr;Ide dr*it nil nil willI IP\\\ith Se\erul playei* 11:11c bccn nil " goal FCuriiig hprce : S"Rill PC, I IC Glad*I \\. 1111 1.11. Rach, el Alumv jB Grade!. \e\en. ;Ind Endie Puller !A Cmdci rind Aji Farmer U Crudei tin
hilli'I'd inc I'mI brigli!I\ \L. litn 111.1 played " inuring Svdne\. Churcli ,it Eiigl"rid Girl\' Grimni"r Scli~11 Lid* Ihe lit\I day batl, after Ihe nulld, v\. Unionuiiai, Iy. ,uru\, n Grainm"r!e"ni w"* dereJ!ed in a cm*e 2^I *core 1111e.
. Our Iun, gal I\. J* tored by trigh This yearGmmiii"Tit alsolielding it, irke after" d"*11upilieiniddle by 111e 111ree learns in Ihe Downe Park cunt runvnrd< un tile firsi half. peliiion. one in Division 6 and Iwo ill file gainc was an eviling one. 15. As am aller01T"ci. the Iwo fileants willI rimiiy goal OPPoriuniiies for both play eachother ill itIC sentfinal he sides. Our goalie. 10 Benneii. sloppyd Iween lean, s rinked Ihird and fourth. nelll* ironi S. c. ,. G. G. s ey LarvalnSl 'syearareBnd, e Tile learn was nut down-heanendd players 11nve been Involved in. and early in Ih* season and Inc combiiia- erode ei"h!. lion or players was only *IJning 10 Bndie us an especially 1.1eiiied evelop. player. She was cliuseniiiihe under 18 The hockey Ieaiiis are exiteniely Queeiisland Hockeyieanito play allhe 11, perul of a successful sea*nil. aiming AUSiraliaiiiiiles. file ICam iruvclledio 1.1' " tit"11 sweep Dr all four preiiiier- MeIthumeiocompeieagain\, Iheoiher snips loiniprove o11lastyear'. re*ul, or stales from S to 15 Apr, I. Mt. 011 day IWC oilh"I '01/1p:Iiiioi: . langemeni of Ihe QOS. S. S. A. cum^ Queen*landadi, \v \, 11h Viciurl". Bridle peliiinii willI litree leani\ choseii iront nlsu con!ribuied wiihgr, ,!ICadu work glad*s leii to I\VCI\'e nild a Iunioi'learn 10 ni"ny or oilier "o. 1\ which 11'1 d ironi 111e grades eighi and ninc. pince Queensland world or. roll. he early games nave *huwn 111e Bridleisnl KriStine Cooke lesehadalso entered fiveieams. most of , 111e other sellools enterinn one oriwo. GiveaGran"nargirlachanceio Heals were held in the momin compele and she'll be o, 111here with and Iwo of Ihe senior Grammar leanis lire best Drillem. firs wa* proVCn o11 madeitio Ihe finals : 111e 'Jum " ou Salurdny 20 July \vilen the School of 150bei Davies. Cain, n Hunter and eniered five I. rimsin Ihe Queeiisland Am anda Meinn placing 111ird on 150 Schools' At lobic Crimpetiiion rifler pointsandlhe"Hitm"n" "rou orcarl. I onlyiwo andalialf weeks Dimming. Robenson. Piioebe Papas and Rachel Using the inlents and skills or Bolderyaisixiliwill1147. mainly line gym"asis willtin Ihe Each performance niusi 1.51 be School. staffniembers. Nicl, Robbing Iween innnuie40secnndsa"dl nunu!e and MerylPap, s. wo, !:ed 10 develop 50 secoiid* and include four 'urn in and clinreograph five dynaiitic. ener- jack\. four sinips. fourhi. 111e" kicks. gelic and powerful Touiines and Tour pusli-ups. Scores are calcu There were Iwo seciions Junior 1.1ed on built skill and preseniaiion. 11- 10 14 year's I and Senior lurider willI \recific niarl;s for siren Ih. ne\- -01 Graniniar's four renior learn< ibiliiy. c\ecuiioii. exercise conieni. compelcd againsi 22 other 5.11001s choreography. showman*hip. and\yn Irum all orer 0.1"unkind. and Ih, chronis"lion. Juniors algal usI5. Morelon Bay CUI- The penorniances in inc filial, proved Ihai line Grammar learn learned a greai deal from lite Ireais particularly in Ihe area or showman ship and capiured the crowd with hairvivaciiyandamnzingnexibiliry. Carla Roberison. Piioebe Papas and Racliel Boldery gave asciiitillai ing final* performance executing a Bulgarian push-up : in spills with oneleg over her shoulder. This "IOUp came second with 157 coini\ 10 Ihe winners oilhisyearandlasi. Curlnda High. on 160.5 coinis. Th* o1her senior "To up in Ihe finals was not fur behind un fourth wi!h 155 PCrhapsihe musiama, ing fearure of Ibis to unne was 150bel Davieq' show or sirengih and flex ibiliiy witen she carried oui a free support push-up Lullh boih of lier legs over her <110ulders. ' ---.. I' '--- ,.,.. .,!%I ~'~ '~ ~ ,,.....,, -,-:; ':1;^;:i^;;1<1-1:.'::':,;;,;^' _,;,.,\.." ~ "'*,,, ,=,**t, ,*.:. if' ..'..';, 1141/1. **---*-\-- *I, ..,,..,. ._ ,'^ **':.:,:. in*:.,;. it. ,*- A' ~ - ,*,,, \'. - ..:- .,,;f;^^,,^".,,, At*,;*. 1.1. ' .' ' *... *** ., . (- -.* ,', .*: - ;:, sobelDavies. Garnin Hunter andAmanda Merrin dunhg theirhigh ener elf r .* * \ \ .. \ -- I A star in the making . .<* .. *::.+,* tv ' . _ ,^,,~.,*,,.. Grammar launches a new season and a new boat \ Alma Humphreys C"illin Cl"re'\ in hereni de\iru 10 * 1993sawGirl, ' Grammarrut, CrsbCcnniingm"re CrimpClitiV". CS ISObel Royston & MIChelle Rigg for Ihe yonng Gramm"r b"\k"Ib"11 pinyer. Caiiliii. a grade Ien $1udeni. be"an liei' Tenre\eiiiaiiv, playing day in the U14 Bri*ball* Blazer\ leant. Tilen. at Ier displaying IC"dersliip as c"plain or and inIeni were recognised willI pro^ monon 10 Ihe U16 Brisbane Blazers tingle"incumpeiedinilieQueens land barkciball championships in TOOLvoomba. whereihey tiained acorn mendable fifth in Ihe Division One ~,,, In 1991 it w, us decid"d to r - - . ' inirud"cc rowing 10nrisb"ne Girls R"gallas \, ere renthusiitslicnll direct'o r p I - UpDo re y parents and rrj"rid\ her assist ami triadi"s. sixty "iris ebraled with an dinn"r where gutsi enthusiastically look up oars and speaker. Wally Hughes, sinnk" began to experienceihe cli"lipng"s about Ihc hislory or Commercial Rowing Club ComumerdalRowingO"h g"n- 1994/1us ninety rowers train emusly weICOm"d Ihe girls and inglhreeiim"s a week, stillm"in Iy helped with equipm. nl and out of CUInmercial Rowing Club. coaches . . . . . Then coltsalnnustsolelyow""d forlearnjn the bus. I inn. y 90, U our proudcsj andb"cuntn accustomed 10 " mine across the top of water whilql rarents and Friends Amur' Ii . managing to avoid bridg"s, a sea This boat was named at a cer plane. barges as well as the local cm"nyatCom, ,rercialRoim Club ferries. There were many exciting on h July by the Primci al. Mrs Path ' I- . Be u "n Darndpatinninrow gallas grin in 1992. Crews WEre wus named"Parents andFriends" pleased with their progress and Brisbane Girls' Grammar their platings. The end orthislirst rowing bus reriainly grown and with am WC'S chinerwhcreWe"dy the challenges orlhis car's re I to roniniar rowers forthe roU"w- the River at Minion Reach on SE - Ing season. ternber 3,1994. Bridle Potter Ih action for Queensland , Self defence: a vital skill , \'o1uniecr*10 particip"Ie wl:ilehc dem o115iraie*. and 1111s it sometii"es quiie p"inful. " What a selldetence course can do Rebecca Hannon Inlagiiie 111is. You are Inc. jin" J friend in Ihe ciiy at highi. You are wailing in jilt M"11 when. suddenly. a Is noronly give you skillsbutalso make cumpe"lion. per\un rublies up to you. grabs you and you re. I you have more conirol. A RecenUy. Caiilin was gelecied ' ineS to drag y, u away. \inlaido you cumnion seniimeni expres. ed by Ih. 111eMeiropnliianEasibaskeiballt"in. do'! panicipanis was: " feel fairly conh- and will be tourin wiih Ihem I You'dangeloolaieilwiyoushouid denlab. uibe, rig able to defend myself Rockhampion in Aunusi. have done a self deftnce cours, . per. if someone tied to altock me. " A1 Grammar. she us an in Ie ral naps you could h"\e done sometiiing file coursewasthorou"hlyenjnyed member of the U16A baskeih"11 team. to save yourself iron, 111is siiuniion. by those who aliended. andiliey left andCaiilin'sabiliiy"ridre reseniai' You should nave joined Mark feeling 1110reassur*dabouithemselves. experience combined with the skill f Hasemaii's self defence course on Frj- After a reini or self defence leg. tile other learnmembers willho I " day afternoons at 111e Scliooi. sons. Ihe AUSiralinn Kareie Academy creme a preimershi winnin comb'- Those who crimpleied Ihis course has been given approval to 51"ril"rate nation. found Ihe experience valuable and. classes o11 Friday ahemonns from coinn's consisienil ourslandin P, rimp, ""runsii:gly. elmyahic. 3:30p in. to 4:30p. in. A short mecling for all of Ihese teams has been " lie\ er 1110ughiili. I learning \, 11 was lield on Friday 161h July. ill the warded \viih an in viniion to 'Din the d*fence could be bucli fun. I mean. I gymii" Page1.3 GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Term 31994
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