Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994
Sport A season of rhythm and glory
Time out: a look at Girls' Grammar's own Dream Teams
Claire Valkhofj Pm*-jin. IlelV 110 girls ironi jilt RacheiBojde ; : "Drill'! 1:1LC Ih, funl, on a n"\!\ '11'* re"11\ " ~"~"" ~.'~ ' ~ ' *. I .Ir* \" InJiiy Ie"nis I c"n "ei 11/10. ~""" " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "FC nJ\111'111i;Is*\ bJcked \\'11h Ncib. 111 \\"\ ith. toriir. e!jjj\ e. " tnnr The Briqb;line Girl*' Grainmar I . ".. . ; , . J C, 11.11^ IUn* IIJ\!I ,trilli 111e I"r. t nienicd EininJ \\'**! \vh, 11", b*e, SC1, .01 RhYllliniC Sinni\'c Gymna*- _ ..' . _ ., .. '~ I-. ' I I. '- - re c\ iunii *crv. 11. Tlii*I\ inc 1.11e. I ui In\ul\ *d willI B. G. G. s. b. I\LethalI lit\ Cl, Ibll". CUIn* along \, ay SchoolCOm""tin"Ithi' thenrsitime. in inc in, purlanj ideals of . ,11 '' " ' '' ''"in* '''' rocU\ed and eg:Iry jinr, c. level< seven to nine Tile IUIUre Or the Cliib al\n recm< \, I, r, ; r"\un"dii: tilt ""111"\" sippiiig able ills"ir"Ii"11 tm' Ihe I""ni In:. r. .CPIi, .11. Filial planing. \"\,' Grillnni"I' c - rine^ xi\111. stuff co-"rdinnlnr. spun. ible fun' wine "\ 10<1, ' ' ' ' ', - \10rk"rl hard in d"- ' 4'1. . '\t**?'"'; Egg*^t;*"' ~~ nitCUlminali", I Ih" 111rce kilometres. Emiit" """"; '~" ' *" " S *~* ' ' '"' mm"""'*"' ' "' oman"'""'"must"mm $'*' *' ' """;' ' ' $ ' urd"y2s\t, ,., I "'"nUS" ".,,..'- ~-,*~:, 11. .'.-, it;\ I ...,* ... ... . ***:'.. .-;if. "~: * * "'"' "" ''' ", erIh, rollrkilnnietr"cours"Tj" .' ; *,.. '. I. "',;,.."- ,, ..,,,..,.,,. .*.~.,' '11/1"t's-inclnrg", I strictlli, rd"mina, IC"mineo . ***** \..* (. ..'- I, ,...., .. , , . ,, t, ., numbCrOfCr"nilnnF diList"11.1,11,11 The learn celebrates wi!h captain. Emma 81h-Lowden Page14 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 3,994 .
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