Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994

School- News

Constitutional Convention - a vote for the future Claire Valkhofj ringahi\, d Ihe candidale<. Org:lita- & Natasha Stiriing VC"I 11 51ud*ni* Michelle Hnr\ey On the 21st of July. Bitsbaiie Ale- I. . s ' : ' ' - . 1< a

Fashion, eostume and fantasy

Franki Richardson

Thi\ yeJi uut oI Ihe ni, 51 slit ce*\till e\*"1< o11 Ih, SLh, o1 cal eiidnr 11ns b*. 11 Ih, YCJi' TV'*I\ e Fnshinn Par;Idc. Exp, nly organ. Breip, h1.111e F"\hiuii Fur""c tvn\ heldiiiih, 5.11u, landiiuri"111.1n tilt 14/11 and 15th ,I Iun, and raised ,\ er $4500 011,0111i. 1110 '11/11/10ri"111 1.1 lure\ o1'1hi\ e\iru\"""111.1i\111"I \,. niiiiiy 1.11hc VC"r I\\, 11'* eruup CC\\ ,, I 111* c\ *"I. mall} ill decid^ Dni'n*y .I\ back*1.3e 111, n"ger. d"all willI



I'"promni"lit" for Ih" Q"""rigland N;limiti 51,111ng aliende, inc con




tilt, -{




~,~, t

c InICc\ ;incl tnn\Idcriiig \INecli, \ de. '11/1,11,111\ jind r, \pull\Ibiliii. .. ", ling :inU Cl"Ir. V, Ikj 11 ~ iruP n 1.11 in lit pr. ,_



lie Bill, 11 Riglii\. F"Lli ,IT inc 1.11r 11rn, ,IAu\I'lli"11, .d*d" BillorR 21 h

\ind, ni\ \, h, I panicip, led 91/11ed a Sitni W"ISOn \\'"\ jilt I d



I'll \y\it niliigii\. nim*111. This In, jin- filly 1110"\"lid VC"r\ willI lineir uw

Sarah Peel. Bennda Watson and Chire Brownsworth model

Cnr"lint ETCipnliln\ M. C. All "in*

n"IT F, lurid"11. ,11. ,wiied A. iruc ciii, *nthi inI lie* a


kli 0,11c * coniinu*"* SLIPpuri \indent b, J\ \\an Iypili, d hv ills Unuriii, u\ tnnirih"11.11 in 111e \11c ce*s oilhi\ UV, ni. nilerin" turnp, ,I mudellcd .;litred fur nil *I\IC* "rid I"hit\. Shop* 511. h us Snow Bit look Iheir PI"c, ai, 113*ide Pitrucci. T" foie Eighi nild Brid"\ and L"ce Cl. ir, Brown


u young PCOple on 1.01iiic, 11\sues. The idea Ihai in dineiious o re




in\ Cumiiiuiioii and Fedemiion. fomniforsiud*nidi*cu\*ion andhel d

tirecially Mi


IU\I I. ,r 1:1ric!\ Cii\ Cn\lullie 111r, 1.1. ,\Id*u till in I\ 1.1"gills 11,111


Bird rind it gurill,

Tile ATi DenJriiiicni "I\. nil Iuic, I \\'1111 \IUU, nth 1110d*ill"g Ih, Ir ,".'11 it\1:1c d**i, "\ Tinc\* c\ Ile"1.1y miltiful "lid .\!in\ ",."I ci't"lion\ drc\, all enihu*i. I*lit it *p, n\e iruiii line "udi. rice "E\. eiyihing Iv",. \, proi',\

Rebecca Hannon &

Drug use decrea. e* your "w"re

Claire Valkhoff ne\*. incre, ,e*yourvulnerabiliiy. Y, u

peer\. milliiy and friends :111, "v,

Emma RDSs and ISObel Royston dressed by T W

Police Force cam. to Girl. ' Groinmar 511nwed lite 51udeiiis a salnple of man

gind, Iwel\. e* ill " dirt, re"I 1:3hi.

The sweet smell of success

Dry"in\:111.1i. Ih, c, -. rdinaiur from Ihe

Paul Bennett

as riboriion. sewaliiy. abuse and drugs. was an individual's POWei to sa rin.

like 10 coinplcie a \,, ek of w, rk CAN fitr Deniiis Mann\\e. Ih, 11usi c"

Their i'sl: \,\ in d*\clop a rimre

deposiiion at LLiggag, PCIni

coniiecied wiih drug use. safely Ihreaieiied. it's like Inc T'sliiri

leeii"g" girl*. h \,."* ino511y an ;111 rimle

"A1 firsi glance ithe i'sk ap, enred

111rough Ihe Drug Mist"\c ACi. nil, n siCnis nom seijin" tit;Irper. on al

Council. Tcani. of 11\ e \',, r 11 Flu

e\PI"ciic, \\'"\ ."lull, w it v. I\, t:Ie or

ICpi on irisL. " L. lid A1*\.

C, n\I"bit Rolle e\plain*d in Ihe ., 11,112 drugs. jilt h*\ILLn} tollelpili"!

D, Lc"c\. All\, Kcr. it. ,11. A1, \

Ih, h=nthi\ ,I runt 111"11.14'rutnl .ind

Ilit Srii, ,I 1.1u", 111* prt, "1111. .. I

"\\ * LLC, * juju 111.1 bv FriJJ>, I\ *

re\uliiiigc*. 1.11reli. Ibiiii;1/1/'11prugi;InI\. 111.1\, 11.11Lingiiiinil*, rinlic. ."Id, 111. r^ On*, 11hciit:unr tnnccin\ C, in\1:1- All norir\ : 0110

bit Rnlf* puini. d .,"I to 111* .Iud, ni*

Kith litlp Line I Soil, 173 link

F1C\Cni. 111.1:I lit ni. nib. r. .11' 111, h. , ~I

1,113.1.1*.. 1.11J ith, 11 *kill\ nilJ it. .11N

I. willI, 11\ 1,111"I, '111.

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