Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994

Sch. oof - N-ews

A modern look at h is to ry

Japanese students learn to wear kimono *




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Angela Wilson

10 doniinaie the lives or 111e Gemia"

Claire Valkhoff

acheriliisyenr. the B. G G. Slapa Hashinioio. eatenkinionn demon*iru lion 10 Japaiie*e 51ud. 111\ from \ altou* year levels Kiln. 11.1s Iheimdiiion"impane\e p, ri* - Ihe kini, rin i!self. wrapped wliichi*lied"roundilie \vaisiiu. CLIir* Ih, .n*, inblL nitre are inariv dintreni \Iylc. or he"hull\. Thi, * were worn in d*moil Finii, in: 111c conuii *111nincr I;in, tilln it"lied yuk, iai. nilc. I Litri\,"11cii\I\IC 1.1 \11nier. inId "n .1:11\, Nit \ilk 1:1^ 111,111t \uii:Ibl, fur J NCUdi"" Tilt ., bi c"11 h, lied ill nuni*nt"* \\. I}*. .111d Mr\ 11.1\hilliui. , U*In 1.11^ vin!ICU \ JIT, In\ \I\ick 111r Ih* .I"drill\ SIUd. nth h*C. 1111* 111, xi. 'I* 1.11 jinL dullii, 11\Ir. 111n". "I IIJd 1111 jut, lit \\ nulJ "* :.,. jighi. I tit"Id 11.1rJl\ b, c. 1111*! .,, Inni, ni, d 1111* nilkl*I Slitli di\pi:I}\it"d drill, 111\Ir. 111, n\ arc bet, ,1111n, 111.1r* tnniniuii ,1,111 ill. \ un inc Lingu".* DCDJriiii*111. in rin tin"t to 111"FC fortigii in"3.1.1st IC;ITii Ing a innr* crimpleie culliir"I e\, eri^

On ThuNja the 2151 jA 'I. he .. y . ' r. we ,, B '. b, . . . I Ie answer Ihis que*lion. lie showed C"mr"\ of Ihe Qiieeii;land Uiii\*I\iiy piciurcs alld film e\tern:, ironi Ih"I Hi\ID IG I 'G ''e 11,111eiliere, lily Tli. \t M, witm Hitinry Findeiii\ inn. *ithue< aimu! NJziG, rin"n h \. a\ruti\ "I jiltal*rn 111,101y by Iw. I well Spitlherg's film. "Scliiiidicr' * U I". '111.1, n "lid re\PIc!*Uni\1.11uii\: Briuii The \ecund ICciiir*. .. i\ en b t ,"11\ ;111eii, cJ 111, litiiire\. \nili* pati rind *freti or Ihe Or. ni W. ' hc I\\'.. 111\Iuri"n*. ;11/11/'11,111nu- 111* q uC\11:1:1\ ,, LAu *11Jli"'. In \ "I\ e- ""'. 1d. I I'h. r . - ' - . e 'J\inwiich:11c. h"I. I at ;Irc u\c" in \h. ", I\ all ;Inlulld rilld. Thi\ItL, urc\\. 1.1n\ I'll, ; d ,in, 111. ,Ir!rig1*, 111 111 \\11.11 111* it, initr furiun, lit to 11.1\ * bccn In \lit, I;I \Jid alld Ih, 1111":;CLIh"I h, Dr. **111, d Ihc I, ciur. *. 'rii, } r, I\ ., h, , \ .1,111 I, ,nil"ny "rid c\, 1.11"dint quc\- \11nuid b, and jilt \Iud, 111\ 1.11 \, iih 11/11/'11"11:1\\ v. ,\ jilt N"rj r'simc ;Ibl, " firc;11 deal to Ihin k "b, 1.11. Lights, camera, action !

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Tile Cuminunicaiinii\ BILKk Iun

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gungc tenir* tveii realure* a kiicli*n Ineni. sinryboaiding and anim"null. 111e food or Ihe cnunirle* tvh, 1

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Bonnie Shaw Film and tel, vision. all integral riv"d at B. C. G. S. 11 has minde its debut in the form of a mm cl, Ib. anal riflei. sch"o1 by stair members. 111 hilli Dr, xiuciiun. e\ alu"Iinii rind rip Fretinii, 11 :ind I'm\. d nipului' \, 1111 haulu ;IPPlyitiriileinb, "nip an\ " q!1.1" Th, club '11/1\I\I\ ,11hi*, gr. inn\. 11,111c fir*1,111,111,11.1ppreci"11.1n group. won. \"ticr*cli*". ni*,*11:1\*incliid*J Kirinhei. .

Photographs: Mrs Hashimoto demonstrating one obi technique and student models


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10 bcc, me chiic"I'll"Iy*I\ o1,111"dinn, wliichli, \ " hugeiiinutnce minurli\c*

A1an Dale

011 Sunday' 14 August. Dr rifth, Board "rTrusi""s. orientd the A1. L. Dry"111 Sci"11c" Lab, - rel"Iy, 1,111" U. G. G. S. Nitinori"I Ouid"or Educaii"n Culllre at inIbiliiilhc pits"11cc of Ih"Frill tip"I. 111"rubers of nit Board or Triisi"CS. kinrr. purenis. 51.1d"11th ind ,Ii"rids tit Ihe School Tlie \\el!-ripp, 1111. d " rid equipp*Jiniror"lory. rini"\, Iu"blc "ddinu:I to 111* d, \ tinpiiieni, 1'1he 1111bil. is " ginotDrGnieiiie Dr\."in and raniily' in rcc"SIIiiiun .I 111e at"d*11nc ;IchieLciiieiii"ridili*con Iribuii, "I 111"del, inc Sth, ,, Ibvlii* BSC. 111,111\I. Gi rid. Dip. 1.1b. Sc. A. A. L. I. A. . "\ nilu\i. e. paltii:. rind toriiier *I"delli file inborni, Iy \L. ill incilii"it 111e \, aler re*ling pros, alli already undcr \\'.*' I\ilhiii 111e plugr""1.11 Inc ccnirc alld, "able "realci' nc\ ibitiiy "lid rung, in the acrid*1111c "tiltiii*., litred DJrkr, hint ^^till^ 11c\ are ill\, includ, d Tliel. ithnii, rv \v, I\ billl! undci 111* Pintiii\ illid Friend\ Billldin" 111d jilt Lainpiiig cquipinciii IIJ\ haul Inn\*d to cnclu. ed *I, rJ, e nild"rill* drilliiiinrv buildin" The uj, tiling o11h* 1.1b, In10n \\'"\ arrJnged 10 cum, IdL' \\"11 " '11/1ily On, :ID"F1i, \I'd b\ huff "I in, ,enii* Jnd Ihc mill*,' Group 1,111in"I wii, *c '11/1iri!in tm. ri* 111L hubil tnnipu\ w, uld 111.1 h"\. at11ie\ ed 11\ cuntnile\, 1.1dc\ *I^ up nitni Tlie \\callier Iv"\ 1111, .ind wurni ;ind Inc omani*all, 11 and taleiing *\cellcni Allngeili, r it wn* all twiny"blc and nienior, h!e landmark day in 111e hislory o11hc Scliool

in IC;1.11 "CinebuiT\" Ihe INr*""\I, c * \^

I. .' e PJ, C. ;t ***:*;;*.' film to eiii, r in Tilt Young Filli, hj"L, I, t** ~ ' . }', I* .".-..-

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All, cd HiichcutL.

o1 whoiii eruu} Ihe ,\ciiing und uricn "" " " " " " "n. '{ * * -I , .., ... , ,,..

Iiuii. Ihc Incmh*rh Lie\v kilnrt ruin*

various \neti"lentci* "ridiiniqueiecli nique* \viihiiiihc runi\.



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ducliun and PDF:-productinn work und 111eiii*elven^illilheieclinol, gy rimlni CTeaiion. filey are alto developin" bn

near fuiun:. . - .' I I. * ,'.


A festival of words



wr, ling in an enormous range or g"nres : short stories. romanc",

Rebecca Hannon

A full day or"Incrtainm"nt. fun now"15. biography anal aulobing and activilics - that is tile aimos. rapl, y. buslI ballads. srienc" fit PIiere at inc Brisbane wordl"51 lion and fantasy. Also cuter"d worksli"us was fittinn by y"ung adults. for rine Brisbane Wordresi work children. fur soaps. trimics. inc shops I*"re 11.1d at Girlq' Grammar slug" or stand-up cumcdv. A5 SchoolCniumunicaiiun\ C"nir". The PInng Investigative journal 1515 LIDikshops off"red inc marlinpai, is or Ih"q" amiin" in write for rock ascri"sorpr"1.55ionalwriling work- and y"uth cullure magazines silops. all run by successfully pub- tverc cater"d mr. Tl, ere tv"re also lish"d wriiers workshops to enrich your .,"rd Th"wordiest, vases tabiishedin power and 10 impro\e your 5101'v 1990. tilelnlemnlinnal VC"r of Lit- telling cmcy. to ccl"brat" the written and The tvorkshnps were ei!nor on re spykc" word. This activity aims to to two days in duration. dependin" d"VCInplheprofessi"nansm and pro on Ih" course; PCns, paper. muming miency of Queensland writers and and uricrnuon tens. lunches und an improve their comn, errial via binty infonmaiion package allprovid"d and opportunities for unipluynient The worl, shops were extremely in the Arts industry worthwhile. as they were both in The 1994 workshops included formative as we" us fun



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