Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994
Seho@I News
An experience of Global Edueation
Students involved in real scientific research
won awards in a*"d upon 111eii' re*earth srii. , re. ,"relii, 111eir"" *nil\*iuiielec- \111Uli, lis 11r ton Lull"11ci, * hiltli .I* Ien Ii\ed by Ih* classrooni *eiiiiig. in- SCIPLAN. Se;I \Vu, Irl. :lid AGEN. deed. in 1993 Jimiiibcr of snide:lis Pro^Ci* rilli"e Ir, till 11\PCI\*I, cii\ raising oilhe run, mirince ceiling, I-
ian Stuart
\11y presenicd .in enacimeni tit Ihe SI, CLIii"rkei. with Ihe in\OILenient nf
Rebecca Hannon
Sri"rice education has a nanie for b"ing siruclurcd and form"I. in
Earlicr Ihi\ ye, Ir Ih* year I I ECU- line \Iudeni*. ProrC\, nr A\hlev
\. ro c\, nr \ ey reality. the spirit or sci"nlilic ""- intoI\cuntiii"ridih. Ir, .hie\* ..* G"Id\\L, 1,111yinirruluccdihi*pre:*eiii. , dentnui. is more r"Iai, d to ridTen- describedb '11 ' . ' \ *' " lion by 111e \indcnis. fur". where curiosity andima"inn- .I I, rlinrv 1.1' 'I ' Mr. 0.1U\\,, nhy 1:11er initiviuceJ lion ar" the primnr^ runtivators
1,011 MILT. I*cult, e\;1111/11;111,111 .. Id. 1111-
nunii. * kindcni\ Trolli Bn*bane Girl*' CT"miniir SLIT. inI aliendcd the 1994 Ginh"I Educ. !!, n S*minar ,. r, "111. ed by Ih. A\\, Kiini, 111 1111cm"Ii. Innl* dc\
.ECU itn*11c*
E. R. P. i* *cli*Julc, 111r. ,1/31/'11i inc
ERP. us :11\0 '\\"Ik e\iteriene, " re"r. Includiiig it nil "rid 11.1id"\ 11/11,
Ihe \peti"I glicki - in Ierii"lion;11 b:\I
Tins is wily tile E\permitni"I Re- SearCl, Projectis SUclinn inTPOriant
,11he 111u\I \"111"hle 1.1nJ. .111u\tin, $1Ude:11< 10 pre Lie\v PI*\Ible cnreer
hilt\I pro!Cti\ \I"c h*Id. I\*rill, IC^ t, "I Jun, Jii1} 111.1id. I\\. will1,111*11 "
Findi"111\ cm SLicnc, \ ECUiiuinique\ ei *tiling auili, .r. Bryce Cn"rien:Iy Giniiii*r. I"IC\ A. I. E. S. E. C i\ "11 in Bry, . C, .uricn;Iy 11n\ " \L. eJlili or I'm. 111,111.11*reamiviiuii, 11'businc\* rind e\1,111, lit* in bu\inc*\. He I. "\ jilt CIUd, d \IN. Ik*r. \, 1.11 us W"yne GOL\. :IJ\, in\inn hamr. reliniigiu \\ rii, full Tit. \*11,111;IT \,;I\ 11.1d an inc Ciiy ;I bc\I*eller and hi\ in IC\I hit, k. April Hit!!,"I Ihc 26th ulJulv. Ir, inI'D0". 111. fullLp, !y. it b*in" d, .crib*d an 111* uiiii1,30n. in. The \111d*111\ironicirl<' best vet. B ite , R, ILL D, In 1.1~ .111J Drycc C, Iuri*nily Unit. Hi. 11n\ el. L^us. I\. I* .Lniii, Init. \111d*111*. Tlii\ *eniin. Ir in-
'11/11cc, .. 1:1d*cd. willc stud*ni\ 11:11e \131,111t;in: 11uiiib*I. relij"111 to b, Unit*
E. R P. " a *cli*jilt \\. lier*by rimii- ,,, rinrni, d. ind '11/1,11.1L, "11.1tdih*11 LTe;jiltc direci, r ur G*,, Is* Panic, rin \"I'd allid capable \ e"r\ 10 in 12 \1:1- curver prel', Nike in " rc*rill 111 111, i,
1111/1* Sepicnih*I hind. I\*
O":*I'lldi"g pnu, ci\ \\ill b, .,-
dents p"nitip;11. in .cicniific ICL, arcli
DJriicip. 11i":I. Thc nitptrluiiil\ ill\" .11- IC, !ed I'., r c"Ir\ 1111, ~Licii, , Lniit, *IF
Under 111* sureni"rin nipr, .11,111g \ci- in\ \ \111d, 111* to 111"k, c*nuti willI
11.11* *lit h .:* inc B. H. P .\\\. lad*. I 11.
enlist* un J \t'jut rinse Orcn*inc*ling. billingic;11 und nieJi, "I litld\. Tileir
Null!* who inJ> \\, 11 lielp nitiiiin 111e SLie:"c F. ICUli\' it *I*u *\;iruiniiig 111t 3.1iiiCdUn-SL, Ing \ Jcn!1.11ei"ploynieni Ihc b. I\I* "I 1111ui, .Indc:11/11, ,p, nutni rumr, . F. ,r e\;Imple. ., 11c \111d*111 h, \ p, **Ibiliiy 111.1i *uCl, pro^C!* culll" b,
best yet. Byite Ci. uriciiny is .1150 a re\e"rch it real r"Ih, rill"11 hilliul"I'd
Chillim"r and I'antiu\ uiher Bri. balle \. hulll\ an\*ciiiblcdin Ihe I'min "udiin-
\Uuslii-aller 1110/1\'ajiun. 11 \re. k, r
and dui'ing lineirin\ ul\'eni, ni \111"eiii\ in 111e labL. r. 11.1rv in \\. hicli sitc \v"\
"**ismii*"I\ \\'111.1i \tnnl, b* 4111. ;I\- pJci '11/11, a*\CF*ni, n! PI, ,nini it, spini '11/1c pro^Ci 1< IhJi or
Mr C. "tien"y \"ke un Ihe tripic 1111cr"ci \viih tieniinc 1/1'10r\. pmc- F1",, d. num anti were \VCIcunied by tire:111i~ "IDnre Your G*niu<. He LPDke of Ihe 11\e aciual l"bolai, ry pi, certur*.. fir"p
1093 *J\v I\v*niy \tar I I ;111u1 12
Ing cuminiiie, Prt\Ideni. Kerry-Amie jujure alld 1,110 wing drean, s. in Ih*r
owing rcan, s. in I CF pie wiih the Iheorc!ICJl bn\i\ It I 111.1i' 51udeiil* piaL eU in \ rin, u\ I 'inn . ^ I . . I . '* ' ' . . ' .. 11nn colllurmiiig to 111e e\petitd. Lire Innic and. finally. \unie " .cieniitic genreliin\!11uii, 115 Tii, I .db. F1 ' ' ' "' ' i* 1110re Innnjusi wariiing dcgret< alld rcpnn to cuminunica!* Ihcir e\perl- halli SIudeiii* :ind \u rv'.' = . - . ' 1,150t nionev. - . in ' -' , In, 1110 *clericc "nullic inienii, ills i,
Tanylur. who ih*limit, diiced lhc kin*- Ier of Cer*1110ni*\. Tmcy Spirei The fir\I *panker 111r 111e day war wayiie Gust. L. L. B. . M. LA. . Premier orQue, n\land. Mr. Go, 5500ke orA*in and hayund - Queerslai:d'* global Iu. lure - and 101d the *Iudeii!s 1101 to be
encc* and findin. < to nib*r ,Iudeiiis
lisi\ was \ ery Do\ill\.. Duniig 199-1. ,\1.11d Ihe Drugin", inIu nest yenr. Ihc prosnii"hasheene\itridedio ncarly All rippc"I I\ innd* 10 scientific filly 51ude"is of \. ar* 11 alld 12 111,111ber. nt 111e *chuol fulliily The Surervisors railse ironiprofes*, r\ Innj. niy. ,f*I"demi* cliuse"restiences to nicdical dormr* in Jn *qu"11y Im- ;1<1h*ITniaj"Titre:Innnieresi. Nihongli pressive rollse01"cademicin, lituiiun. Ih, \choul tv;I\ ablc to place nearly Th. se Include Ihe Uni\ersii\, uf Ihiriy *Iudeni*in limb field. Inure open-
He \poke or life 510ries and e\pee- 111eir ICacliers and suite rutsing tien milon*. ' i'slS
Lire is about lite way you see yourself. 11< about ihe power in you
Thus. Ih, Inniiipurpyse DIE. RF. 15 10 capiure 51udeiiiimnginaiinn. The e\- p, hellce so fartsihai sucliinvulvemenl
"gloomy or pes, jinkiic. bui 10 rccog- Life's notabouthavin"1111ngs. ii'sriboui
n, ze Queen dand and Austinlia Is in a
doing Ihings. Life is aJoumey; il's nol allhe leadin" edge of cuntnl scieniihc Mr. Courien"y spoke o111is child- and pro\. ides an environiiicni whicli hood. CSpecinlly o11he innuence of ills encourages 111.1r creaiiviiy
prime pn\111nn to capaialize. .. 700 a desiinaiinn ~
Testarelifii" 51udeniinieit*Iin science Queensl"rid. Grimili Universiiv. ings would be anpreciai*d 10r 1995 Enqiiirie. and tintr$ call he direciedio 1.11 Sinnri in 111e SLiciic* F, cullv allh, Qucensland University of itcli"o10gy. Queensland IngiiiL:IC or Medical Re Recognition of the support of the Westpac bank A second heneh! or E. R. P. i< 111, scareli. as well us privnie research ill- 5,110nl
mallul""unng flunk arc SIIcccdi"gill busine, * in Ihe rt. ,\*iun. This is be-
ca"\. Iheyliad Ihc will:Ind delenninn- Grandlailier
lion. and skillto compele and succeed
"My Grindpa used to telline 111.1 ii I wariied 10 he coine a good auihor my sinnes n"ded two Ihin"s .. all 510 Ties. to be guml. need a bclly full o1 laughs. and a buck, irullofie"rs. And inni i* wli"I I used wheii \vriiing Ih,
in As, "
Mr Coss Ihen inladuced the sec- und speaker. RDSS Daniel. . B. A. . B
Roqs Daniels. Pretideni of Am-
ne\Iy InIem"lional. spoke ribn"I 11u- EQVe^-" rimn rigli:, a* alli"diLidual\r"ponsi- Mr Conriei, "y challenged Ihe au biliiy. Mr. D;in leib urico\'ered $0nie of thence. He said. "we needioconieiace 111e myIhs or human rights. and howlo 10 face with Ihe realities of our planeiif deal wiih sueli issues us disctimina- Ihere is any IIOPe for cliaiigc. .. Huinnn lion. Mr. DanielsluldUie audienceihal righis violations happen hencuse pen over 200 million cliildren are unem- pie like you and I don'I do enougli. " ployed. underpaid or are involved in Air Courtenay capiivaied and iru child labour. tle also 101d us Ihai rip- pressed Ihe $1udenis with hi, rid\, ice for provim. liely 780 rinllinn penplc are Ihejujure. "You can'15ucceed will10ni undemourished. andmnnynfus dunoi failure. . in lire. you're Huin" to rail how how we can help. you're going in make misiake> " This Bullies1.1edhi\ care plannlywlien did 1101 sound depr* , J. ~* $ .* It\ *, ., t f * \*\ .\ '. 41;^.* ^ , \I ; r*; J * ** ^; t . I ; ** Chairman of Ihe Board of Trustees. Dr Macee Grassie. and Head Girls. ISObel ADyston and Angela WITSon. I'llh Wespac representatives. Peter Wagner and Kern, Flint. I\11 " Girl* Gr"11,111"r 1.1 lureiiii. \, lint 111r runny 5.1"1.11 ;In" .juju, * gr. .!ip\. h I\ ;11.11 pui 1.1 Angela VJilson we*ip. it 11n* Jin"I'd " 1.11.11 o1 On Triesday 26 April. " V. I. P. $25 0011 in 111* R"*I, Rillun "lid nilild- 11\c us " c. I\11.1 ,IJ\~r*unj ;111, "ul'- niOrniiiglea \,"511eldi" eoniine"In- Ing APPCJl, ,\crlh*1.1\in\ c } *. 1,111,111 lit, " 111r 11N Grilliiiii. 11 G. IAIlc ranic line latest in a heric* orgy^n"r- ing". Till\ 11:1\ dull. iru in n\ * .inn ". 11 Ti\, I I, .Ir *I"hi ,!.:..*. 11.1\, it uusd"naniiun*Innd"by 111" Whipnt 111.1"lintiii\ ., 135 mill ,., tii L"11/1\ 1111J, ,1.11. ,11 J ~,*i. 11 .I, \\~ Bank to 111" Scli""I \\',*Init IIJ. hitn jilt h"111.11. ,, L"IT IL"1.1riinii 1.11 111, Ajii. "., n nil"- Pre\, 111 :11 Ih, '11/1mi". it" \\. rc h. .' Gill. ' Gr;!11/11/'11 *iru, 111, Scli. ", I' ~ 1.1r*\I. An, r. 111.1i"Ingili* "Alit. 1/11. 111e Printip. 11. Nil \ 11.11L, ,LL. Di' Inc. pii. 11 in I*75. Tlii\ In*111"11.1n 11.1\ 111. :11 ':\, u!11 Suniinii" 111, \111d. ' I* A1JLi"c CT. ,*. It. inc C!1:11rni. in ItIh" ,cii*iru. I\ pi, ,Lid*d 11n"liti. 11 *11nj*tri 1.1"nitU" 11, *, h. ". 11.1 litj*111. n 111, Bu:iru 1.1' Tni. .ice*. lit 1.1*,. I girl*. 1.1 111.1n\ ill 111, .1.11\ 111c*,. I 111* S, him I ;I'M, n, .* ., linti, ,*. I~ in it 11.11 I\. Ithl R, ,,\I, .11 alld An 3.1. : \\11,111. \lith it\ jilt' pi!rLli. it ,, I '11/11pj:1.1\ Ih, > 11.1d It. 11n*, Tli. ' \\',*ip. IL .111J I\q. , \\. Lip. 1.1. pro. C"!Jilt *\. Mr In ,c. .. gill", n .., 1111\ .*11,111"c, nil. ni\ \\ *r* runi, " illi, , , c. ,1,111,111 PCI, r \\*girl ;111d Air 11, in F1ini \unjh, F1. I\'. U 11", 111\ 111 ill. 11, \111 relUi^ ,11*F1. I\ ul n, *ich. 111.1bi1*\. 11 ;!11. - 11 \\ "\ hlr \\';IFn, r'\ 1.1\I ., inLiJi hi. 11cd .ind c \,. lid, J libr, 11\ \Ick ., in - 111,111,11 d1, '11/1. ,. 111u*it. 111d J *it lullLii, .n it. jin cii:PI. I\ c* 111\\'... init .I'll\ 11,111, ed 111e \\'**:p. IC R*.!. in:: ci"11\ d. *i, .11, .I'm^1,111*I In. r. inI Bulll; "*mr. hi* r*lireiii, "I Mr R~link \\hen inc Iudiili A. H:111c, ILL Sun, un It, ,111 in hilluii, ,n\ 11L, \V. ISIier. Miltili"* " d"ughi*r 111 y, .IT Cniniiiunic. 1:1. tii* Centr, \\"* It Nil*d \\c\ip"c "11.1bic Ih, Scli. ,,'11/1 ni- '13/11. \*;I\ t's*r 111.1i hi\ chiny-hi\ ill July. 1992 \jut Up, ,-d. I* 1.1^^1111, \ 1.1rii\ \111 ye"r caretr \\. 1111 \VC*ip"c \hnuld tin- filet rerun* mownr, *1.11C. !\ " ". pu - d*111\ Hannon. (Year 111 Pages GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 31994
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