Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994

Editorial-- Coin:merit

Letter to




individuality Strikes

Ag:11n. alla\I. it * F"\111,111im, Tile P. 1.1d* I\ in Ihc .11, And allihei"Ik ", I"cl, Ihc\I'm nappily piJiiiiiii. 10 \\e"r Bui bathi'e 111L^in. eskinii was F"\11/11" Alld tickeis weren 'I eLeii o11 h"rid Cluilics \v, re Ihe d, minani p. itsi, 11 YearTwel\e\ \VCr*inlaidng a \I"rid Cried 5,111e. "We are leg"11y artuli! And unitonns slimply \Loll'I do: To our digniiyihey are anim*ul! And make us look school"1/1/'11 10n!" "we're 11,100 grownup for resincLinn Our self-hood and prid* it dellieaiis: Away wiih all sclioolcloihes resinciinn - Wed nther wear nannies andjenns. " And so tiley proclaimed tileii' n. IL. siniu\- Officialdom sanc!1011cd Iheii' bids kill0 011,110\\. dare to bel, IC us We'll dress like up-markci sireci kid\ Th, Lone Haranguer

un an un. 11*"cling Fi, ,,,,"' I''j'F Andiius *o t'syi. mrs. I. in bieri pirit keeps the



innmaleencounier. Killerandkijj, d ' e y UpayiiSs are o1 . en prey colic cynics who

c h I c ^s^O 2-0 0 a. .-v\

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in\I us Ih, re aciiun\ Indic:11c 111c \Iudcni. ' rec, grillioii, ICHIiini"r' \ up portuniiie*. tiletl:nullew"rd\ <1ud*111\ Ibrih*ir \kill by. itw"rdi:Igpock, I. . 11i* Ibis inuiu;11re*reciiliaicr, "re

Prefects - What for?

Thc debate over wheiher \cliool* \houldli"ve a prefeci body I* rini one Ihaian, es verynheii. But WITeiiiid, *\. " prodLices strung "rid wide-rungin"

1101ied. buirailier. iii* 111e pref*CIS' loft. Ihni needs den:Iiii. ". ni. ^., I, ora pre foci body \ho"Id n, \er be \innna"I. foul \huuld e\o11c \viihih, tnniigiiigiieed. or 111e Scliool The irudiiinn"I view or

Mr and Mrs Hancock' s long distance Getsbrati'on

Letters to the Editor and other contributions

differeiicc\ of up inilln

Girl\' Groinin"I ha\ had " prefer I 111* preferI us a "bully" i\ uLiidai*d h i\

\y\I'm killce 1916. 0\I'm*ihlyio pro

11nie. rin\\. to dcfin, how best Ihe ren -

duct a group of \IUUcni\ who wnuld Ice\ urn prefcci bady can b, . uiili\, d

"ccepi 111e r*\"usibiiiii"\ or Ie;Id*r- \hip tillh* school. Indeed. Ihe \vurdi"g uf Ihe pfcTeci*' pledge calls for " prt-

in addiiinn. 11:1prefeci*y\Iem pm^ duce\ c\eii 1111ny ,Iudeni\ willlitad, ,

chip quailiie* in Ore"ni\e and Unify a Wheiher 111i, inv, I\enie", is illspircd foci 10 'tonsci, :1110u\Iy honour Ihe group tit neople WCCe, 51ully. " it a by a reuiiioii. or simply inc incl inn! tnnul. up1101dii* spini. Indiii, lib and Con*irucii\ e \y*teniaiid d, ,er\,*10 h! liteyare now SEndingiheirown d"us11 11igh \landardq", in din "encourage o1h- encouraged 11 could be saidiliaiihisis Ier* 10 Grami""r. all agr*e 111.1ihi\ is 10 lake prtdc in uur >clinol". In a fomi of eliiism and. innieirue sense ei\ a wonderful OPPorlunily 10 calcli lip real Ierin, . however. this is some\vhai Or Ihe word. it is. However. Ihis 15 11.1 willI friends and r*nitmher Iheir hi"11 vague as an objeciive Ihai a pr, foci necessarily a bad thing school years body can seijiself to achieve within a The musi positive outcome 111.1 Thecreaiion cribe Friends orcirl> year. Anditisimponantio askwhajdo could arise from recugnisin" Ihe Groin prefecl* achieve? achievements and desirable qualities of Ih d I f " The popular viewis that prefecis among a group of higlily capable gin- cation cation Ihai people f"I Inwards Ihis coils"Iul* a viial part of Ihe erucieni dents is Ihal Ihis would inspire and school and sinooUi running of Ihe School. moilvaie o1her sindenis 10 developilie How could anyone doubt 111e Their nthcial duiies and funciions are same qualities. Tradiiion and hniiuur sirensih of loyalIy Ihairs hasiuwed on fundamenlal to Ihe School's organisa- are. quite rinlumlly. pan of 111e allmc- B. G. G. S. ?Everincreasin"nuntlrersof non Ensuring that unifomis are worn non of being a prefect irisihedesirein peopleare be cowing involved with Ihe correctly. monitoring the appearance be seen as someihing special. home- school. and we can only guest what!11c and cleanliness oilhe Schoolgrounds. nung "more". his to be noned Ih, I. In future h to . \V' h '- 5Upervising contei behaviour among des, ring this. a 51udeni will belnspired iansin" Ih h Ihe students' and selling a positive ex. 10 become someihing more. Cmnnnar. Ih c ' ample for Ihe resiofihe Scliooj-Ihese The deba!e aboul prefects 15 noi a school '11 ' are all seen us jinjrormnt dull. s of a question of housekeeping and dune*. 11 All we ed I d ' prefecl. However. it could be argued 15 nol" queslion of runeiiun. it is riboui dents arc encoumged to do tileir best Ihai Ihe House sysiem could very eas. leadership. Bui the denniiinn of lead- and congmiulaied fortheir efforts ily absorb Ihese duties. ribviaiing Ihe erghip in the School context is ever As Ihe eve of the aihleiics nears need for prefecis at all. it Ihe only cli"riging. What inigli! be an errec!ive we need 11 e s h I d I conlnbulion to Ihe School tnni a pre- system now. may rinibe so in Ien years Once Ih'. focimnkes is housekeeping and colic. lime. Allwe can hope fortsio develop jujure d s '11 be * ing. wliy have them? a project body that is highly ridapmble ith " seems that it is rini Ihe value of rindsensiiive to Uieiieeds oilhe School having pierceis Ihat should be ques- nthis. rifler all. \un"11hey are Ihere for. Allson Meek^^ . Year if

Th**e kilnuld b* \ubi:tilled 10 Kn*line COOLL Libra, Pits3i 1300 ^

An'eies and leiiers- on coinpuier disc PIioios- with name and contact I:risiine Cooke Ph: 831 1300 Fat: 832 1483

Editorial Cornmittee

Ediiors: Sub-milors/ Sport. Sub^Milors/ Arts: Sub-Ediiors!realures Sub-Ediiors/School News Uluslmlor Staff Cullsuli"nis:

Kale Eltham and An"el" \Vilsoii 1111i"" Large and A1ison Li!lie Sopli, e Binckleb"nk alld BClinda Waison Franki Richard, on Benie Hellen and Emma Walkins Mirinda Young* Paul Benneii and Kri'51i"e Cooke

Brisbane Girls' Groinmar School, BCGS! exiends us thanksio adve, lisers for their guppyri. The adveriisemeiiis "re published in 800.1 milli anrid on 111e undersinndi, is Ih"I 111e conienis are Ie"iiimaie and lawful. BCGS dues rini waitJni Ihe quality of Ihe goods and services offered by Jdv*rusers and encoumges readcr, to niakc 111eir own enquiries us to Ih, suiiabiliiy of 111e goods and scrv, ces.

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